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  1. Mark Evans

    Improving my photos

    welcome to the PS club :lol:
  2. Mark Evans

    Improving my photos

    i apply minimal sharpening. i think you can get PS in a real cut down...elements?.....i think which should give the basic tools good enough for correcting most images. final images, take everything out. but just for the purpose of showing updates leave the stuff in and it doesn't matter if...
  3. Mark Evans

    Improving my photos

    IME reflections arent due to the closeness. it's all about angles. or rather what bright lights/windows/TV's and there placement in the room. imagine the whole scene...tank/you/ TV as a triangle. use common sense to gauge where the light will bounce. that's if you cant eliminate the said...
  4. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    i take it your NOT talking about mine :lol:
  5. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    this is the look i was after. so, even amano blows his backgrounds http://www.adaeuro.com/zoom.asp?foto=im ... jpg&descr= i've added this to compare. (the rear lighting)
  6. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    looks like i'm going to go back to the drawing board. Amano is what i aim for. I'm not there by a long chalk. you have to remember I'm not pro status. I'm just like the rest on this forum. wanting to improve themselves. :D any tips on how i might improve the set up Andy? mine too, but i've...
  7. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    modest?...there bloody amazing! I can see your expertise coming in where lighting is concerned!
  8. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    i forget to thank everyone else for there kind words. i think i should make everyone aware, that this ISNT the final shots of this tank. there's MUCH more playing to do. i'm also aware that the lighting isnt 100% so i'll be correcting as i go :wink: at least you know what I'll be entering...
  9. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    wow, nice results. :D so is deviantart.com your website? there's some cool work you've done.
  10. Mark Evans

    Fishkeeping on a slightly different scale!

    my god! :shock: I wouldn't want to draw straws for the water change :lol:
  11. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    interesting. it really is a case of love and hate i think. :D after all these are just experiments :wink: the over all blown out effect is the whole point of the exercise. usually i'd feel unsure whether it was right or wrong, but when you've got amano as a bench mark, i kind of feel i'm...
  12. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    i think i know what you mean now john....the results i was trying to achieve?.... :D back lighting....to illuminate the back of the tank. to retain detail in the stems whilst having a bright background. to try different colours to achieve different effects. :D or something like that at least...
  13. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    i dont get what you mean john?.... :D :lol: cheers mate. now i'm on the lens hunt 8)
  14. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    in the future. i'll struggle on for the time being :lol: i need my son back to hold the camera whilst i hold the hair-dryer :shock: ....ermmm, other way around i mean now thats quit a compliment, thanks thomas! thanks you, if i can inspire, then my time is not waisted. "how too's" are...
  15. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    :P pearling my friend, i'll choose the time of the day better :lol:
  16. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    it's fine mate, you a tough cookie to please :lol: in fact you do make me look at my work a little harder, so yeah, you have an absolute valid point which is taken on board! :wink: here's one more, a bit more composed i suppose. remember the tank is only 4 weeks old, so it's got a ton of...
  17. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    there isn't one. it's about the rear lighting not the subject sorry. this is 5 minute wonder stuff. not the "proper" image :wink:
  18. Mark Evans

    saintly's real life lighting attempts

    I wasn't sure where to put this...photography, my journal. anyway, it's here. i'm playing around with back lighting and I'm obsessed now with achieving a certain look for this tank. although it goes against the title "autumn blush" it's been said that some of my "high light" images are a tad...
  19. Mark Evans

    The Golden Hour

    nice. personally, although leading lines are great from tractors, they're slightly less uniform here. the HDR effect is nailed though. :D
  20. Mark Evans

    Trip to London.A few more pictures.

    Re: Trip to London. when i was in Kazakstan, i had to pay them after the shot! :shock:
  21. Mark Evans

    Earl Of Mount Edgecombe

    PS clone stamp tool is ace!
  22. Mark Evans

    Trip to London.A few more pictures.

    Re: Trip to London. why crazy 8) it's only an observation about your photography. :wink: pap style wedding photography! not individual jobs. the 2 combined. all i'm saying is what you've done in the images above, most cant do for toffee. i know some potential brides and grooms would love it!
  23. Mark Evans

    Trip to London.A few more pictures.

    Re: Trip to London. the last 3 are my favourites, but the last one would be the one i chose if i had to. the geezers face is brilliant! in actual fact with shots like that, you'd make a good wedding photographer...the paparazzi off the cuff style is so in nowadays! the self portrait is good...
  24. Mark Evans

    Studio Lighting

    iPhone post... The whole studio lighting thing has now pushed me into buy back a couple of proper lenses. The 70-300 is ok for £100 but not quit cutting the mustad. Close up stuff is good, long stuff not so good. The co2 diffuser is the nuts! Hey, what a crackin post done with one finger...
  25. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    too true! :D loving it! no, no apparent signs that they don't like it. there quit content.
  26. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    yep, your right. i saw it on Dan's monitor today, and i did over do it. it was just a snap though, no effort in the back lighting. i'll pay more attention in the future. goodness, i just cant stop taking images!
  27. Mark Evans

    camera people

    This.... http://www.nextag.co.uk/Sigma-70-300mm- ... rices-html it's the exact same lens for this image. with something like a 350D and some good lighting should give you the ability to give you this... whether it's a 350d, 450 or a 5D at smaller size images the difference wouldn't be that...
  28. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    premium RAW shooter is the best for bulk conversion. it's actually painless for me. I'll convert to tiff, the edit it...borders etc, curves. then save as a jpeg. still a big file then upload on photobucket. i've done that many it's real easy now :lol: heres' with tank lights alone and white...
  29. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    allways jase. it allows for full control over....2 most important things IMO exposure white balance contrast is also dealt with within RAW editing. these images are straight from camera placed on a background in PS. the addition of flexible lighting has allowed me to pinpoint and control...
  30. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    good thinking :D
  31. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    here's a couple more. i've just taken these. i've had it set up most the day so i can just fire shots of practising etc. i did swap the backgrounds for a light blue one and white. its amazing at what a completely different feel backgrounds give! All of these images are just one flash head as...
  32. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    cheers matey :D cheers Aaron, i also got some great full tank shots too :) I'm beginning to find my style with these flash heads. i also experimented with different coloured backgrounds
  33. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    cheers guys! 8)
  34. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    Clive, thanks mate. To be honest mate, i owe just about 90% of what i do to you! To sustain good plant health, EI and CO2changed my plant keeping or rather your advice. believe me clive, you Dan man! i'd miss you if you didnt :P might be right mate :wink: cheers matey. :D
  35. Mark Evans

    Black Phantom tetras

    OK, 2 birds one stone. this is my fish choice for autumn blush and also an image that i like, rolled into one post. i've bought 12 of these little things. I'm an absolute noob when it come to fish, i just struggle to see them in a scape so i always end up buying loads of fish and it becomes...
  36. Mark Evans

    camera people

    http://www.lcegroup.co.uk/ sorry
  37. Mark Evans

    camera people

    try LCE AKA London camera exchange. you may find some good stuff. it's all a gamble
  38. Mark Evans

    Autumn Blush themes.

    no probs. sadly, actually not sadly as its a charity match for cancer research...i've got a fishing match tomorrow so i cant go. The next outing I'll be there 8)
  39. Mark Evans

    Autumn Blush themes.

    i've just checked the first image DATA, and that was taken with MH lighting only, no flash. i took 50/50
  40. Mark Evans

    Autumn Blush themes.

    i love georges replies....the greatest critique ever, in the nicest possible way :D true, i lost the detail at shooting time. it was the only shot that looked "almost" right. the MH is great mate, the strobes are there for the borrowing...i said that previously I think. :wink: a...
  41. Mark Evans

    Autumn Blush themes.

    your right mate, this is a case of practise with flash for me too. although the over exposed background is so typical of amano...you don't want a grey background with a white wall? :wink: it is the look i'm after. so of the main man's work is mega over exposed, i just try to copy 8)
  42. Mark Evans

    Autumn Blush themes.

    cheers samc. The Ram is a new addition. there's a pair in there. also i've bought some more pencil fish! real nice ones. i've seen these things colour up and believe me there stunning! cant wait for these to go red
  43. Mark Evans

    Autumn Blush themes.

    i'm practising different themes for "final layout images" etc etc. of course this is still in it's early days, but it's giving me a good chance to see how this may pan out....i'm liking the gap i the middle :P ...no foresight there :lol: anyways, what ya reckon? text and stuff would go at...
  44. Mark Evans

    "my lonley heart" by saintly

    cheers dude. 8)
  45. Mark Evans

    "my lonley heart" by saintly

    Thanks Clive. I'd like to say it was skill, but you know, i'm lucky at times. I don't actually go through the thought process of retaining detail...it just kind of happens. shooting 2 stops under works a treat for me and RAW processing is my other weapon of choice. :D my third?....the gradient...
  46. Mark Evans

    "my lonley heart" by saintly

    cheers guys. there was the typical field shot which was full of them... my over contrasty style :oops: then the single flower in the early barley fields.
  47. Mark Evans

    "my lonley heart" by saintly

    i'm not good enough for that mate :wink:
  48. Mark Evans

    Sigma macro lens

    :lol: most of the images you look at that i've done are from that very lens....just goes to show you eh? works for me.
  49. Mark Evans

    "my lonley heart" by saintly

    as the title suggests.....on the way to my local MA store this morning. there was a field full of poppies, but i felt this was a stronger picture. 2 ways of looking at this image....
  50. Mark Evans

    A Subset of Sublime Subtropic Sunsets

    stunning, all of them clive....one critique?.....theres not enough of them :lol:
  51. Mark Evans

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    mate, if you can remember as far back as this time last year...these images were with cheap tunsten bulbs. 500w babies. there interfit lights if you want to google them you really need to watch the WB as there warm in tone. they still gave a good effect though. really really sorry to...
  52. Mark Evans

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    me too. 375w should be enough i'd say, but i'm not 100%sure. sworral is in more of a position to comment. lighting is still new to me, so I'm in the dark (excuse the pun) this image is just to show the light with softbox, of course thats NOT where I'll put to shoot images. theres a ton of...
  53. Mark Evans

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    it is that George. pricey for entry level @ £500, but i can add anything from the bowens range with this kit (batteries for out door shoots etc etc) i also bought a soft box, damn those things are pricey. you get the 2 lights,stands, umbrellas, leads, and a lovetchly bag to carry it all...
  54. Mark Evans

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    i've got my bowens lights now, i bought the gemini kit, so it's time for me to learn a few skills, these things are AWESOME
  55. Mark Evans

    do you need water?

    that's a wonderfully kind thing to say Clark, i must admit he's a cute little thing. seeing as you've said that i did minimal work in PS to bring him out some more. it's a shame you cant see the full crop....boy i miss that 135mm F2Lseries lens :?
  56. Mark Evans

    do you need water?

    thanks mate. i'm glad a few like them 8)
  57. Mark Evans

    do you need water?

    :lol: thankfully yes....not even a bit of me in him. look at me in my Russian peasant out fit
  58. Mark Evans

    do you need water?

    he's a cute little thing eh james?.... :D and another cutie.....my little lad
  59. Mark Evans

    do you need water?

    thanks mate, although there not great photots as in technical ability or composition really. there all just off the cuff images. blimey there nothing compared with all the pros on here. the spencer , worrals, farmers and edwards of this world. i'm going mate....to ADA nature world. i've got my...
  60. Mark Evans

    do you need water?

    this guy had seen it all.... its amazing how many people didn't smile
  61. Mark Evans

    do you need water?

    well, some maybe aware, but for those that are not my wife is from said country. (actually Russian) i've been across about 3 times now and every time it takes me by surprise. this is the way the locals, including myself while i was their had to collect water..... a trip to the market...
  62. Mark Evans

    The Duchess of Sutherland

    true, must of been amazing to see something like that. a blast from the very distant past.
  63. Mark Evans

    some random images

    today I did something I have not done in an age...take some non aquatic photos. unfortunately I didn't charge my batteries so I only managed to grab not even a dozen photos. this is a newly designed (if you can call it that) nature walk near to where I live. I took my boy too who was into...
  64. Mark Evans

    Nikon D40

    yes, but ALL photographers are the same. theres not one that gets the "right" shot straight away. it appears to me you've got everything in place composition wise...rule of thirds etc....if your "new" to photography, it's almost a dead cert that your going to be excellent in the future...
  65. Mark Evans

    Nikon D40

    i've just checked out your flickr too, you've got some major skills there girl :P brilliant!
  66. Mark Evans

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

    i have something thats called a "wife" there great little things for jobs such as....holding hair-dryers, mopping up spills....the list is endless. :lol: now, now folks I'm not really being offensive...trust me, with my wife,i dare not just shows you i don't know what I'm looking at when it...
  67. Mark Evans

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

    http://www.aquariumdesigngroup.com/#a=0 ... 0&s=17&p=5
  68. Mark Evans

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

    Right click properties George. It gave me the shooting data of the image
  69. Mark Evans

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

    f/1.0 eh?.... :wink: who's showing off now then....great depth mate. but iso 400?....1/400 ? surely with that speed George you could muster up a shot with iso 100? 8)
  70. Mark Evans

    Restoring an old forge - Photos.

    true Clive, ISO is key to what you've just explained. Also though, remember the data you've got with a JPEG is compressed, but you do have the option of how much compression you give it....low medium high quality. RAW is the basic unaffected/uncompressed file, hence the ability to "play" more...
  71. Mark Evans

    Restoring an old forge - Photos.

    it's only advisable with RAW files. if you do it with jpegs you'll suffer noise i'm afraid
  72. Mark Evans

    Restoring an old forge - Photos.

    for the reason's clive speaks about (blown highlights) this is why i shoot up to 2 stops under exposure in RAW. it's fatal to try and get a correct exposure, you'll be there forever trying to get it. even at 2 stops under, you'll never loose detail in the shadow areas.
  73. Mark Evans

    George's Iwagumi

    i didn't read the thread properly, sorry. full tank shot later :oops:
  74. Mark Evans

    George's Iwagumi

    your missing one george, full tank :lol: nice mate. king of clean!
  75. Mark Evans

    A few pictures of my fish :)

    i love the second image aaron 8) great angle....slightly shooting upwards, nice. angles can add drama to an image
  76. Mark Evans

    Sepia portrait

    now that is brilliant. character?....it's full of it! that really is a stunning shot. you got the bug now mate :wink: you can only go upwards from here
  77. Mark Evans

    Nikon D3X

    :shock: you get what you pay for. i had a RZ67 PRO II film camera a few years ago. with fuji velvia 50 loaded, that was stunning! i wished i'd never sold that too! and it was only £600 4th hand. i bet you could get one real cheap now...mmmm :?: good gracious i've sold some quality gear :?
  78. Mark Evans

    Canon 40D

    very wise mate, very wise indeed. after using the p2000. you'll want to keep it! the screen is to die for.
  79. Mark Evans

    Canon 40D

    a word of advice mate, get smaller versions. say 4 x 8.0 GB so if you happen to corrupt a card by accident or it just break/loose it you only loose a quarter of your images as opposed to half. after all memory is cheap these days you can borrow my epson p2000 if you like too, to download the...
  80. Mark Evans

    starlings formations

    tonight was the biggest formations yet. and in different parts of the sky within (no exaggeration) 1 mile the sky's were filled. people on the estate were even stood looking up. i took the wife out to show her, she was gobb smacked. i've seen the bill oddie clips from a couple of years...
  81. Mark Evans

    starlings formations

    cheers Thomas. here's one of the trees these guy's land in. the whole street, paths, cars, roofs are covered in crap!
  82. Mark Evans

    starlings formations

    thanks guys. 8)
  83. Mark Evans

    starlings formations

    well tonights formations were just stunning! and the night sky was just too much! i drove to where these things were actually playing. now i've seen some amazing things in my life, one thing was watching bill oddie watching the same thing down south somewhere, but to see it for real directly...
  84. Mark Evans

    starlings formations

    now these are not the most amazing technically right photographs. there straight from the camera i've literally just taken them. its pretty dark so bumped up the iso. but these starlings do this most nights, but i've never seen so many as there were tonight! i love what they do!
  85. Mark Evans

    ukaps logo in PhotoShop

    right click and save the UKAPS logo at the top of your screen. it's as good as
  86. Mark Evans

    My 60cm with Canon 50D

    The thing that i loved the most about this tank, is the complexity of the planting scheme.you can see it in the images, but once in front of it, it becomes even more apparent. truly a strong point with the scape. the books George!...i'm reading already! :lol: you remember how i said wifey...
  87. Mark Evans

    My 60cm with Canon 50D

    i've seen it :wink: ooo baby! IT'S RIGHT NEXT TO YOU MARK!..... a perfectly scape 60cm?........i hardly noticed the tank, while i had me nose in NA book2 and a cup of tea at hand :lol:
  88. Mark Evans

    My 60cm with Canon 50D

    whats it like using RAW? much better eh? nice image George.great shape to the scape. i'm still impressed that there's no CO2
  89. Mark Evans

    Flower macro

    crop the image slightly (lose the bottom) get it on a big canvas, put it on the wall! people pay mega bucks for images of lesser quality. welcome to the world of noise free images George.
  90. Mark Evans

    ukaps logo in PhotoShop

    cant you add it top the down load page?....in white? could of saved me some effort :lol: just kiddin
  91. Mark Evans

    Flower macro

    more artistic, than camera abilities. allthough the camera is great. artistic eye shows here. i've taken some of my best images when just pointing and shooting.
  92. Mark Evans

    Flower macro

    awesome mate. there'll be no stopping you now
  93. Mark Evans

    ukaps logo in PhotoShop

    here's the image with logo. I've added an outline also. same window as colour overlay but your looking for the "stroke" option. again pick colour thickness etc....
  94. Mark Evans

    ukaps logo in PhotoShop

    ok, basics. if you right click on the big UKAPS logo on your screen and save images as.... now you've got the ukaps logo....in grey! to change the colour you do this. open it and drag it on to your image.... now, underneath the ukaps logo (in the above image) there's the layers box, double...
  95. Mark Evans

    Canon 40D

    i saw the same skys this morning. nice pic mate. you wait until you start discovering the benefits of RAW processing :wink: you got more MP than me now! :shock:
  96. Mark Evans

    Canon 40D

    c'mon george, lets see em'....photos dude....photos!
  97. Mark Evans

    Photo's for PFK cover

    thats a shame. i can just see that on the cover. just did a bit of painting :wink:
  98. Mark Evans

    Photo's for PFK cover

    i guess they dont want freaky fish? :lol:
  99. Mark Evans

    Canon 40D

    thats a new one on me too. you'll love the new camera george
  100. Mark Evans

    How do you take full tank shots?

    kind of. it certainly would give a sense of space. i use it for effect. you'll get really bad distortion with wide angle, which if used right can look cool. wide angle make the interior of a small tank look massive!