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  1. E

    Comp_Nov09: Riccia Rockery - NEW PHOTO

    Very nice. A rock pool in your imagination. I like it a lot.
  2. E

    Comp_Nov09: Pico Paradise

    neat and natural
  3. E

    Comp_Nov09: Mossy Stream II

    Great video. I enjoyed. Nice pico. A different take again.
  4. E

    Comp_Nov09: When you wish upon a star

    You've put a whole different take on the pico project. Your ideas are very refreshing...I love them both :D
  5. E

    Comp_Nov09: Fern Vale

    that is very nice. small is beautiful. all these picos are delightful.
  6. E

    Comp_Nov09: The Elle

    Simple yet effective. Even the wallpaper backdrop looks part of it. It looks really lovely
  7. E

    Comp_Nov09: Sticks and Stones

    lovely,lovely,lovely. & cute too
  8. E

    65L iwagumi , new lay-out

    Your aquarium looks lovely. The rocks look very dramatic and I've taken note of your moss stones & I'm going to give that a try. Keep it posted on how it develops.
  9. E

    36cm nano

    Are the fish celestial danio or galaxy rasbora?
  10. E

    New Scape (critique needed) PICS

    I think you know where you're going with it now. Just keep lookin for natural rhythms in the rock and wood. Go with your instincts, it's lookin good. You'll be amazed how different it will look when you add the water and the plants, it transforms into a magical, mystery tour :D Keep us posted
  11. E

    New Scape (critique needed) PICS

    You've got some nice pieces of wood and all the correct substrate to give plants a really good start. Try the wood coming from one direction (left or right) and same with rocks - big to small and then add some intermediate sizes to break up the transition of rocks to pebbles, gravels to sands...
  12. E

    The Green Machine - New display tank pics as requested

    Whatever!!...good pic...good work Ewan
  13. E

    The Green Machine - New display tank pics as requested

    The scaping is looking good Jimmy. It'll be nice watching it mature and seeing what the plant growth from the ADA products will do. Also I like the diffuser ~ looks very futuristic. See you Saturday x