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  1. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    you like the twigs i added too dude?.... :lol: I need to try flicker I reckon. I've only really took attention to photobuckets robbery of detail/sharpness. recent images i've uploaded don't even compare to what the real image looks like. :? i'll check flicker out. is it lockable?....dont...
  2. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    well, I was instructed by the wife that I must take a pic of her and Dan! Dan really didn't want to play ball hence the moody face. After placing the moss foreground and arranging the trees, all was good. I actually think i'm in love with this camera. the live view function is just amazing...
  3. Mark Evans

    'under the canopy'

    A quick walk in the woods today. The backlit trees just looked so inviting. I did lose my bearings and got lost though. it's kind of a nature shot i guess.
  4. Mark Evans

    Newark castle by night.

    A standard shot of Newark castle by night. I love this building. There are some great shots to be had inside, but they now shut the gates due to vandalism. iso 100, f8, 2 second exposure. Sigma 24-70mm
  5. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    that would be mega! mine fields and me dont mix. :lol: although i do like a challenge. don't forget to check out some of the HD vids done on a 5D mk2 by some of the pros on vimeo.....now they are stunning! it's the software bit I'm confused on.
  6. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    i fear this is going to cost money finding out :?
  7. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    i can see it andy, and looks ace. better than my straight from camera attempt. the file i uploaded to vimeo is straight from camera. rather poor actually compared to my my most recent vids. my problem is.... vegas pro 9 converts to anything i like, but for some reason looks average. edius 5...
  8. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    here is literally a test up load. it's a massive 2 seconds long :hilarious: straight from camera. i'm currently head deep in research on HD editing :geek:
  9. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    it's the user that's crap, not the gear. so they may still be shabby :lol:
  10. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    video editing software seems to be a mine field, although I'm narrowing it down. i've not got edius5 to try and the convertion is way better than vegas pro 9.
  11. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    forget 5, what are they going to be making in 1! technology flies along rapidly. this is a remarkable camera for sure. i wish i'd discovered DPP earlier. straight from camera?...average. but edited in sony vegas pro 9....stunning! especialy with the firmware update, which lets the user...
  12. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    cheers sam. i wasnt sure anyone would like them as there not really composed shots. here's another. i'm also loving my 50mm f1.4 at the moment. i forgot how good it is. i've got to go back up to this place with the wife and son, she wants some pics taken with them in it. :angel:
  13. Mark Evans

    5D mk2 random test shot

    I'm by no means a pro photographer, neither do i know the correct ways to test cameras or lenses. I just know certain things to look out for. Tonsers the man for all things pro else :D i thought i'd have a go at seeing what this camera is like for picking out detail in shaded areas, especial...
  14. Mark Evans

    65mm macro. autumn flowers.

    here's a variation on the same flower. can you tell i'm bored?.... :shifty:
  15. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    A couple more for the outdoor moss lovers.
  16. Mark Evans

    65mm macro. autumn flowers.

    cheers viktor :D as in riccia?...or emerged form of a similar plant? in my garden i have a plant pot with something that looks similar to riccia....same shape. and has been growing outdoors for about 6 months. i did think it was riccia, but then thought surely it would die.
  17. Mark Evans

    65mm macro. autumn flowers.

    you can see whats left of the flower here...next to the moss.
  18. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    not for long :shifty: thanks sam. your scape is looking cool btw :wink:
  19. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    I have the most expensive studio in the world....not. :lol: i've got a cheap old photo holder which is just above A3 size. point one light @ the subject and that's it leah. :D nothing fancy with these magnifications....oooo, the box is from gucci! :lol: not really. Thanks for the info on...
  20. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    here's a slice of moss I got from outdoors. i've looked at moss and liverworts pages on line, and from what I can gather the long thing is it's spore bearing part. :shifty: I'm not the best on technical and factual stuff.
  21. Mark Evans

    65mm macro. autumn flowers.

    no mate. one of the few that does not have the 'L' label, but should. it's this one.... http://www.canon.co.uk/for_home/product ... 15x_Macro/ Apparently, there's no better lens for SLR macro shooting canon wise, and i don't think nikon even come close to anything like this....they never...
  22. Mark Evans

    65mm macro. autumn flowers.

    I don't know the name of this flower, i will find out though. cheers.
  23. Mark Evans

    Full tank shots

    this is awesome John, seriously. 8)
  24. Mark Evans

    60mm Macro

    tis rather pricey, :shh: wifey don't know. like i sayed, great pics mate. i notice your doing the 'white' background thing. i want to start going back to that sometime....much more natural
  25. Mark Evans

    60mm Macro

    looks pretty good to me Dan. in the third pic, did you add the corner shading?
  26. Mark Evans

    riccia macro.

    :lol: sorry clive, i wrote it wrong....
  27. Mark Evans

    riccia macro.

    thanks peeps. cheers Clive. the moment I saw this on the image viewer, i thought of you instantly. :D
  28. Mark Evans

    riccia macro.

    A shot of riccia.
  29. Mark Evans

    why i miss my canon 135mm F2 L series

    yeah, didn't notice that :lol: I sold it. after an average innings @ wedding photography (it's not what it's cracked up to be) I sold loads of gear. BIG mistake. i kept my 5D and one lens. slowly rebuilding my collection again. I reckon, I'll invest in glass over a new camera
  30. Mark Evans

    why i miss my canon 135mm F2 L series

    here's an image from yesteryear I took with this lens. I've always realised that glass is important, but over the last year I bought cheap, and the difference is bigger than I initially thought it's enough to make me want to re-buy it.
  31. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    thanks samc. he is rather funky. here's a spider who's web is rather tatty. maybe he's lazy. i like this shot more for colours. beautiful, with a sinister twist.
  32. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    last of the summer bee's. a chance encounter really. spring seems such a long time away.
  33. Mark Evans

    Off Camera Flash

    true, IME 2 heads is an ideal set up for a 60cm with black or white background. when you move to a 90cm, things become harder with 2 lights. not so bad with a black background on a 90cm. but if your trying to illuminate a white background, then a 3rd light is needed i reckon, maybe a 4th RE...
  34. Mark Evans

    Off Camera Flash

    additional lighting is something you wont regret.
  35. Mark Evans

    Off Camera Flash

    personally i don't use umbrellas or reflectors. just don't see the point. i've also seen an amano image and the lighting into the tank is direct also.
  36. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    it's kinda freaky when you look through he lens. I must admit, when i attempt shooting spiders, i do jump when they move :oops: thanks Devin. :D
  37. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    here's a sideways on shot of a blue bottle. i love the funky hair do on the neck :lol:
  38. Mark Evans

    saintly's aquatic macro, trial run.

    thanks guys. the aquatic shots will improve 100% given time. paulo, i'm up for setting a nano up :wink:
  39. Mark Evans

    saintly's aquatic macro, trial run.

    I thought the chance to shoot aquatic with the new canon lens may prove to be difficult or even impossible. a few others did i reckon too. to focus, you simply move the camera or the subject and even @ f 16 there's not much room for error. I nervously went down to MA east bridgford to see if i...
  40. Mark Evans

    if scared of spiders, do NOT look.

    OK, i took Tonsers advise from my previous thread (thanks mate :wink: ) cooling down a critter then waxing his ass to some card. all harmless it appears. i let him go no probs. I must say though even chilled down, I grabbed him with my tweezers and i could here his jaws going on the...
  41. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    and works a treat. it knocks them out for a while for sure. i think i've bought this at the wrong time of year. :geek: cheers tony
  42. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    just different angles of this one. look pretty much the same. i'm on the hunt though. yep, i'm on a mission now.
  43. Mark Evans

    Do you ever...

    oddly enough yes, yesterday and found one of my scapes on another website. kinda like a feature. never even asked, but then i/we do put stuff up for this reason i guess. i checked out your flicker site BTW, some great stuff. your mums nice too :oops:
  44. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    now were getting somewhere. 8)
  45. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    no, but a good idea actually :P you see, i've been struggling the last few days. i can of course catch the bugs, but to keep the damn things still is a PITA. hats off to the pros who manage it.
  46. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    nope :lol: i'll show you all eventually.i nearly died of shock when she showed me
  47. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    ahhh.... :lol: i see. thanks my friend.
  48. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    i'm not sure what ECA is :D the only processing was exposure correction (for the fly). no sharpening. and curves to blow the highlights. place on white frame. cheers viktor. :thumbup:
  49. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    cheers mr S :D :lol: wrestled it to the ground :wink: thanks jase. :thumbup: :lol: and i thought you were a rufty tufty Welshman
  50. Mark Evans

    A bugs life...

    my wife capture this house fly, and came up with an ingenious way of keeping it in one place whilst keeping it temporarily alive.....must be the Russian in her. anyway, pics weve all seena million times before, but it was great to do it myself.
  51. Mark Evans

    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    just googled it, looks like your right with this estimation. :thumbup: totally. I may do a little set up in the house. maybe transplanting would work? pinch mosses and plant into nature soil?
  52. Mark Evans

    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    it's making me think different for sure. what's beneath our feet is just astounding.
  53. Mark Evans

    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    really? i might try it. if so, to see undulating hills of this stuff would be mega! i've been looking through this pot quite closely. googled moss etc, there's also liverworts in there to i believe. is this the moss you mean? the main clump...the 5p is to add some kind of scale
  54. Mark Evans

    why stinging nettles sting.

    eh? there was an additional post here. now it's gone. also on Georges 6 years thread. theres a ghost. :jawdrop
  55. Mark Evans

    Santa Pod RWYB 18/10/2009

    you've done a great job of getting the cars in focus, whilst capturing the motion. good job mate.
  56. Mark Evans

    The luckiest images in the world.

    just for record purposes i guess.
  57. Mark Evans

    The luckiest images in the world.

    cheers glen. i've just googled it. i may send some of these images to a moth society.
  58. Mark Evans

    The luckiest images in the world.

    eh? :lol: one of lifes wonders mate. along with butterflys. another fave of mine. it's a bit wierd they do this, this time of year. i'm off to photograph natts eye now :P
  59. Mark Evans

    The luckiest images in the world.

    well, like i say. I'm luckiest git in the world :wink: i found this little moth in the garden earlier this afternoon. went to pick natt and dan up from train station, came back shone a torch and bingo! instant wildlife action. :shock: the little thing was preggers. Now, my neighbour...
  60. Mark Evans

    Photograph of the Year (BBC)

    the first one looks like a 'big tom' effort. 8) awesome
  61. Mark Evans

    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    cheers dan. i held a 1Ds markIII the other day, and nearly made love to the woman behind the counter....out of my league though. 5D mark II maybe. not sure yet. cheers chris. my neighbours think i'm strange burrowing in the garden :lol: cheers dude. it's the look i was after. i think if...
  62. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    cheers John. i've just checked exactly how deep into a tank i can shoot. it's not a lot, but i've got at least 6 inches. so fish shots are definite yes,as will be shrimp so is HC and moss in foreground. :D
  63. Mark Evans

    why stinging nettles sting.

    true. but i'll try. i'm getting the 135mm f2 l series for aquatic stuff :wink: back to my good old days. hey sam, leadwork is quite lucrative you know.
  64. Mark Evans

    why stinging nettles sting.

    http://www.warehouseexpress.com/buy-can ... 0/%20Canon :shh: dont tell the missus.
  65. Mark Evans

    Canon speedlite flash gun

    buying from hongkong, on mor expensive gear can cheapen things a little. just tell the post man it's a gift, other wise you get stung for tax.
  66. Mark Evans

    Camera Not Working - Canon EOS 300D

    :lol: you must be really struggling then dave with nikon
  67. Mark Evans

    why stinging nettles sting.

  68. Mark Evans

    Camera Not Working - Canon EOS 300D

    try formatting the card. take batteries out for a while. all the usual things.
  69. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    hey, i'm not really bothered. hi res or not. i like to share. TBH, these really aren't good enough to be put on a wall. good look to those who try. actually it'd bring a little smile to my face. help your self people. :thumbup:
  70. Mark Evans

    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    cheers dude. i've got it under controlled lighting now. whilst looking around through the camera i came across this little chap. and i mean little. once i found him, i then looked with my normal eye, and i'd say he was about 3mm big....there was a dead fly next to him too. The DoF is crazy on this.
  71. Mark Evans

    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    OK, here's a few shots. these were all take @ ISO 1000 f16 shutter 1/50th fired via a remote switch apart from the flower which was f5.6 I think. it dawned on me later that usually, you cant bring nature into your house, but in this case...I can! it's a plant pot. so I may attempt at taking...
  72. Mark Evans

    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    I'm attempting to get a few shots of this old plant pot from mums house. kinda bonsai nature. one thing, this is inspiring so much for my next tank. i can see why amano loves moss!
  73. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    yep. i tried peering into my 60 cm tank. i don't have much to play with, only stuff in the foreground. so it looks like HC is the only thing I'll capture. bubbles should look huge. this shot isn't a strange attempt at iwagumi. the larger pebbles are exactly that. just pebbles. the smaller...
  74. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    thanks peeps. ok, last one for a bit. it's a fuscia flower. i've been looking under the sofa, behind the dresser looking for spiders :geek:
  75. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    thanks you all. it's a possibility. they will need to swim close to the front glass. i can get fast shutter speeds, it's the focusing that will hinder me, but with patience i reckon it's a reality. I'll only be able to get foreground shots of plants. mosses, riccia pearling and they would be...
  76. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    cheers james. :D i am in pure heaven at the moment. to see life in a different perspective is just stunning. A bugs life. here's one of a flower from the back garden. it's tiny in reality (as are all the other shots) but you can see the pollen on the head :shock: this isn't even the closest...
  77. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    i've been to mothers garden this morning. I've been on my hands and knees and in some strange position trying to get images. when looking through this lens, life looks so different. mosses look like trees and insects look like horses. it turns out, this is tricky to use even with slight...
  78. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    cheers paulo. i'm taking it outdoors today.
  79. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    weve read the same things me thinks. :D i was partially put off by this, but when i read you can hand hold it outdoors in daylight, it swung me. with additional light indoors, it's manageable.
  80. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    stu, you cant imagine how much light is need with this lens. it's F2.8 through out, but at 5 x magnification, the light requirements is frighting. with both 200w heads it's struggling. i took the softbox off and placed both heads real close just to get light. from what i've read, it's canon's...
  81. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    cheers Aaron, ever wondered what the centre of a dandelion head looks like?.... i knew the blue background was meant for other stuff that aquarium shots. :P i've give you warts and all shot....dust. F16....not good for dust on such magnification. 5x i'm guessing this thread is for techy...
  82. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    cheers dudes. one more. slightly larger. pulling it out was a pain.....remember, these are tiny.
  83. Mark Evans

    raging planet of dandelion.

    here's the first shot from my new Canon MP-E 65mm f2.8 1-5x Macro Lens. it's a dedicated macro lens, which give stunning results. before judging this, just go and pick a dandelion head and look at closely, then look at this shot. this was @ 1x the lens go's up to 5x! I'm blown away with what it...
  84. Mark Evans

    schmap photo...

    great stuff Aaron
  85. Mark Evans

    My First HDR

    that is just surreal :clap:
  86. Mark Evans

    My First HDR

    lets see what your exposure adjustments are like first :lol: really nice image dan,
  87. Mark Evans

    My First HDR

    if that last images was a little brighter, and was a large file, I'd hang that on my wall gladly! potentially stunning. different too.it's so damn moody. real ....contemporary?....think that's the right word.
  88. Mark Evans

    Why I no longer keep fish

    Tom, your photography is just breathtaking, seriously. mega, mega skill and a wonderfully creative eye. the best i've seen on here. in fact nothing comes close.
  89. Mark Evans

    cheap photographic lighting for aquariums

    I was browsing my images from the past and came across many images i forgot i had. nice to look back actually anyway, i found one or 2 that may help a few struggling with lighting there tanks for photographic purposes. continuous lighting, i think, is a cheaper option by far. you can pick up...
  90. Mark Evans

    Holiday Photos

    you've got an amazing eye fish.com completely different way of viewing things than most. :clap:
  91. Mark Evans

    photo shop

    good point. getting the best from my images requires me to use premium RAW shooter. (unavailable due to adobe buying them out i think) it's one of the best, even now for RAW conversion making light work of what's usually a tedious process. for image enhancing/editing, PS is my only port of...
  92. Mark Evans

    photo shop

    PS is tricky at first, but seriously, when you get to grips with even the basics you'll be glad you use it.
  93. Mark Evans

    450d lenses or compatibles

    great lens john. 80%of my images are taken with that lens. :thumbup: another great lens for the £ V's quality is the sigma 24-70 f 2.8 ex DG. compared to the canon L series it's the same league for a lot less money.
  94. Mark Evans

    Nature is the True Master

    ahh, sorry. :angel: ok, so maybe make some reflectors or buy a cheap one?....to bounce natural light on to the subject.
  95. Mark Evans

    Nature is the True Master

    good attempts. you could also try using tungsten lighting indoors with black backgrounds. i took this a few years ago in my front room and an old light.
  96. Mark Evans

    450d lenses or compatibles

    John, if you give a price range it may be possible to narrow a lens down mate :thumbup:
  97. Mark Evans

    450d lenses or compatibles

    i've found the sigma 70-300mm apo macro to be a real star lens for the money.
  98. Mark Evans


    ok, i think in the first 3 focusing is an issue. there slightly blurred. also, the following images of flowers in black and white would probably look better in colour....that's why they were given them 8) the horse image I like. it's got character. the bee is too central;, try to compose...
  99. Mark Evans

    Improving my photos

    here's a tip. i told this to steve i remember. i noticed a while ago, before lights on, stems or rather there crowns follow the light effectively. even natural day light. a few ours before lights on all the crowns were facing forward. when the lights came on all the stems were facing forward...
  100. Mark Evans


    i thought i was on the wrong type of website when i saw "full facial retouch" :lol: http://www.ppforums.co.uk/index.php?act ... article=11 yeah, it does seem car orientated