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  1. A

    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Very well done to Mark (myboyshay)! A lovely Iwagumi style aquascape. Thanks also to everyone else who has put their tanks up.
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Hi Nick, when documenting an aquascape the creator can upload an unlimited number of photos and the one which is positioned at the top will be used for the main image throughout the rest of the website. So it is possible to post images of the early stages and add a description to each, and these...
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Hi chaps, I have added blog functionality for every AG user, so when registered you can create and edit blog entries which are listed on your personal blog page located at aquascapegallery.com/blogs/user-name Each blog is viewable by all registered and non-registered users alike and has its...
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Hi Paulo, I understand your concerns regarding cheating. I knowledge that the 'star' voting system on AG is susceptible to cheating if people are willing to go to these lengths but this element of the website relies on good faith in people and is only really there to help people sort lists of...
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Hi Clark, hope you are doing well. Each aquascape that you document on AG has a tick box where you can say whether it is finished or not. I will use this to separate the aquascapes into 'finished' and 'unfinished' when users search. It doesn't allow this yet but will not take me long because I...
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Hi Nelson, Thanks, the website is based on an open source content management system called Drupal, which basically provides building blocks for constructing websites from. The graphic design and layout of the website is based on a standard theme which is already really slick looking, and I...
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Hi Andy, Glad that you like the site- as you say, it does make the process of documenting an aquascape nice and easy. I think videos would be a good addition as an option for those who will use them, I have looked into this and I should be able to sort it out. It will not take priority at the...
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Thanks guys, glad you like it. I finished it last week and in the run up to completion I was getting very excited because I knew it was going to match the vision I had started with. I love the way it has turned out but will continue to tweak it, making improvements based on user feedback. So if...
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    AquascapeGallery.com, a personal introduction

    Greetings all, It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself, Ewan, son of Jim of The Green Machine. I already know a bunch of UKAPS bods in person through the excellent TGM & UKAPS events. I have worked for TGM for about 14 months or so and during that time I developed a love for...