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  1. R

    whats wrong? (pics inside)

    average white bloke thanks for the advice, ill think ill start dosing what they recomend on the site first and see how the plants get on with that then either lower it or dose more depending on what happens! should i keep my dose of EC at 2ml a day? when would i know to drop it or raise it i...
  2. R

    whats wrong? (pics inside)

    ok guys thanks for the help that sounds good but a bit confusing haha from what i think is right i dose 1/8 tsp KNO3 1/32 tsp KH2PO4 1/32 tsp traces added 3x per week.? i got my TPN+ coming today so ill use that until i am out or i dont see any channges then ill change to the dry ferts from...
  3. R

    whats wrong? (pics inside)

    hey guys...thanks for the replies....tom that EI seems interesting and the link is a really good read!! i want to start dosing the dry ferts...is it "salt"? but i dunno what i need to order and how much and what to use? if you could point me in the right direction that would be great?!!?? just...
  4. R

    whats wrong? (pics inside)

    anybody :(
  5. R

    whats wrong? (pics inside)

    hey all! im adam and im new to this forum...been reccomended! looks a awsome site cant wait to have a good look about aswell! anyway first off, i have a 64L tropical community fish tank and have a sand substrate and 2x15w daylight bulbs with are on from 3pm till 10:30pm daily. about 3-4 weeks...