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  1. G

    Insularium - Exclusive first sight

    The video explains (nearly) everything, hopefully...
  2. G

    BiOrb Air

    I'm not a big fan of BiOrbs but I think this looks quite cool.
  3. G

    Lots of Dry Start Method questions!

    Hi all, Some of you may be aware I'm setting up a new tank. Journal here - George's TMC Signature - The Hardscape Chapter | UK Aquatic Plant Society manzi situ by George Farmer, on Flickr I'm really interested in trying out the dry start method (DSM), as discussed a few years ago by Tom Barr...
  4. G

    Aponogeton crispus 'Red' flower

    I came home from a week away to a nice surprise. The Aponogeton had flowered in my 240 litre jungle. Except submerse Anubias barteri, this is the only flowering I've had, so I was quite chuffed! Aponogeton crispus 'Red' flower by George Farmer, on Flickr Aponogeton crispus 'Red' flower by...
  5. G

    Anubias - how humid?

    How humid do you need to keep Anubias? I'm setting up a new open topped 120cm tank and am considering having Anubias barteri var. barteri protruding from the surface. Will I need to spray it daily, or will it be ok just left exposed? Cheers.