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Search results

  1. Jimmy Dale

    surface film

    I agree with all those who have recommended the skim 350. Yes you need to address the cause of your film but in truth, we all get it form time to time, I've even seen it in the immaculate displays at The Green Machine once or twice so it does happen to the best of us. I did use the skim 350 for...
  2. Jimmy Dale

    Water butts

    Seconded Chris, Thanks all for your very detailed replies. Likewise, much of the chemistry is beyond me but a good solution for me has put forward - to cut my rainwater with tap water to achieve my desired pH - Thanks Mark. I will experiment with ratios until I have the quantities figured...
  3. Jimmy Dale

    Water butts

    Hi all, I have just purchased a water butt which collects run off from our roof via a downspout. I plan to add RO right and waterlife 6.5 buffer to reconstitute and use this in my tank. (I will have to buy RO from a local shop when there is insufficient rain water). Is there anything I need...
  4. Jimmy Dale

    New Tank With ADA Amazonia Aquasoil

    Cool cheers tom.
  5. Jimmy Dale

    New Tank With ADA Amazonia Aquasoil

    I'd much rather use tap water as it will save me a lot of money and trips to the aquarium store with a big vat of water. should I still use a 6.5 buffer with the tap water? or just tap water? I've heard that Amazonia will buffer water to around 6.8 but I wasn't sure if that would still be the...
  6. Jimmy Dale

    New Tank With ADA Amazonia Aquasoil

    I am planning a 'high tech' 50l planted tank for dwarf puffers Carinotetraodon travancoricus and otocinclus. I will be using ADA Aquasoil Amazonia substrate. I want the pH close to 6.5. To achieve this I will be using RO water with RO right and waterlife 6.5 buffer. According to the article I...