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Search results

  1. S

    Bristlenose Plec Eggs

    I found a clutch of eggs while I was messing with the tank the other day. They are strong orange and can already see small white catfish around the yolk sac with their black eyes, so they are not far from hatching. Here's the best pic I could get of them with my crappy camera. Tried to use a...
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    Trapping Pakistani Loaches

    I have been trying to get rid of the 2 pakistani loaches I have in my planted tank but with no luck. I don't want to move the wood and plants about to catch them till last resort. I have tried trapping them in bottle with some algae wafers at the end of the bottle but do not go in the bottle at...
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    Boraras brigittae

    I am planning to replace my Dwarf Neon Rainbows with a shoal of 15-20 Boraras brigittae. Does anyone know any fish store that stocks them in the midlands? Also would they survive with bengal loaches? They are very active and curious but have yet to eat any of my amano shrimps. Any advice would...
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    Bengal Loaches and Crystal Red Shrimps: Live or Die?

    Hey, I have 3 bengal loaches in my 60l tank and with them are 5 amano shrimps. I would like to get some red crystals (RC) shrimps aswell but feel that they may get eaten or chased to death by the loaches. The loaches have come accustomed to the amano shrimps in the tank but the addition of more...
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    Dwarf Neon Blue Rainbowfish Gasping

    Hi, I had 5 neon blue rainbowfish and lost one yesterday. It had been gasping for about a week and was being to bloat up. Yesterday some scales could be seen protruding off and died later that evening. The water parameters are all within the suitable requirements. What I have now seen this...
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    Stem Eating Ancistrus??

    I have just finished trimming my plants and doing a water change. I found something had been munching on my L. Aromatica. I know the Ancistrus will destroy leaves of plants as it tries to collect algae of it but will it actually tear apart stems. It has happened to 2 out the 3 stems. There are...