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  1. C

    CO2 & dead fish

    Sounds like good advice to me, thanks.
  2. C

    CO2 & dead fish

    What's really come to light through this post is that neons are so finnicky. I've kept them before without problems. Maybe its the ph is too high for them. Problem is my tap water is ph7.6 and ai dont particularly want to start chemically changing it. Peterg
  3. C

    CO2 & dead fish

    Thanks for responses so far. To confirm: All relevant water parameters are "zero". Tank has been maturing for about 3 weeks. I never knew that neons were so sensitive but i can't think what they are reacting to. Peterg
  4. C

    CO2 & dead fish

    Help me if you can. Have a newly matured D-D 24g cube set up as a planted tropical tank. ph 7.6, temp 26c, ammonia o, nitrite 0, nitrate 0. CO2 is by the Tetra CO2-Optimat system which i have been dosing at the rate of 1 x diffuser tube full per day. The guy in the shop said i should do this...