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Search results

  1. G

    Aqua Expo 2018 at Aqua Depot, London - Sunday 27th May

    Who is going? https://www.facebook.com/events/1592676360814874/ I'll be scaping three tanks (Aquascaper 600, 900, 1200). There's some huge displays there including a 3 metre Iwagumi and 700 litre African-theme scape. 8000 litre reef... Should be fun. It's also free!
  2. G

    Hampshire Aquascaping Group - 2nd Birthday Event

    Hi all, Anyone coming to this? Be great to see you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/1415521421810063/
  3. G

    Aquascaping Weekend @ Romsey World of Water, 16th-17th Apr '16

    Hi all, For those not on Facebook.. Just a quick post to let you all now that I'll be at Romsey World of Water this weekend, 16-17 Apr. I'll be creating three new 'scapes from scratch (EA1200, Crystal Aqua, Mirabello tanks), giving a slideshow on each day and re-scaping some current display...
  4. G

    UKAPS Aquascaping Experience 2016

    Hi all, In case you missed it - www.ukaps.org/ae And there's the sub-forum here - http://www.ukaps.org/forum/forums/aquascaping-experience-info.124/ Cheers, George
  5. G

    2013 AGA Aquascaping Contest

    Hi all, Please consider entering this year's AGA contest. 2013 AGA Aquascaping Contest It's free and you can enter three aquascapes. In many ways it's better than the IAPLC in my opinion. There's a good chance you'll receive actual feedback from highly reputable judges. There's...
  6. G

    IAPLC 2013 - Results are out!

    Hi all, The IAPLC 2013 is now open for entries. Closing date for entries is May 31st 2013. More info - The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2012 I'd like to encourage as many UKAPS Members to enter as possible. I think the UK aquascaping scene is growing well, and would love to...
  7. G

    Hagen Trade Exhibition 2011

    Between the 2nd and 5th of Sept Dan Crawford and I attended the Hagen Trade Exhibition 2011. This year's mission for us for was to 'scape 12 aquariums - a mixture of Fluval Edge, Chi and Roma. Not only did we have to 'scape them - we also had to set up the hardware and position them on their...
  8. G

    [CONTEST] UKAPS @ Aquatics Live, Olympia

    Please note that some organisational details are still in progress, but here is an idea of what to expect. Overview UKAPS have been invited to represent the UK planted aquarium hobby and aquascaping scene at the forthcoming Aquatics Live event, Olympia, London. UKAPS will have their own stand...
  9. G

    The Art of the Planted Aquarium Contest 2011

    Dan and I are back, safe and sound from a wonderful experience at The Art of the Planted Aquarium Aquascaping Contest in Hannover, Germany. We didn’t make the Top 10, but still consider we did well under the circumstances. As you can see, the standard of aquascaping was incredible. A far...
  10. G

    IAPLC 2010 Results are out

    http://en.iaplc.com/results10/results10.html Congrats to all that entered! :D I've looked through the results and here's what I found. There's over 1,800 entries so I may have missed a couple; apologies. 49th Peter Kirwan (Ireland) 96th Viktor Lantos (Hungary) Congrats to Peter and Viktor...
  11. G

    UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

    Earlier this year UKAPS and The Green Machine were honoured to be invited to Tropica in Denmark. http://www.ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10103 The aim was to set up some display aquascapes to help celebrate Tropica’s 40th Anniversary, as part of their Interzoo 2010 exhibit. Fast...
  12. G

    UKAPS visit Tropica, Denmark 2010

    Recently the UKAPS founders were thrilled to be invited to aquascape some aquariums, to help celebrate Tropica's 40th Birthday at the Interzoo in Germany. So off we flew to Denmark to visit the incredible Tropica nurseries and production facilities! A special thanks to The Green Machine who...
  13. G

    Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

    Hey all, Who is entering the IAPLC this year? I reckon there's at least twenty+ decent 'scapers on UKAPS alone so would like to encourage a decent UK level of participation this year. I think the most we've had is 12 entries, which I think is not a true reflection of how far the UK...
  14. G

    UKAPS @ Vivarium 2010, Holland

    UKAPS Founders; Dan, Graeme and I are privileged to announce another important international event that we have been invited to attend and represent the forefront of the UK planted aquarium and aquascaping hobby. Here are some details from the host of the event, Vivarium. Main website -...
  15. G

    UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010, Germany

    UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010 The Interzoo is a massive international pet trade exhibition held every two years in Nuremberg, Germany. http://www.interzoo.com/en/default.ashx" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; To give you an idea how big it is check out the list of exhibitors -...
  16. G

    UKAPS @ Hagen Show

    I was recently given the honour of being asked to aquascape some aquariums for Hagen at their forthcoming trade show in Leamington-Spa, Warwickshire over the weekend of the 5th Sept. I say 'honour', as Hagen are the largest privately run pet manufacturer and distributor in the world. There's a...
  17. G

    UKAPS @ The Green Machine '08 - Photo Journal

    Saturday 5th April 2008 saw the most successful UKAPS meet yet, hosted by The Green Machine. A wholehearted thanks to all involved - Jim and Mark for the warm reception and wonderful hospitality throughout the day, Andy and Elaine for their inspirational talk and biotope aquascape display...