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  1. d_scherrer

    Hoping for some help, pulling my hair out.

    Daniel, It wasn't the first choice to remove the phosphate and add it. I need to stop using the potassium phosphate and use more potassium sulfate, unless this is not a good idea for a reason I have yet to know about. I presume the issue with phosphates has been there since day one, but I...
  2. d_scherrer

    Hoping for some help, pulling my hair out.

    Well, for now the algae seems to be recinding with the addition of more AE's and a PH level that has finally stabilized. I have removed the amonia scrubbers but I have added phosphate remover, the plants are doing a little better, but it has not been long enough for the phos-x to really work...
  3. d_scherrer

    Hoping for some help, pulling my hair out.

    Well, the thought here is that the filter over time does not produce constant strong flow. I have also read in many places that you should shoot for 10x capacity of the tank for flow, working out to about 760 gph, which I definitely now get with the hydor. Also, you mentioned water changes in...
  4. d_scherrer

    Hoping for some help, pulling my hair out.

    No ph controller, just using a bubble counter, I do have a ph meter though, which I use, well, to track the changes in ph. I was trying to track CO2 levels via the ph using the Kh/ph chart.
  5. d_scherrer

    Hoping for some help, pulling my hair out.

    I have been struggling now for a little more than a month now with a newly planted aquarium and I am hoping that you might have some insight as to the issues I am having. I know its a bit of a long post, but its a short read, promise...! (I tried to add as much info as I could.) Tank Stats: I...