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  1. V

    Help with CO2, I think?!

    Ah good spot! Ive got a few spray bars, and I have been experimenting with the flow in the tank as Ive been getting a detritus build up on some of the plant leaves. The spray bar is now back on to create good agitation. Ive also now got two wave makers which should help with CO2 dispersion...
  2. V

    Help with CO2, I think?!

    Thanks for the advice. Ive checked the ammonia a few times over the last 24 hrs and I keep getting 0 back, not even a slight colour change. Anyway, performed a 50% water change and started the co2 again, everything seems to be going well! Ive setup an air pump on a timer to help ensure co2...
  3. V

    Help with CO2, I think?!

    Counting at a bubble counter, came in the kit. The drop checker was only showing very slightly more green than usual, certainly not yellow, which confused me, hence why I checked the pH to confirm co2 was up. Ill check my ammonia again but it was reading 0, thanks for the info on the...
  4. V

    Help with CO2, I think?!

    Yeah the CO2 dump is what I thought may have started happening. It was ony a 500g bottle, running 125bpm. No leaks and it was a new kit, the solenoid is definately cutting the supply.
  5. V

    Help with CO2, I think?!

    Ive recently been trying to increase growth and create a properly planted tank after getting inspiration from some of the great examples around at the moment. I have experimented with CO2 in the past; but around two weeks ago bought a JBL refillable bottle system with night time shut off...
  6. V

    Hello to all!

    Well after joining three and a half years ago, I never really got involved in the forum until now! Just starting out on my planted tank journey, look forward to using the forum, Ive already found some brilliant information on the site :) Andy