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Search results

  1. tekopikin

    Marine plant/seaweed identification - help needed

    Hello all and a happy new year to you, I am not too sure if this is the right place to ask about marine plants but just felt I should try all the same...so apologies if this is off-topic. I need some assistance in identifying this 'plant' (or should I say seaweed) which has decided to pop out...
  2. tekopikin

    Growing anubias from existing plant

    Does anyone know if it's possible to propagate more anubias plants from this fine specimen here :mrgreen: I got hold of this several months ago, it had three small leaves about an inch and a half across. It seems to have done quite well . At the moment it's attached to a piece of drift wood...
  3. tekopikin

    Plant identification required

    I found this exquisitely coloured plant earlier at an LFS, I wanted to buy it but neither I or the shop owner had any idea what it was called :roll:. Would anyone be able to identify it? Are they easy to grow or maybe I should just be content with knowing just what it's called :mrgreen: