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  1. G

    New Aquascaping Podcast

    Hi all, I've started a new podcast on aquascaping if you're interested! https://anchor.fm//georgefarmer Feedback and ideas for future episodes and seasons welcome. Also I have a new website. https://www.georgefarmerstudios.com Cheers, George
  2. G

    My Top 10 Tips!

    Watch to the end for the outtakes! Merry Christmas, all! X
  3. G

    George visits Dennerle

    Hi all, Here's a video summarising my trip to Dennerle in Germany recently. I hope you like it! Cheers, George
  4. G

    Your personal aquascaping/aquarium highlights from 2013

    Hi all, With the end of 2013 fast approaching I thought it would be interesting to share our personal planted tank and aquascaping highlights from the year. They can be anything from your own successful 'scapes, breeding fish, beating algae, new kit, new plants etc. Mine was setting up my...
  5. G

    Q&A session on Facebook

    Hi all, If there's anyone on Facebook that wants to ask me anything about planted tanks and aquascaping then I'm online tomorrow, Thursday 17th May. You'll need to add "George TheAquascaper" as a friend on Facebook. Please note that this is a different account to my personal Facebook account...
  6. G

    UKAPS invited to Nature Aquarium Gallery

    Hi all It's with great excitement that I can tell you that I've had a letter from Aqua Design Amano, Japan. ADA are really happy with the progress the UK has made in aquascaping over recent years and recognise that UKAPS has helped play a large part. In recognition of this ADA have invited...
  7. G

    Any Fluval Profile 1000 owners?

    Hi all, I'm considering getting a Fluval Profile 1000 (stainless steel finish). Originally I wanted a 1500 or 1200 but they're discontinued. The idea is to replace my 120 x 45 x 45cm, as it's already becoming too shallow for my fast-growing angelfish. The Profile is 65cm tall, 100cm long...
  8. G

    The UK's leading aquascaper?

    Hi all, At the request of NA-Fan and another member I have removed the original thread, "The UK's leading aquascaper". It contained personal attacks which could not be defended and it should have been dealt with earlier. My apologies for not acting sooner. I'd like to remind folk that the...
  9. G

    Visit to Planted Tanks shop, Selby, N.Yorks

    I have recently returned from a holiday to North Yorkshire. I thought it would be a good idea to take the opportunity to visit the new Planted Tanks shop, owned by Tony aka Frosties. I think it's worth mentioning that Tony and I have not always seen eye-to-eye in the past, but the Internet...
  10. G

    Aquarama 2011

    A decent selection of images from Singapore's awesome trade show - http://theaquaticgazette.com/2011/06/01 ... singapore/
  11. G

    Want to set up a display tank in your LFS?

    UKAPS member, Mark Evans, sets up a planted display tank for his local aquatic retailer (Photo - George Farmer) Recently I've been contacted by some UKAPS members that are interested in how they should go about setting up a planted display tank in their local aquatic retailer. This subject is...
  12. G

    You can follow me on Twitter

    http://twitter.com/TheAquascaper Anything planted tank/aquascaping going on in my life and I'll keep you updated, as it happens!
  13. G

    TMC AquaGro MicroHabitat - PFK Subs Offer

    Some of you may be already aware but PFK have a very interesting offer for new subscribers. Check it out here - http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=3240 and a step-by-step with video - http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=3239 The tank is really good and it's so...
  14. G

    PFK Aquascaping Special

    One for those into planted tanks and aquascaping, perhaps. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=3227 They'll be a lot more planted tank and aquascaping stuff in future issues too...
  15. G

    Scape Fu podcasts

    Very cool. Check it out - http://www.scapefu.com/
  16. G

    July PFK - Planted features

    Just had my July PFK issue come through and it's a good one for planted tanks! :D James Starr-Marshall's nano/pico feature is amazing, as is the Your Tanks featuring a crazily hi-tech planted nano! There's even a mention of UKAPS! :D One to look out for if you don't subscribe. General...
  17. G

    Interview - Amano

    If you haven't already seen it... http://www.cau-aqua.net/index.php?optio ... 99&lang=en
  18. G

    Discussion: Are we obsessed with circulation and flow?

    The 10x turnover rule is now pretty much the expected standard for a UK medium-high energy planted tank. Others go as high as 20x or even 30x+ turnover. So if you have a 120 litre aquarium, you need to filter it with a 1200lph filter. If you have a 400 litre aquarium you may wish to use 2 x...
  19. G

    Discussion: What's your favourite part of the hobby and why?

    I thought I'd start a new series of discussion threads. Depending on how they go I'll create a new discussion thread every week or so. So to start - What's your favourite part of the planted tank hobby and explain why? Do you prefer the gardening aspects, maintaining and pruning plants, or...
  20. G

    Tonser's PFK Your Tanks

    For those that haven't seen the magazine interview featuring Tony's awesome Nature Aquarium... http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=2569
  21. G

    Christmas '09 PFK - Planted tank stuff

    Subscribers should get it tomorrow (21st Nov '09). It features a 40,000 litre planted tank, a nice Nature Aquarium Your Tanks feature, step-by-step ADA-style Iwagumi and ten tough questions about planted tanks and aquascaping set by me. Dan Crawford got 2 out of 10! Should be a good issue for...
  22. G

    What aquascaping tools do you use and why?

    I've managed to lose my aquascaping scissors and tweezers! Before I invest in some new tools I'd like to know what makes and styles you guys and girls use, and why. I was using curved tipped scissors and angled tweezers - both 30cm and JBL. They did the job fine, but were showing some rust...
  23. G

    Calling all Aquascapers - Have your tank in PFK

    There are plenty of very respectable 'scapes here on UKAPS. If you fancy the possibility of having your tank picked up and featured in PFK magazine then please consider adding your tanks to the PFK site here... http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... d_form.php The PFK editorial staff...
  24. G

    PFK June issue - Big UKAPS contributions....

    Superb features from Graeme Edwards, Dan Crawford, Tom Messenger, Aaron North and James Maslin in the latest issue. Mark's (saintly's) MA store display tank is featured too... Well done, guys! Out for general release Wed 13th May.
  25. G

    Are you an Iwagumi fan?

    http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... blogid=263
  26. G

    PFK glassware blog

    Check out the 'heated' discussion between Jeremy and I. Feel free to comment on the blog yourselves, whether it's in favour of glassware or not. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... blogid=251
  27. G

    PFK Planted Tank Special - 19 pages

    For those that aren't regular PFK readers; this may be worth a look... You can even spot our very own saintly in one of the pics! http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... blogid=249
  28. G

    New Forum Rules and Guidelines

    Hi all, Please make yourselves familiar with the new UKAPS Forum Rules and Guidelines. They are for the benefit of the entire UKAPS Membership. viewtopic.php?f=48&t=4672 Thanks.
  29. G

    ADA's Francesco Nardelli

    http://www.acquariforum.com/cgi-bin/mag ... hPcc&tmpl= Same guy that 'scaped the ADA tank at TGM. I like the layout.
  30. G

    AGA 2008 Convention write-up

    I couldn't make this event, but hope to attend next year. Jason Baliban's write-up is excellent, with some super photos too... FYI Jason is a talented 'scaper who came 2nd in the large category in this year's AGA contest. I'm also featuring one of his 'scapes and interview in a forthcoming...
  31. G

    AGA 2008 results...

    http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... w-showcase Congrats to zig! Two 1st places is one hell of an achievement. And well done to all other UKAPS entrants, of course. You may notice one of the judges was me. What an experience! I look forward to entering myself next year.
  32. G

    AGA Aquascaping Contest results out soon...

    This weekend, hopefully. Should be interesting...
  33. G

    My latest tank...

    I'm setting this up slowtime as a 'low-maintenance' planted tank. The hardscape will be the main feature. I have about 50Kg of petrified wood and some wonderful long spindly driftwood from Peter Kirwan to use. Fish will be 5 adult blue discus and 40 rummynose tetras. Plants will mainly be...
  34. G

    Are there any great female aquascapers?

    I'm on the eighth part of my PFK Great Planted Tanks series. Whenever I get a spare moment or two, I trawl the various forums for aquascapes that I think would make a good feature for the PFK readers. So far I've had UK, European, Asian, American.... But all male aquascapers. I know I'm...
  35. G

    Top beginners' FAQs

    Simple really. What do you think the most common FAQs beginners have towards planted tanks? Be as detailed as you like.
  36. G

    My ASW interview

    Some good plugs for UKAPS too, of course! :) http://www.aquascapingworld.com/magazin ... armer.html
  37. G

    PFK step-by-step now on website

    http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... cle_id=684 There's a lot more photos than originally featured in the magazine. Thanks again to our sponsors, Aqua Essentials, for kindly supplying all the goods for the feature.
  38. G

    Matt Clarke can 'scape!

    Check out the hardscape in his desktop tank. Last photo. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... blogid=192
  39. G

    Latest PFK (Aug '08)

    Has anyone got the latest PFK yet? It should have Dan's 80cm and my 60cm opti-white. I was wondering how they turned out in print? Hopefully I'll get a copy sent over soon...
  40. G

    George Lo interview

    I enjoyed reading this. http://www.aquascapingworld.com/magazin ... go-Lo.html
  41. G

    Well done, Tom Messenger...

    The July issue of PFK has a really cool article on Wabi-Kusa, by our very own Tom. Nice plug for UKAPS from Tom and The Green Machine, in their Shop Tour feature too. Great work.
  42. G

    Useful glossary of terms and acroynms

    The planted tank subject can be somewhat daunting for the newcomer and less 'scientific'. Here's a useful list of commonly used chemical names, acryonms and abbreviations etc. Courtest of Tom Barr's - The Barr Report. Those chemical names and acroynms! Add more if you see one I missed!!! C...
  43. G

    Step-by-step planted tank video for PFK

    Next weekend my no.1 aquascaping partner, Dan Crawford, and I are setting up a planted tank for PFK's Website Editor/Developer, Matt Clarke. Hopefully we'll be videoing the whole process for the PFK website. Matt's wanted a nice planted tank for ages and when he saw what I did with Jeremy...
  44. G

    PFK Trop Idol - Planted Tanks Round

    http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... cle_id=657 It's Daniel's aquascape for me. Great for a first attempt at a planted tank. I'm not too sure about the wall on the left but I get the idea behind it. Clever stuff.
  45. G

    PFK Blogs

    I didn't realise how many blogs I'd written. Some you may find interesting, as most are plant related... http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... abase=blog
  46. G

    I love my part-time job...

    Many may know I contribute regularly to PFK and PPM. Writing articles is fun, but I love creating aquascapes even more. Tomorrow will probably be one of the highlights of my aquascaping 'career' to date. In the PFK photo studio I am setting up a, freshly shipped from Germany, 60cm opti-white...
  47. G


    On behalf of all the UKAPS founders and admin, I'd like to apologise for the considerable amount of downtime where ukaps.org was unavailable. More details here - http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=981 This was beyond our control, I understand a problem with the server. Hopefully this will...
  48. G

    2008 Tropica catalogue - now online

    http://www.e-pages.dk/tropica/4/ Smart.
  49. G

    I'm published in Pets Product Marketing

    There's a trade publication from Emap called Pets Product Marketing. I've had my first article published. It focuses on the growth of the planted tank hobby in the UK and starts off with basics i.e. filtration, lighting and ferts. Next month is substrates and CO2. It's quite exciting as its...
  50. G

    Fish TV is here!

    Check this out - www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/pfk/pages/blog.php?blogid=139 My latest tank is on there too
  51. G

    George's Algae Disaster!

    http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... blogid=124 Please feel free to comment on the blog. I'll try to run a journal on here too...
  52. G

    I'm a lucky so and so...

    Jeremy Gay (PFK deputy editor) is lending me, for 6 months, his 120x40x45cm braceless, rimless tank with 4x54w T5 overtank luminaire + Ecocomplete substrate, pressurized CO2 etc. JamesC is kindly supplying me some of his PMDD+PO4 dry ferts for dosing. Trace will be Tropica. I have 2x...
  53. G

    AGA 2007 - Anyone entering?

    Are any of you entering this year's AGA contest? http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2007.cgi Closing date is 30th September 2007, so not long now... I'm entering. I know I'm not going to be very competetive, but the judges comments will be interesting. It would be great to see some more...
  54. G

    I'm published in Russian

    I've already had some of my articles translated to French and Italian. Now Russian... http://www.aquaforum.kiev.ua/forum/show ... hp?t=16078 World domination. Hahahaha
  55. G

    UKAPS in PFK directory

    I think I've got the main stuff in. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... lub_id=215 edit - Sorry, forgot about merchandising. Can always include that at a later date when it's up to speed.