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  1. Riley

    Hi from Galicia, northwest Spain

  2. sparkyweasel

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Is it calibrated at just one point, ie pH7? Not with two different solutions?
  3. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Pro 2 - Comming Soon

    Oase have replied to me regarding if I could upgrade my existing Biomaster 850 impeller to the new variant, they have said that you can. Might try it once the part is available, if in line with current pricing then it should cost under £30.
  4. NathanB

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    I use soil and leaf mulch from my local woodland that I freeze beforehand to sterilise it, works great for millipedes too!
  5. Zeus.

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    I trust the DC myself, esp if using a CO2 reactor, as no CO2 bubbles in tank. I actually stop calibrating my pH probe and just used them to check if the pH was stable from lights on till CO2 off. as any I see it as the actual pH is irrelevant- as if the DC turns the same light green every day...
  6. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Thanks. I have a lot of crypt jacobsenii pink (at least that is what i think it is); so i will try that. I do have a crypt cordata var something (the one with white lines); but in 2 years it hasn't spread so i'm reluctant to move it. Kind of hard to replace. I didn't recognize any of the others...
  7. G

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    Hi everyone I am getting back into fishkeeping after a long time and wonder if theres threads where we talk about climate change, agriculutre, the food supply and so on? I think my fish tanks were failing because I was tired all the time and had no energy to take care of them and the culprit...
  8. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, You need to <"recalibrate the pH meter every time you use it">. They are quite complicated bits of kit. Have a look at <"C02 injection with already low ph"> and subsequent posts. I'm not a CO2 user for a <"number of reasons">, but if I was I would use a drop checker <"and aim for ~15...
  9. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Thanks you @MrClockOff and @dw1305 - always really appreicate your guidence. After the re-caibration (I need to keep an eye on that PH probe) i am seeing some sucess. The CO2 got to my target level, but slowly busted it so need to adjust. I was say its lime green, but a tad to yellow. So...
  10. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, You can basically ignore <"all the pH readings for the tap, tank water etc">. The drop checker has 4 dKH fluid and a narrow range pH indicator, bromothymol blue. Only gases can diffuse across the air gap and when the fluid in drop checker is yellow? You have at least 30 ppm CO2...
  11. Spartacus

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Hi Folks, Was able to get some lovely condition Amazon Frogbit from Pets & Home and one Anubias Nana for £15 which is pretty good. I may get another 2 tubs of frogbit if they have any tomorrow - Hard to get decent plants (I don’t like the Maidenhead Aquatics round here and my local fish shops...
  12. Gill

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    I got some today from AquaH from Buzzard Reptiles as they were a very reasonable price. Got some Mini Speckled ones. Only 3 adults and lots of babies in the pot of Soil.
  13. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Yes it can only get better from here, as it was positively received and everyone was having fun. The biggest queue was for the TMC spin the wheel lucky dip. They had ran out of goodies by 11:15 so had to go grab more. I don't think any of the retailers expected that many people to be...
  14. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Been there the goodie bags I got, and the best one was from Horizon, had a little bottle of Moss glue which I have used for the plants for the mantids tank. Oh and for kids there is a stand giving our lots of plush hats and masks colouring books etc.
  15. Courtneybst

    AQUAH 2024

    Good that it was busy though! Shows there's actually demand for these kind of events.
  16. funkymonk1984

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    The tank will be co2 injected. Going for the Eheim 350t pro 4+ filter. Have the dual regulator and co2 bottle but missing a part and inline diffuser. Twister 600s v3 light
  17. M

    My thoughts so far

    Merhaba, Yosun üreticimi yapıyorum. Mikro için manganez edta, çinko edta, bakır sülfat, borik asit, sodyum mobilden edta, %13 demir potasyum sülfat, asborik asit, beyaz sirke, potasyum sorbat var ama ppm'ye göre nasıl hesaplayacağımı bilmiyorum. Gram cinsinden bir tarif vermeniz mümkün mü? CO2...
  18. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    There was only one person selling Custom Aquaria tanks, but those who know who that is. Know how good his tanks are. I took the opportunity to upgrade the mantids tank, so I'll do a journal for that soon.
  19. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    I am already back home. Alot of people and very busy. Lots of retailers there. Biggest was TMC stand. George was there aswell and said hello. My old Area Manager was there from MA Bolton. Awkward but was OK. A few scapers are there with Horizon Aquatics which was lovely. Horizons stand...
  20. G

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    Should look great. I'm sure that Dave at Aquarium Gardens told me that Christmas Moss really needs CO2.
  21. Iain Sutherland

    AQUAH 2024

    Any feedback or photos from the event Gill, would be great to hear how it went. 👍
  22. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Right, OK, will collect some water and leave that on the side for 24 hours and test again. Thank you.
  23. MrClockOff

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Yeah, all sounds correct except shaking bottle for degassing the water? We tend to leave it alone for 24h to degass as shaking water would mean you mixing it with air and air contains atmospheric CO2.
  24. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    I think you may be right about the pH probe. I had to recalibrate it YET AGAIN using a pH7 solution. I need to keep my eye on that. However, a comparison now with the API test kit indicates that the aquarium water pH is ~6.5 on both the probe and API tests. Rechecking my current aquarium...
  25. FrozenShivers

    AQUAH 2024

    Wanted to go but dates don’t work for me to travel. Hope you have a great time fit those that can make it!
  26. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Queues are stupid, still haven't opened the doors to the event. They are running late.
  27. funkymonk1984

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    Not 100% set yet. It’s 60cm x50cmx35 so wanted to go with smaller leaves species. Not masses amount of soil to plant in given the sand path and foreground. I’ll go for some hair grass in small clumps around rocks with more carlo on and behind rocks at sides/Matilda in and amongst also/ Anubis...
  28. M

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    What was the ph? And was is stable?
  29. MrClockOff

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hey @Bradders Forget about tap water. We have to measure pH drop relative to aquarium water. If your drop checker is yellow when pH drop is 0.7 that could mean drop checker is above CO2 defuser and CO2 mist is getting into drop checker aquarium water got accidentally into drop checker uneven...
  30. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi All, I have been learning and experimenting more with soil. As a result, I have a CO2 measurement question for the experts! My tap water has a pH of 7.5+. When I added Tropica Aquarium Soil, it seemed to buffer the water to around 7.0 when degassed. When aiming for the 1pH drop for Co2, do...
  31. Conort2

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    https://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/threads/questions-about-blackwater-crypts.33818/ Here’s a list of species, it’s not so black and white as many species have variants that grow in both blackwater and more mineral rich areas. Nurii is one of those species, I was under the same impression as...
  32. Vasteq

    The Lovely World of Bucephalandra!

    some of my latest news:
  33. G H Nelson

    Plant list for new tank setup

  34. Andy Pierce

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    Adding HCl does add CO2 but only to meaningful levels for about an hour after you add the acid. I tried doing this twice a day for a while but didn't notice anything you could call dramatic improvement in plant growth/health.
  35. Stu Worrall

    AQUAH 2024

    Ill be there from 12 ish. Got to go to Essex early then back up to Cov :)
  36. Sarpijk

    Taiwan Bee not so nano

    The ficus deserves a topic on its own! Would love to see it in its full glory and learn about the ways you maintain it.
  37. Fluxtor

    Plant list for new tank setup

    So I'm about to embark on my second tank and going to dabble with co2. I'm pretty new to aquascaping so looking for opinions on plant choices. It will be a superfish scaper 60 filtered by an oase biomaster thermo 250. I'm going for a nature scape triangle from one side and using nutribase capped...
  38. G

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    Looking great. What plants are you going with?
  39. Disaronno

    Biomaster 2 - power consumption under operating conditions?

    I have a 350 not currently in use so I did a quick experiment. Tests were run with the head unit submerged in water, no other parts attached. Unfortunately the power monitor that was used is too slow to capture startup wattage. The US 350 model is rated as 16w. No impeller 7w With impeller no...
  40. Fluxtor

    Custom Risers for Twinstar 600B II

    Hmm, I've not seen this one and Twinstar are apparently notorious for not selling accessories or spares for their lights. I had considered nibbling off part of the lip with a Dremel.
  41. dw1305

    My second go at a planted tank a lot bigger this time

    Hi all, I thought I'd just edited the post from 2021, but I seem to have reposted it........ but yes I'm still p*ssed off. Cheers Darrel
  42. oreo57

    Custom Risers for Twinstar 600B II

    How wide is the rim? There are height adj. brackets that will fit an 0.8" (25.4mm). Other suggestions is nibble the "assumed" lip off so the included one fits. Or build a simple acrylic adapter. Oddly this shows a light with a different style bracket that would work. Not sure if one can buy it.
  43. H

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    This would also add CO2 to the aquarium. If you decide to take this route, you might want to check this topic by @Andy Pierce.
  44. M

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    Thanks for your input, I was thinking to add HCL to lower the ph, might give that a go at some poimt.
  45. Bradders

    60P Variations

    Looks cracking!
  46. H

    Taiwan Bee not so nano

    It's a very nice tank, it's a pleasure to look at it. Congratulations.
  47. finniche

    60P Variations

    So finally I have the next variation in the 60P up and running. There has been a little bit of chaos in our home. Kitchen walls painted, new layout of furniture and all the aquariums rescaped or replaced. Had the plants and the fish and shrimp housed in this 60P in a temporary location. So I...
  48. sparkyweasel

    My second go at a planted tank a lot bigger this time

    And you don't forget quickly. :)
  49. P

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    Well, regarding R. Wallichii: on another forum a well respected user Marcel G. made some test results public. These well executed tests showed R. wallichii grows best in acidic water pH 5,5. My own observations is they grow great at 0 dKH without CO2 in a low light vase at pH 5,5 and medium...
  50. L

    Eleocharis options for a dense carpet

    Hmmm it is a tall tank and I won't try to keep it really short, so I'm hoping that I won't need to trim too often. But like you said, if at one point it turns out to be too much, I'll just start again with another plant. But I want to cross "eleocharis carpet" from the bucket list. For the...
  51. Marcia

    Daphnia Bloom?

    Hi @louis_last I have very soft water here in Yorkshire but I did give Glasgarten Mineral Junkie for the shrimps a while ago. And I have 2 small dragon stones in the tank so maybe those factors contributed to the bloom? There are lots of shrimplets in the tank too. Originally I had 7 shrimps 5-6...
  52. L

    Daphnia Bloom?

    I'm guessing you probably have fairly hard water as copepods don't really boom like that unless there's a lot of minerals for them in addition to food as they moult so often and reproduce so quickly. There's really no downside to having them in your aquarium unless you just really don't like the...
  53. Scaperinc

    Eleocharis options for a dense carpet

    Mate you will be trimming that very often and it's an absolute pain to trim hairgrass. So keep that in mind, I got fed up and changed to mix of MC and cuba
  54. Scaperinc

    Chihiros CO2 PRO

    Defo mate nearly two years now and I added second bubble counter manifold thing and I supply two tanks with no problem at all .
  55. dw1305

    Sun light

    Hi all, I'm sure you <"you are right"> and <"presence of pearling"> is pretty <"conclusive evidence"> that you have comfortably exceeded LCP, but it also illustrates some of the problems <"with making recommendations"> about light brightness. If you aren't worshiping at Clive's <"Klingon...
  56. dw1305

    Finrot help please

    Hi all, He seems healthy enough, other than the fins, so I wonder if they have been fighting and that accounts for the fin damage? cheers Darrel
  57. Bradders

    Finrot help please

    Is there any correlation between the cleaning of the filter and the cloudiness appearing or increasing? It's more about the aquarium's bioload than the water volume. I can see around 30 fish in there, so it's not heavily stocked. That being said, the 407 or FX series is more in line with that...
  58. Chez_

    Finrot help please

    Me too. Honestly, it was clear as a bell, and then I put everyone in and it was like a mud-storm! I'm running a Fluval 307. I was running it on the 250 and this is a 380, so maybe slightly low? I broke it down on Tuesday when I did the last water change and rinsed all the mud out. I have got a...
  59. Bradders

    Finrot help please

    Really surprised by the amount of clouding in the water column by the Corys! As long as you are sure its due to the sand and not some infusia / bacterial bloom then all should be good. What filter are you running in that aquarium?
  60. Chez_

    Finrot help please

    Yes, it's cloudy. It had cleared down, so I moved them in on Tuesday, moved the filter that had been on the old 250l tank back with them - they had all been in a temporary 180l with the filter, all the hardscape and epiphytes and floaters for a month -- and immediately the Coreys started digging...
  61. G

    How is this possible? A baby shrimp just appeared in my tank!

    Hmm yes I hadn’t thought of that - maybe my next eyesight isn’t as good as I thought! I can’t see him anymore now and I’ve just cleaned my tank so it was either a figment of my imagination or he’s a master at hiding already!
  62. F

    Sun light

    And here I am running an Ecotech Freshwater Gen4 at 15% intensity with pearling midway through the photoperiod. I think I'd kill the tank in an hour if I ramped that up to 100% :D
  63. Bradders

    Finrot help please

    Can you also kindly send a current full tank shot, please? The water look like it has a cloud to it, unless that is the picture?
  64. Chez_

    Finrot help please

    Thank you, Bradders. There's also a red mark on his mouth. I will remove the snails and treat, I think..
  65. Bradders

    Finrot help please

    I would say these areas show some of the issues in my eyes. That looks like fin rot on the right and something on the belly there.
  66. Chez_

    Finrot help please

    Thanks, folks. He's about ten months to a year old, I think. I've got another couple of pics from different angles, attached. I have one other plec in the the tank, that I'm hoping is female -- she has a few very small bristles around her mouth, no big ones up the bridge of her nose. He seems to...
  67. funkymonk1984

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    Not sure yet. I still need to buy the filter and other bits. Transferring livestock from current tank on the most part so I have the opportunity to dark start it if I want to. I thought that with the wood, might try and squeeze it away when I’m gluing down. Have some gargled branches and detail...
  68. dw1305

    My second go at a planted tank a lot bigger this time

    <"Non-aquatic">, it is a variegated Dracaena. I must admit this really <"p*sses me off that these plants are still for sale">. cheers Darrel
  69. Scaperinc

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    That looks great mate , only thing I can see which will cause you issues is that wood on left too close to the glass , for cleaning purposes You going to do dark start?
  70. L

    How is this possible? A baby shrimp just appeared in my tank!

    It may have come with the added shrimps 2 weeks ago, it is easy to miss a shrimplet this size.
  71. Marcia

    Daphnia Bloom?

    Thank you @tam and @louis_last for your inputs. it’s a great relief that either - shrimps seeds or copepods - are harmless. My worry was that they could increase pollution and harm the fishes. I’ve done a second water change and it’s not so overwhelming now. Thank you for the much needed...
  72. funkymonk1984

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    Hi Guys, I’ve put together the attached scape. The rock is dark elderly and I was going for a concave style layout. I need some smaller stones to add details and to hold down wood towards the back. I will be using Ada La Plata sand for foreground and a path through the middle and still need to...
  73. G

    How is this possible? A baby shrimp just appeared in my tank!

    Can someone help me understand this please, I am baffled! I was thrilled to see a few moults and a berried shrimp. She’s had her eggs for about 5 days now. So I was looking in the tank, as I do VERY regularly! Then my husband just spotted one tiny baby shrimp there! I haven’t had any other...
  74. dw1305

    Holiday lighting and ferts

    Hi all, You could. Personally I don't feed the plants on a regular basis, so whether I added nutrients, or not, would depend entirely on where <"they sit on the Duckweed Index">. <"If I was in doubt">? I would feed them. cheers Darrel
  75. J

    Finrot help please

    I agree with Tam, that does not look like clasic fin rot. He's at least 6 months old so its not a birth defect. do you have any aggressive fish? Two male bristlenoses will fight over females occasionally. I'd hold back treating until someone more knowledgeable comes along
  76. dw1305

    Eleocharis options for a dense carpet

    Hi all, Not in terms of "carpets lead to spike in ammonia" they don't and they can't. Not something I've ever really tried either. This is what Tropica say <"Hemianthus micranthemoides Pearlweed, pear weed - Tropica Aquarium Plants">. cheers Darrel
  77. M

    Chihiros CO2 PRO

  78. Bradders

    Finrot help please

    I agree with Tam - it's pretty hard to tell from that picture. If you manage to get a better one at some point, please post. If it is fin rot, it could have been triggered by the stress, as you say or the environment. It is a bacterial disease, so it's hard to treat (effectively) without...
  79. hypnogogia

    Finrot help please

    It’s definitely not snail safe: https://eshalabs.com/compatibility/
  80. tam

    Finrot help please

    It's hard to tell from the picture - his fins look ragged but they don't look to have any white/red marks? I don't think Esha 2000 is snail safe. I would keep a close eye and keep the water very clean with regular changes (particularly as it's a new setup). You could also add some catappa...
  81. P

    Substrate help

    Hi Chriseb1 I have just posted an update in my tank thread My planted aquarium journey I have put a base layer of Nutribase, put some aquatic soil on top of that with some crushed root tabs and then capped with sand. I guess I will find out in a few months how successful I will be!
  82. P

    My planted aquarium journey

    I have the day off today so I thought I would get the hardscape done. I am not very good at this sort of thing and I am certainly not very artistic (I am an Engineer!) but I am quite pleased with what I have done. I am not going to fiddle with it. I will quit while I'm ahead! I hope to fill it...
  83. L

    Daphnia Bloom?

    I would bet on copepods rather than seed shrimp based on the description of "white dust" but either way they are almost definitely harmless and the population will eventually recede. There's also many small fish that will eat huge numbers of either copepods or seed shrimp.
  84. L

    Resolved! Redirected to download

    Yeah this is happening for me but only on mobile and only on the fish subforum.
  85. tam

    Daphnia Bloom?

    Probably seed shrimp rather than daphnia - free livefood for your fish. You'll have more the shrimp tank as there is less fish to eat it. Lighten up the feeding for a couple of days and I imagine the fish will take care of it for you - you can catch them out the shrimp tank to feed your others...
  86. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Any specific species ? I'm finding my wenditti grow quite aggressively in blackwater. Is cordata a blackwater species ? I actually thought nurri was a blackwater species but i guess i was mistaken. The problem is the book i ahve talks more about acidic aspect of the water and not the actual...
  87. Marcia

    Daphnia Bloom?

    Hi everyone, trying not to panic here (breathe, breathe) but please help 😩 I’ve been feeding frozen daphnia once a week to my fishes for a few weeks now. Yesterday during water change I’ve noticed some sort of white dust in the water column and then millions of it clang onto the glass. Using my...
  88. Chez_

    Finrot help please

    I've just put my fish back from their temporary tank to the new planted tank with the cycled filter. My poor Bristlenose, who spent most of his time in the temp tank hiding, is in a terrible state. He is out and about in the new tank, behaving as he usually does, chasing his colleagues away from...
  89. hypnogogia

    OMG!!! What am I doing wrong??!

    Yes, you are good.
  90. Gill

    Steel glass scrapers - any tips, advice?

    I used the Blanki at work and it was a trusted tool and never let you down. Lasts for ages and never left any scratches. Blanki JBL Blanki Blanki.
  91. bazz

    Steel glass scrapers - any tips, advice?

    I use the same combination, the Eheim Scraper is around 10 years old now and still on the original blade although I tend to just use it down at substrate level and one or two hard to reach areas, the blade has a very slight tinge of rust but it's certainly not detrimental.
  92. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Who is going in the morning, Ill be there as only 20mins from me.
  93. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    x1 more nano setup on my Desk, as sorted that area out this week. And a nano setup for a Mantid, that ill be getting over the weekend after AquaH at Stonleigh tomorrow.
  94. Neil6

    OMG!!! What am I doing wrong??!

    So my dosing amounts are all good?
  95. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    ...not impressed with me that day. funny story though. The Emperor Scorpion did not impress either when that escaped a very very very long time ago, that lived amongst the house plants when i had the big 5*4*3 tank in the conservatory. Mum dispatched that quickly when she saw that scuttling...
  96. Conort2

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    There are blackwater crypts but they’re not readily available in the UK. I see you’re in the USA so you may have more chance of sourcing them.
  97. hypnogogia

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    They would typically struggle as crypts originate in waters with a naturally higher mineral content.
  98. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    I have around 100+ nurii rosen of different colour morphs in tap water (gh 6 kh 3 ph ~7.1); and i've been trying to get some of them to grow in my various blackwater aquariums (this doesn't mean the water is black it just means the ph is around 5 and ec is around 22 - that is tds 11); the plants...