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  • Users: Sacha
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  1. Sacha

    tmc signature 60 planted

    Got a pic?
  2. Sacha

    Seeking advice- 60P low tech

    I live in Ealing but am always driving all around!
  3. Sacha

    Seeking advice- 60P low tech

    Hi Ryan, The stand in the previous photo you posted is from Ikea? It looks great! I thought it was an ADA cabinet!
  4. Sacha

    Are Otos more sensitive to Co2 than other fish?

    Thanks for the info Darrel. What's the best way to supplement their diet then, kale and spinach? Do you blanch it first or just chuck it in raw?
  5. Sacha

    Seeking advice- 60P low tech

    So people. It looks like I've gone and done it! Brought the 60P home this afternoon. Now the most important things are lights and a cabinet. I don't fancy spending hundreds of pounds on the cabinet, does anyone have any recommendations for something that will do the job and do it well...
  6. Sacha

    Are Otos more sensitive to Co2 than other fish?

    I have high Co2 levels, but massive steady flow and (I think) high oxygen levels. My ottos are all inactive day and night. It's rare that I see them move.
  7. Sacha

    Are Otos more sensitive to Co2 than other fish?

    Pentazona, they are pretty placid. It could be the silvertip tetras causing aggro.
  8. Sacha

    Are Otos more sensitive to Co2 than other fish?

    Thanks for all the replies. I'll keep a close eye on them to make sure they're not being pestered by the other fish.
  9. Sacha

    Are Otos more sensitive to Co2 than other fish?

    Hi all, I have had a lot of trouble keeping otocinclus alive in my high-tech planted tank. There is plenty for them to eat, and I cannot see of any particular reason why they always seem to get sick and die. The fish appear healthy in all other respects (they have full bellies, gills not...
  10. Sacha

    Seeking advice- 60P low tech

    Fantastic, thanks a lot for the details. Looks like just what I need!
  11. Sacha

    Seeking advice- 60P low tech

    Ryan, Your tank is fantastic, great work. Exactly the kind of thing I have in mind for my own. About the TMC Aquabar. What do you use to actually fix it onto the tank?
  12. Sacha

    Seeking advice- 60P low tech

    Thanks a lot for the reply, that's really helpful. I'll check out your journal now.
  13. Sacha

    Seeking advice- 60P low tech

    Hi all, I am after a bit of advice. I have the opportunity to get myself an ADA 60P (tank only). I have been wanting to set up a low-tech shrimp tank for a long time now, but never got around to it. I have had a 125L high-tech tank for a few years now and I am very happy with how the tank is...
  14. Sacha

    tmc signature 60 planted

    Keep going George! We believe in you!
  15. Sacha

    tmc signature 60 planted

    A healthy tank
  16. Sacha

    tmc signature 60 planted

    Your tank is far too small for SAE. They need at least a 3 foot when they are fully grown, and should be kept in groups of 3 minimum. My 125 was not big enough for them, and your 60 is less than half the size.
  17. Sacha

    From Tranquility Island to A Dutch Touch [200L]

    This tank is fantastic and the Valley of Colours looks like it's going to be amazing.
  18. Sacha

    Potassium Nitrate and BBA

    The OP is talking about a "bad batch" of KNO3. Although I'm not sure what that means.
  19. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    In response to Jose: 1) in my opinion, algae eaters are nothing to do with BBA in high flow areas. The only algae eaters that eat BBA are Siamese algae eaters. Ottos etc don't touch it. 2) too much light? I never, ever had BBA in the years when I had no Co2 and kept my lights on for 12 hours...
  20. Sacha

    Potassium Nitrate and BBA

    No aliens in Interstellar :p
  21. Sacha

    Potassium Nitrate and BBA

    No-one knows what causes BBA. Anyone who says they do is lying. I don't think it's algae at all, but waste products left behind by 5-dimensional aliens as they pass through our 4-dimensional universe.
  22. Sacha

    Potassium Nitrate and BBA

  23. Sacha

    90litre Tank FISH stocking query

    I would go for about 10 green neon tetras.
  24. Sacha

    In search of an accurate thermometer

    Thanks for the replies. Something like this? http://www.wilko.com/homebrew-accessories+equipment/wilko-thermometer-12-inch-spirit/invt/0022574
  25. Sacha

    In search of an accurate thermometer

    Hi folks, This is one of those things that has bothered me for my entire fishkeeping career. I have never been able to find an accurate in-tank thermometer. The best I have found is one built into the Seneye Home, but I don't use that in my tank anymore since it's a pain to have a computer...
  26. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    Sorry to be pedantic, but what do we mean when we say "organics"?
  27. Sacha

    Is it just random luck?

    The tank is the ADA tank downstairs, it's moderately stocked with cardinal tetras. Here is another example of an ADA tank they have upstairs. Beautiful carpet, very healthy plants, and loads of pearling. An in-tank glass diffuser with Co2 bubbles going straight to the surface of the...
  28. Sacha

    Is it just random luck?

    Jose, frankly your comments on this forum have become laughable. You choose to repeat the same conclusions over and over, with no scientific evidence to support any of it, and when people question the science behind it, your answer is 'I don't need to prove anything to a person that doesn't want...
  29. Sacha

    Is it just random luck?

    Please can you show me the 'empirical observations' that lead to the conclusion that limiting phosphates reduces the plant's demand for Co2?
  30. Sacha

    Is it just random luck?

    Because you just made a stipulative generalisation with no evidence to support it.
  31. Sacha

    Is it just random luck?

    How exactly does low phosphate limit the Co2 demand from plants? In particular, what are the molecular processes involved in this?
  32. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    So, 245 posts later- what have we learned?
  33. Sacha

    Is it just random luck?

    I go in there regularly and can tell you that it's looked like that for nearly a year now.
  34. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    Just to give you guys some perspective. http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/is-it-just-random-luck.36795/ There's no BBA in this tank.
  35. Sacha

    Is it just random luck?

    I paid a visit to Aquatic Design Centre yesterday because I wanted to take photos of an ADA tank there that I've had my eye on for a while. It is the best plant growth I have ever seen in a tank, online or otherwise. As you can see from the last picture, Co2 is fed from a single glass...
  36. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    How did we get to this conclusion... The cause of BBA is excess nutrients?? *bangs head against wall*
  37. Sacha

    End of CO2 Bottle Toxicity?

    Too much light. Cheers,
  38. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    Looks like I hit a nerve there. I didn't realise that you have such strong feelings for the man, I won't make any comments about it in future.
  39. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    Jose, all joking aside, are you actually in love with this man? I'd be interested to hear if anybody has any ideas as to why I get BBA on my spray bars, but nowhere else in the tank.
  40. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    Just to add my experience. The first year of owning my tank, I had no idea what I was doing. Basic plants (swords and crypts), 14 hours of light every day, no Co2, no ferts, low flow, 20% weekly water changes. No BBA. Now: Loads of plants, 7 hours of light, high Co2, massive flow, 50%...
  41. Sacha

    What exactly causes BBA?

    I don't understand it at all. My dream tank (at Aquatic Design Centre) is set up like this: High light Single glass diffuser (bubbles floating straight up to the surface) Single Eheim outflow at opposite side of tank to the diffuser Low flow, no surface agitation Loads of beautiful healthy...
  42. Sacha

    60P - The Shimmering of Light

    My favourite lens of all time :) Tank looks great, as ever.
  43. Sacha

    Advice Required - 180 litre planted not doing so well...

    Jose, do you have a Tom Barr shrine in your house?
  44. Sacha

    Juwel Bioflow filters in Planted Tanks...Need Help!

    I would strongly urge you to connect a spray bar to the Juwel outlet. Circulation pattern is more important than flow IMO.
  45. Sacha

    Juwel Bioflow filters in Planted Tanks...Need Help!

    On my Juwel Rio 125 (read: 125), I have a 1000lph Juwel internal filter connected to an Eheim Spray bar, and a 1250lph Eheim 3 600 filter. I would never go for anything less than 15x turnover in a planted tank.
  46. Sacha

    new setup, from #2 to... just plants

    Beautiful tank. This is how I envision mine will look, one day...
  47. Sacha

    Do you add any substance on water change day?

    I use RO water and so I re-mineralise with JBL Aquadur. That's just because I refuse to use London tap water, though.
  48. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    OK I did promise myself that I wouldn't waste my time replying here anymore but I just want to say one thing. This debate is not about 'agreeing' or personal 'beliefs'. It's about science, and well-attested chemical facts which for some obscure reason you seem to be denying. In more basic...
  49. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

  50. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    Ah, I see. You'd rather continue being wrong. That's fine by me, but this thread may as well be locked since you're not paying attention to a single thing anyone says here. This is my last comment here. My previous post contains all the information you need.
  51. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    http://users.rowan.edu/~jahan/Jahan-Hands%20on%20an%20Aquarium/lecturelabs/interactionsphetc.pdf Go to the section on the second page, entitled 'alkalinity, pH and Carbon Dioxide concentrations' In water with moderate to high alkalinity (good buffering capacity) and similar hardness levels...
  52. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    There's no point continuing this discussion because you seem to think that you have a better knowledge of chemistry than qualified, trained scientists do. Read the peer-reviewed paper in the post below. You can continue being wrong if you prefer, I can't be bothered to argue with you anymore.
  53. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    And also please provide a chart with fish on the X-axis and Co2 on the Y-axis?
  54. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    Me too, I'm looking forward to his reply.
  55. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    What are you even talking about? Don't you understand that KH buffers the pH? The higher the KH, the less your pH drop will be with the same amount of carbonic acid dissolved in the water. It's ok if you want to deny this and say it's a lie, you'll just be wrong :)
  56. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    ...your fish. Furthermore, the Co2 concentration at the beginning of the injection period is rarely zero. So I you don't know what your concentration is to start with, how on earth do you work out when you have 30PPM? Finally, there are *many* other factors aside from carbonic acid that...
  57. Sacha

    Question for ceg4048

    Yes, people on this forum seem to be obsessed with a "1 point pH drop before lights on". It's just an arbitrary calculation that depends entirely on the individual tank, I don't even bother testing my pH any more.
  58. Sacha

    Another user with CO2 Issues

    Looking really really nice
  59. Sacha

    Wanted: A reliable CO2 system for large planted tanks

    The question is... Are you really prepared to change 150 gallons of water per week?
  60. Sacha

    Acceptable RO water at LFS?

    The guy tested the TDS of the water and it was 150? Then he sold that to you as RO?
  61. Sacha

    How much ppm

    Listen to Clive.
  62. Sacha

    How much ppm

    Listen to Julian.
  63. Sacha

    How much ppm

  64. Sacha

    Where to buy coarse sponge?

    Thanks for the replies guys. I was just wondering if there was any particular sponge that was better suited to aquarium use. I saw a video from Tyne Valley Aquatics and the guy was using a sponge that had lots of indentations on the underside, he said that helped to collect debris.
  65. Sacha

    Where to buy coarse sponge?

    I want some coarse sponge for my filter (Eheim Pro 600). The only one they sell is for the pre- filter tray, so it has that big cut- out bit in the middle. I have that sponge, but I also want to put some sponge in the bottom tray. Can I buy a big sheet of coarse sponge somewhere and cut round...
  66. Sacha

    Midday lighting pause (siesta) - in tanks without CO2

    3. Activation of the enzyme is very slow at the beginning of the photoperiod. The RuBisCO in algae is more efficient because algae have a mechanism which concentrates CO2 and holds it, so they respond very quickly to the daylight. This is why siestas are a very bad idea.
  67. Sacha

    Midday lighting pause (siesta) - in tanks without CO2

    Instead of just "trying it out and hoping for the best", don't you want to actually understand the science behind photosynthesis and plant growth? If not, then give it a go and hope for the best. If however, you are interested in knowing exactly how plants use light and why a siesta is such a...
  68. Sacha

    Midday lighting pause (siesta) - in tanks without CO2

    Brace yourselves.
  69. Sacha

    Open Up Atomizer

    I owned all 3 versions of this atomizer and they all leaked.
  70. Sacha

    Fe, Mg or other deficiency? (with pictures)

    Here, I've even copied the relevant chunk here for you. The central role of RuBisCO in the process of photosynthesis means that it must be tightly regulated, to ensure that it is active only where and when it should be. One important layer of this regulation is the activation of RuBisCO at...
  71. Sacha

    Fe, Mg or other deficiency? (with pictures)

    Split photoperiod is never a good thing. http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/ei-calculators.26669/#post-277421 Please carefully read this article about Rubisco. after reading it you will understand why you shouldn't have a split photoperiod.
  72. Sacha

    Glass (ghost) catfish care?

    I do have areas of weaker flow, but that is mostly in the back of the tank in hidden areas where the fish wouldn't be visible. So I think they'd probably spend all their time hiding out of sight.
  73. Sacha

    Water changes on large tank?

    Thanks Clive. I will consider going the tap water route. But I am reluctant to switch from RO after many years of having full control over water parameters and being able to keep the TDS as low as I like. I just had a lot of problems before I switched to RO.
  74. Sacha

    Rams- care and compatibility?

    I am having a bit of a re- stock of my tank and am thinking of maybe getting a pair of rams. First of all, will they be too territorial for my current fish? 125 litre heavily planted tank: 17 cardinal tetras 3 Pentazona barbs 2 corydoras trilineatus 3 zebra danios I used to have more...
  75. Sacha

    Glass (ghost) catfish care?

    I would really like to get a few glass catfish, but I have read that they don't like high flow. Is this right? Would 6-7 of them be ok in my Rio 125, with massive flow? (2250 lph combined through two spray bars)
  76. Sacha

    Water changes on large tank?

    Clive, cardinals do not thrive in water that hard. I know they don't. They only started properly colouring up and getting full rounded bodies when I switched to RO.
  77. Sacha

    Water changes on large tank?

    Thanks for all the replies. My RO unit is very efficient, with virtually no waste water. This is because I am using a 130 PSI booster pump, and I have piggy- backed two 75 GPD membranes in sequence. The waste tap from one membrane runs into the input for the other membrane. So waste is not an...
  78. Sacha

    Water changes on large tank?

    Oh, phosphates are over 10 ppm and nitrates are about 40 ppm
  79. Sacha

    Water changes on large tank?

    I keep Cardinal tetras. My tap water is TDS 350- 400, KH is above 10, GH is about 20.
  80. Sacha

    Water changes on large tank?

    It has to be RO.
  81. Sacha

    Water changes on large tank?

    Hi guys, I have had my 125 litre tank for a few years now, and I do 50% weekly water changes with RO. We're having my room refurbished in May and I would like to get a bigger tank for when that happens. I'm looking at the Juwel Rio 300 and the Rio 400. The 300 is 350 litres, which would mean...
  82. Sacha

    The importance of a 1 point pH drop

    The thread is nothing more than another powerful illusion of the matrix. Cheers,
  83. Sacha

    How often do you fiddle with your tank?

    Let's be honest, we all do it. Some of us fiddle once a week, some a few times a week, some of us may even fiddle several times in the same day! So how often do you fiddle with your tank? Apart from the weekly water change, how often do you trim plants/ scrape algae/ play with the scape? For...
  84. Sacha

    The importance of a 1 point pH drop

    You do that every night before you go to bed?
  85. Sacha

    The importance of a 1 point pH drop

    Too much light. Cheers,
  86. Sacha

    RO v's Tap Water

    Sounds like you need a diaphragm pump for your RO unit. My tap water is the hardest in England apparently. And with a diaphragm pump to put 110 PSI Through the unit, I get 2 parts RO to 1 part waste. Before I had the pump and the unit pressure was like 35-40 PSI, the ratio was about 3:1...
  87. Sacha

    Heavily Planted Trigon 190 Lighting

    The man is back from his holidays and he means business!
  88. Sacha

    Hi Folks Here's My Planted Dutch 55g

    Amazing tank. And all of that without EI...
  89. Sacha

    To change or not to change

    That's because of the number of holes in the spray bar. Use your Fluval spray bar with the APS filter and you will see that the APS flow is comparable to the Fluval. Many people complain about the lph of the APS. In reality, this is just due to the fact that the APS spray bars have so many holes.
  90. Sacha

    To change or not to change

    Yes. Use the APS.
  91. Sacha

    Help me choose a pH meter

    I never paid for the slides. A slide will accurately measure pH and ammonia for well over a month. The slides can be used for about 3-4 months without any loss of accuracy. The only thing you don't get are the text notifications, but you don't need those anyway if you install the Seneye app.
  92. Sacha

    Help me choose a pH meter

    http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/seneye.31700/ Read through that thread
  93. Sacha

    Help me choose a pH meter

    I have a Seneye Home. Don't get me started on it, but the slides are incapable of measuring pH in water with KH less than 5. They have been promising a "low pH slide" for over 2 years now, but it never materialises. My Seneye Home is just an expensive thermometer. It can't measure pH in...
  94. Sacha

    Latest Tapatalk

    Yes, look at the Tapatalk support forums. they are aware of the massive cock- up and are going to roll out a new update over the weekend
  95. Sacha

    Keeping nerite alive?

    Zak, From personal experience, I would now never keep nerite snails in a tank with pH less than 7. They come from brackish water, which is obviously very hard. So they really need alkaline, hard water. Go for ottos instead.
  96. Sacha

    Making all- in- one mix from Macro and Micro salts?

    I apologise in advance if this has been asked before. I have all the macro salts, and trace mix for dosing EI. I was wondering if I could somehow make an all- in- one mix for a small nano tank I have. The reason being that I am going to be doing daily water changes on this tank, so dosing on...