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Search results

  1. plantnoob

    a different aquasoil question

    not far off of planting now , and im all but decided that im going to go with aquasoil amazonia . 1 question though . although im about 2 weeks off of planting , id like to get it in the tank asap to get a headstart on waterchanging all the leeched ammonia and tannins out . will it be ok to do...
  2. plantnoob

    aquasoil,ammonia and algae

    the more i read about ada aquasoil , the more tempted i am to use it . but the ammonia in the 1st few weeks concerns me a little . does the ammonia being leeched leave you more open to algae attacks in the early stages ? is it better to wait until it stops leeching before planting ?
  3. plantnoob

    substrate choice

    there are so many available but what are the pros and cons of each ? no way im paying stupid money for aqua soil so ive narrowed it down to either colombo florabase , eco-complete, or seachem flourite . is either of these beter for planting in , longevity etc ?