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  1. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Indeed, yes, Tyro, but as ever not on the same scale as you! Thursday before last I introduced six otocinclus (affinis, I think :? ) hereinafter known as the Clean-up Crew (originality never was my strong point) and six Amano shrimp, these Japanese now known as the Brothers Kamikaze. I was...
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    African Cichlid Planted Tank

    Xavi, This has come on beautifully. I really like the way you have used the walls of the tank to place plants -it gives more depth to the display. Could I suggest that you make a background of some kind to prevent the distraction of the windows, etc? Maybe a frosted film, which would still...
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    Aquascaping for dummies

    Forgive me, fellow Forummers, for I have sinned. It is 26 days since my last post. I have been immersed in matters totally divorced from this serious interest - ephemera :thumbdown: . But time does not stand still, and things have moved on. Firstly, some acknowledgements and thanks: How...
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    Swamp Creek - 2 years on updated June 2012

    Re: Swamp Creek - established 20/04/2010 OK. Thanks for that. I admire your confidence in introducing the fish with that drop checker reading :shock: :wink: .
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    Swamp Creek - 2 years on updated June 2012

    Re: Swamp Creek - established 20/04/2010 Just catching up with your journal, Tyro, and it makes for interesting reading. Picking up on this quote, and given that you are about to add fish (lovely choice, btw), are you not a little nervous about the CO2 levels...? You were kind enough to post...
  6. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Rather later than expected, some evidence of further planting activity, as mentioned above. This remains very much work in progress, as I'm still waiting for the rest of my foreground plants, which are likely to be mainly HC. I'm pleased with the ability to fill in the left side somewhat...
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    Swamp Creek - 2 years on updated June 2012

    Re: Swamp Creek - established 20/04/2010 I've obviously been more patient than you in planting - or is that just slower? :) It's a lovely design and certainly achieves your aim of the 'rotted trunk' look. Because you're that much further on in the process, I haven't yet been hit by your...
  8. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Thanks, LD, appreciate your comments. You're not the first to say that the rocks a rather low, certainly in the foreground, and I'm conscious that I may lose them if the nearby plants take off. Careful pruning will be needed, as you say. Another visit to Living Waters yesterday yielded some...
  9. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Saturday dawned overcast and cold but, nothing daunted, I girded up my loins and set off to collect my plants, ready to finally set up my tank. The thirty miles to beautiful downtown Croydon passed in moments as I took in a couple of podcasts from BBC's History of the World in a Hundred Objects...
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    Aquascaping for dummies

    LD, Thanks. The order has been placed. As we speak, minions in places far off are scouring the waters for suitable flora to send winging their way to good ole Blighty. Either that, or someone's just nipped out the back to see if anything's still alive... :shifty: I keep telling myself that...
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    Aquascaping for dummies

    Well, I could blame the Icelanders who, not content with unleashing on us that well-known weapon of mass destruction, Bjork, then chose to chuck all their second-best volcanic ash over the garden fence, to the mild annoyance of one or two holiday makers. But not me, instead I opted for a spot...
  12. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Fine, thank you, Tyrophagus. That name's a mite interesting... :wink: A missive received today from distant Taiwan tells me that another regulator is winging its way westwards as I write. Good news! I aim to publish some photos from the weekend tomorrow, and in the mean time wish you well...
  13. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Anxious to demonstrate that my Post a Reply page is fitted with a 'Receive' button as well as the 'Transmit' facility, I have been busy re-scaping. The box of rocks has actually gained weight, while the Aquasoil has been further depleted. I've got about enough for a pico now... This is where...
  14. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Stu, Thanks so much for your explanation and the photos. Of course, I had swallowed your LlÅ·n Peninsula journal before and it's so helpful to be reminded of it. Your rocks (which are lovely, by the way, - where do they come from?) hit the rule of thirds intersections much more accurately...
  15. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Steve, Thank you very much. Very interesting to view your creation and to compare. I have also piled up the kitty-litter higher on the right hand side, hence my comments about trying to construct 'walling' with the stones at the forefront to hold it in place. It's not easy to judge whether...
  16. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Thanks for your kind comments. Andyh, nelson, I hope I understand what you're saying about losing the rocks when planted, that is that the stones are too low...? But what do you mean by a full frontal? Should I post an eye-level shot? I'm just wondering what the existing posted photos...
  17. M

    nelson's nano 2.......rescaped.

    Re: nelson's nano 2 Really like the last one, Admiral. It has a lovely feeling of depth and of the eye being drawn through from front to back. Definitely prefer it to the earlier ones - I kept on looking for the HOLLYWOOD sign! :) Looking forward to the planting plan.
  18. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Another day, another chocolate overdose! :sick: Convinced myself that battering 100 balls into the middle distance at the driving range constituted somthing close to exercise, and so I'm feeling fairly self-righteous now. Especially after taking my non-functioning LED straight back to the...
  19. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Becca, I think we could be kindred spirits - love the 'pinky' by the way. :wink: Very kind, George, and for goodness sake, stick around! I'm sure I'll be crying out for help before very long... Saintly, thanks for this advice. I think I know what you're getting at. I will experiment with...
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    The Deep 130 litre

    Wow! Alan, you certainly don't hang about, do you? I'd probably still be umming and ahhing about whether the tank was too far from the plug socket! :roll: I really like the planting and the way you've turned the height into an opportunity for more imaginative greenery. Looking forward to...
  21. M

    60x45x45 Optiwhite

    You've obviously touched on a topic of some interest here, Garuf. Given that Seiryu and petrified wood stones raise hardness as much as they do, I am curious to know/learn to what extent Amazonia and Amazonia II (or any other similar substrate for that matter) counter that increase. :geek...
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    My favourite fish tank I ever made,,,

    Welcome, Mike. Really lively looking tank with lots of great textures. Interesting fish stock, as well. It all looks very healthy.
  23. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    A joyous Easter to one and all. Idle hands lead to mischief and I wanted to utilize the unaccustomed free time, so out with the TGM 'frosty' film. I had initially ordered a tank with frosted glass in the back pane, but Graeme had suggested that the more cack-handed among us might scratch the...
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    My first attempt at a planted tank

    I can relate absolutely to the feeling of being drawn in by the fantastic information and advice available on this forum, Darrin. You have my admiration because you're obviously a driven man. Just take care that you're not driven out of the house by the wife - maybe increase the valium dosing...
  25. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Saintly wrote: Does that mean I can take the rest back for a refund? :D But you're right, and it's a useful reminder of the spirit of Iwagumi, and reinforced by George's kind link to the Aquajournal site. I had seen that article before, George, (I do tend to read things to death :geek: )...
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    4 foot, 160 ltr absolute beginner- here goes

    Etherelda, Looks as though you're having a busy Easter! You're very brave taking on a delivery like that. How many plants were there, and how many did you like? I particularly like the wood shapes in the right hand corner. Take it easy with the vino...
  27. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    George, Tel, Fishfodder - thanks for taking a look. Please come back... :wink: So yesterday I took out the box of Seriyu stone I bought last weekend to inspect it properly. Graeme had told me that TGM were out of stock and weren't getting any more in for quite few weeks. I'm sure their's...
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    Aquascaping for dummies

    Not wishing to dwell on the negatives :wink: I wanted to share my delight with the arrival of the apple of my eyes. No, I haven't tried fatherhood again, but my long-awaited tank was delivered on Wednesday. It is an OptiWhite 10mm glass 80 x 45 x 45 cm open topped tank, on some of Aquariums...
  29. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    Firstly, many thanks for your comments, especially from guys whose journals I have devoured over the past few months. But I'm not a happy bunny, more's the pity as we're approaching Easter! My Azoo regulator arrived in the post, which was great until I opened it. :shock: The box had...
  30. M

    Aquascaping for dummies

    How can you presume to start a journal when you haven't even got a tank yet?! This is a question I have been kicking around for quite a few days now, and thankfully have been too busy before to do anything about it. But now I've got an hour or so on my hands, and look what happens... I start...
  31. M

    George's 120cm - Nature's Reflection v2

    Congratulations, George, and thanks for the excellent photos. Do I detect the angels are regarded as being a little old-school or a bit of a cliché? Personally, I think those Koi angels are beautifully coloured and very graceful. On a technical point, as one about to buy a luminaire with...
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    Andyh's 60L kitchen tank

    Andy, Thanks for your thoughts. I'm going to attempt to justify my existence at some length in the New Joiners' topic, and ask all sorts of idiotic questions there. Your opinion does seem to bear out an impression being formed in my mind, though, that 'keeping it simple' is not a bad start...
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    Andyh's 60L kitchen tank

    Andy, As a total beginner and lurker who has read your journal with fascination, could I ask if in hindsight you would alter your lighting configuration, in terms of its number and power of tubes? I ask because in looking to research a set-up for myself the lighting can represent a major...