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  1. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat *** PLEASE HELP ME *** Thanks people. Water change certainly cleared the water up and am going through loads of kitchen roll. Am planning on doing a three day cycle until things perk up - Day 1 WC & Macro, Day 2 Trace, Day 3 off. I have decent surface movement but...
  2. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat - PLEASE HELP! It is water change night, but it seems to go like this at the end of each week.
  3. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat What am I doing wrong?! FFS!!! Plants pearling like nothing I've seen before, HC and P Helferi are going great. Surface film keeps returning Water seems very milky as shown on the photos. 2 shrimp died today Stable CO2 and am keeping to the dosing and lighting...
  4. Superman

    Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 1/10/10 ~ 2 years on

    Re: Luke's Nano - Updated with Pictures 3/10/08 FYI I can see them fine.
  5. Superman

    Ray's 90cm - Growing Pains Over?

    Re: Ray's 90cm Asian Theme Journal - Look - No Aglae! Keep going Ray, I think there's a few of us struggling with algae issues and are going through them now and coming on the good side. I seem to battle against GSA all the time even when my plants are pearling like mad!
  6. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat Things still going ok, pearling is continuing. At this rate will have some Hygrophila polysperma cuttings in a few week's time! The surface film has returned again, which I'm disappointed about but it's not as much as before. Really pleased that my two shrimp that...
  7. Superman

    Joe's Low Tech 54L

    I could always take a few bits of crypts from mine if you get stuck. Give me a week or two and I'd be able to donate a fair few items
  8. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat So, first day and was so impressed, thought I'd take some videos... Please ignore The Bill on in the background so might be best to turn the sound off!
  9. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat Right, so back on track. AE order arrived including more EasyCarbo and K2SO4. My macro dose is.. MgSO4 16g KNO3 8g KH2PO4 4g K2SO4 3g Macro dosed like Monday, Wednesday, Friday with 1g of trace added on Tuesday and Thursday. Adding 10ml of EasyCarbo each day...
  10. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat Another update.. Bought some more Amano shrimp to replace ones that have gone to the fishy heaven in the sky. Got two pots of Hygrophila Polysperma and will be removing the internal filter today and then putting this in it's place. So will be hooking up the in-line...
  11. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat Things seem to be going well, so I thought I'd try putting on the 2nd bank of 2x39w T5's and wow. It was like I switched the plants on! Loads of pearling on my HC, Vallis & Crypts and even some little pearling on the P Helferi. Here's a quick photo before my...
  12. Superman

    The Green Machine - New display tank pics as requested

    The photos don't so this tank justice IMHO. Looking fantastic fellas, hope it keeps progressing. Whats the best thing you've found to get the HC to carpet? I've just got some HC and am interested in getting the best out of it.
  13. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat Thanks. Well, Tuesday saw me get some new plants at lunch. Bought.. 3 pots of Hemianthus Calitrichoides "Cuba" (HC) 3 pots of Ultricularia Graminifolia (UG) 3 pots of Tiger Vallis Things are getting better, I removed the badly effected vallis and planted the HC...
  14. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's Asian Retreat Quick update... Outside factors has caused me not to look after the tank as much. I'm rather disappointed that I've let it slide as much as it was looking good and going forward, I got lazy, had other distractions, no energy and no time to do it. I've realised that...
  15. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) Ah right, still looked impressive! Came back and lost two of my amano shrimp. The water was hotter than usual at 26C and all the fish were gasping. They're ok now but sad to lose my shrimp. Next time I do a water change, might reduce...
  16. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) last night was water change night. I pulled out the hairgrass and p helferi to gravel vac the BGA out and also replant in smaller clumps. I think this was made things more tidy with the p helferi and the hairgrass has been cut short...
  17. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) Ok, I'll have a look. I need some plants for the back right for when I remove the internal filter. I'd also like some floating plants, so will be having a look for them too.
  18. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) I went to the LFS today to get a test for gH, it came out with a reading of 12. Everythings going well, got a new groth on the crypts I added yesterday. The Anubias is really taking off too. I'm trying to remove the GSA although it...
  19. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) Hmm, siphoning each day and blackouts. Sounds like a right pain. :roll:
  20. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) I'm trying to remove as much of the melting leaves as I see them to try and limit ammonia spike. I'm still running my old internal with my new external maybe the internal isn't as efficient as it was before due to the pull of the new...
  21. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) Thanks LD, will do that. Some photos, my anubias is really flying and have took photos some photos of the new growth. I've slowly been stepping up the CO2 each day and the drop checker is still green, however tonight after about 2...
  22. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) Photos of pencil fish...
  23. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (Now Rescaped 17.08.2008) Thanks Graeme, They are the same type of rock, just the smaller bits haven't been in a tank for a few months now. At the next water change I'll see if I can adjust the rock as you suggested.
  24. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I popped to TGM today, it was totally fantastic as usual. I must of had at least 3 cuppas and a good chat to everyone there. Chatted to Andy and Elaine who were doing some work on their tank in there. Came out with a fair few plants and 5 amano shrimp. On the...
  25. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank So new filter running for a couple of days, only been using 2 of the 39w T5s Upped the ferts to.. Macro: 4.6g KNO3, 0.8g KH2PO4, 6.8g MgSO4 - dosed three nights a week 0.5g trace in the days in between the Macro Since the lights I've had the following. What...
  26. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Filter arrived and all hooked up... viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2592&start=0 Now using the inline diffuser too. Fry are in their breading net now, fingers crossed.
  27. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank john, I run it for that lenght of time as the drop checker stays in the green. I've tried to up it to the yellow end but find that it doesn't really show an effect as guess the diffusion isn't brill, even though the co2 bubbles get pushed around the tank. I...
  28. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I turn it off an hour early as there should be sufficient co2 in the water, until the lights go off.
  29. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Been away since Friday, came back and there's been some new algae growth on some leaves. No doubt, due to the change in lighting, even though only running 2x39w at the minute, I'd expect that the old tubes and reflectors might not have been so efficient...
  30. Superman

    YAR180 (Yet Another Rio 180).

    Re: From scratch. YAR180 (Yet Another Rio 180) Yer TGM has loads of hardscape stuff in. It's the only place I've found that you'll know there will be loads of choice when you get there. It has to be seen to be believed!
  31. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Yes, got the plant pro tubes.
  32. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank The filter has been dispatched to me and is estimated to arrive on Wednesday, hence arranging a trip to TGM next Saturday for some plants and a cuppa. I must say that I always thought that a Luminaire would look messy, but I now am truly converted as they are...
  33. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Wooop woop, only running 2 of the 39w tubes at the minute which is the same as the old ones. I was amazed when I put all on for a minute or two, that it brought out some great colours in my harlequin rasboras.
  34. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Delivery today... - Arcadia Overtank Luminaire 4x39w T5 - Aquamas Inline CO2 Reactor Can't wait to get home from work to try the lights. Just waiting on my filter now then a weekend trip to TGM for plants and a cuppa.
  35. Superman

    Golden rock- 4 weeks growth, background plants added 5/8/08

    Re: Work in progress - 2 weeks growth, fish and shrimp added Ditto, keep up the good work.
  36. Superman

    Discus playground tank - rescape

    Re: Discuss playground tank - rescape Wow, SkyHD. I know what it looks like now and want it. Oh, top journal :D
  37. Superman

    YAR180 (Yet Another Rio 180).

    Re: From scratch. YAR180 (Yet Another Rio 180) Love the wood Steve, can't wait to see it with plants and fish in.
  38. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Yer, can imagine the Vallis would get sucked in. So right front corner pointing downwards would be the option, although wouldn't that upset the filter intake?
  39. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Was thinking of getting a powerhead to increase the water circulation in the tank. Where's the best place to put them in a Juwel and given my plant arrangements?
  40. Superman

    Neil's 60cm ADA inspired Nature Aquarium

    Welcome back, I've just gone through a move so can sympathise with what is needed when moving your tank. I must say that I've moved from my like for Juwel aquariums to something like this, clear, square and open topped. Love the photography.
  41. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank thanks on the suggestion to move the diffuser, it's now under the filter output and means it keeps the co2 bubbles suspended in the water for longer and can see them flow around the tank. With regards to the dozing, what signs should I look for that would...
  42. Superman

    Rio 240 Journal - Journey of a Newbie!

    I really like your rocks. Really well placed out. Maybe some foreground plants to cut the sharpness at the front?
  43. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Right, so two weeks of dosing dry ferts. I think things are looking up now. There hasn't been any algae problems since my move down here although I'm sure that the Ottos are helping. On the particular plants, the Anubias has showing the best improvement over...
  44. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Today was the first time I've seen/noticed some new growth. Mainly from the vallis as the crypts seem to be melting back a bit. The Anubias is also producing some new leaves. Managed to get one quick photos of an Otto before my batteries went again on my camera.
  45. Superman

    Liseys 60cm high-tech

    Good start lisa.
  46. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Photos... Trumpet Snail (Thanks to London Dragon) Ottos... Need to find new batteries for more photos.
  47. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank It came off it's stand, very very difficult to move - so my friends said who lifted it! Only problem was that everything was swished around as not all the water was removed.
  48. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I drained half the water, bagged the fish, drained the rest of the water, removed the rocks and left the gravel It was really too heavy so next time will even remove the gravel.
  49. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Bought 5 ottos today when I returned the water containers. I've been doing the dosing below for the past week, which seems to be going ok. There is some previous algae scarring which will take some time to sort out but i think there's some new plant growth...
  50. Superman

    First Attempt!

    I like the rocks, will work well.
  51. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank They do look very active fish, which is good. Hopefully, they'll be ok in the no-wood setup. The moving experience is not something I want to do for sometime tho. It's was a nightmare and maybe next time I'll remove everything from the tank first.
  52. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Back up and running online now, it was a tough detox! Anyway, the aquarium seems to be doing well. I'm sure the same issues of flow etc are still there until my external filter arrives. However, everything seems to be doing ok. I need to return the water...
  53. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Wow forum on my mobile! Sorry for the lack of lines. Move went ok really, a made a mistake of putting some news paper on the plants and the water in the gravel mushed it up so had to tidy it all up. Fish are fine and am going to start to dose dry ferts from...
  54. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank In addition, I used 180 ltrs as thats the size of my tank. Should I reduce that figure and estimate the amount of water that is in there?
  55. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Andy, My bottle of TPN+ was running out and the dry ferts seem cheaper on a larger thank.
  56. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Dry ferts and will start doing on Saturday. I'll be doing the following (using Matt H-B's link in the signature) Macro: 2.66g of KNO3 (Potassium Nitrate) 6.89g of MgSO4 (Magnesium Sulphate) 0.75g of KH2PO4 (Potassium Phosphate) I shall be doing the 50%...
  57. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Right, just ordered the dry ferts and the JBL CristalProfi e1500 from AE. The filter will take about 2 weeks to be in stock and then delivered but am happy to wait for what I want. I decided to buy everything from AE as I can trust their delivery times. Could...
  58. Superman

    From scratch.. pretty much

    Is that all?! :wink: Keep us updated, looking good so far.
  59. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I've decided to purchase the JBL CristalProfi 500 external filter and will be doing that in the next few days. I'll be buying dry ferts and making something similar to LondonDragon's water changer. In addition, I'm going to keep my current dosing as I'm moving...
  60. Superman

    'Under the forest canopy' - 19/06/08 Disaster Strikes again

    Sorry to hear this Andy. I'm sure you'll be back up and running soon.
  61. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I'm planning on getting a TetraTec EX1200 when I've moved and settled in Cheltenham maybe on the 12th Feb. My CO2 bubbles rise up and then go into the filter inlet. Lets see how much thow Korali pumps are.
  62. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Those Koralia pumps look fun. Might get one for the other corner. Got back home and the drop checker is right in the middle green. More green/brown algae is present but the boost in dosing ferts has certainly helped. The Vallis is really growing well. As...
  63. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank During my water change the other day, I cleaned half of my sponges in old tank water. Soon as I did that the pull into the filter increased considerably. When I get round to my next water change, I'll squeeze the other two sponges. I still have a problem with...
  64. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Everythings going ok I think. I added some more plants to what I already had as I spotted them in Pets at Home and 3 for £9 seemed like a bargain. They were Tropica and in very good condition - I was amazed tbh as my previous impression of Pets at Home and...
  65. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Thanks Ed
  66. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Ok.... It's a Vision 180. 9 Harlequins and a lonely cherry shrimp. Dosing 5ml each of TPN+ and EasyCarbo (easy Carbo added after an algae outbreak). I tested the water due to losing 9 cherry shrimp and found the ammonia. Fish are doing well. Plants showing no...
  67. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I'm in Halifax, West Yorkshire.
  68. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank There's no use by date on the bottles I have. I haven't kept the packaging it came in. They have the (c)2006 so maybe something like yours. I've also used a test strip (which I know are the worst!) and isn't reading 0ppm. I'm now worried I've killed off my...
  69. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Nope no dead dolphin around the place. There were some shrimp problems but I've looked in the filter and none are in there decaying. The test kit is still my old one which I bought some time ago (Aug07) so it might have gone off? I'm following the usual...
  70. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Think it might be a good time to swap to using dry ferts then. Will be reading up on it later tonight which ones I need to buy.
  71. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Another water test today as thought I'd compare from yesterday's readings... Ammonia (NH3) 1ppm Nitrite (NO2) 0ppm Nitrate (NO3) 20ppm From this, I would believe that my filtration is working as more Nitrate is being produced. Unless the TPN+ include Nitrate...
  72. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I had a bit of a tidy up after last night's 50% water change. I've replanted most things, especially the vallis to try and create a thick area on the left and moved all the crypts to the right. I've tried to replant the HC but its so small it's hard to pick...
  73. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Due to my shrimp problem which I've posted in the inverts bit. I've tested my ammonia and it's between 1 and 2ppm! :shock: No Nitrites tho. Is it cos I'm using EasyCarbo to kill off the algae? Water change time... Photo of the flower
  74. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank One of my anubias' seems to have sprouted a flower type thingy.
  75. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank The algae hasn't got any worse. Maybe in a few weeks I'll have some spare tiger vallis as its still growing! Going to have a tidy up tomorrow so will be replanting the new shoots, chopping off as much algae as possible.
  76. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Thanks. I forgot to mention that the vallis is spreading each day and keeps popping up new shoots. As well the glosso is starting to flurish, need to split the clumps up now so that a carpet is started.
  77. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Picked up my AE delivery today. Dosing EasyCarbo at 5ml per day. See how that goes.
  78. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I know, tried to work up to the £50 but just couldn't! Hehe
  79. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Just ordered the EasyCarbo, wish it wasn't as "easy" to shop at AE. Spent £43! :roll:
  80. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Ok thanks Ed. There's similar algae on the vallis but I'll wait for that to die off naturally. Will get some stuff ordered in a few minutes.
  81. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank So using TPN+ and EasyCarbo would be ok? They are different types of nutrition aren't they? Will using EasyCarbo be ok with my plants as I noticed that some people experience difficulties with Vallis with Excel? Or is Excel something totally different?
  82. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I forgot to mention before I left the house yesterday, I found about 4 or 5 of my shrimp happily setting at the top of my filter sponges. I must say they're a nightmare to net! Even then they jump all over :P
  83. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Ta will try it.
  84. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Would doing that upset the shrimp?
  85. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Thanks guys. Think I just caught my Harle's having a go at a Cherry Shrimp that was swimming around. I'll have to keep an eye out. Maybe that's why I've not seen any for a while, they've been eaten? Here's a few photos... Full Tank Shot... Vallis Growth...
  86. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Since I managed to realise I was using the wrong reagent bottle for the drop checker, I've been able to get a nice light green colour in the drop checker and been able to keep it stable for the past 4 or so days. I've been keeping up to dosing 5ml of TPN+ each...
  87. Superman

    5*3*2 Iwagumi

    Please may I say (Insert swear word here) me, that's a rather large tank. Can't wait to see it finished.
  88. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Had a bit of a tidy up today, chopped off most of the leaves with algae before my water change. Have reduced the CO2 rate to about one bubble per 1.5 seconds or so, but not showing any bubbles from the diffuser. Think some of my shrimp were getting frisky...
  89. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank (HELP NEEDED!) Thanks for the reply. I think that the flow might be an issue then as I'm using the Juwel internal filter and wouldn't say that the flow is powerful. The output is pointing diagonally across the tank which hits the front of the tank at about...
  90. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Hi, thanks. Just realised that so added it to the post above.
  91. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank I'm not having much luck at the minute I forgot to dose this morning TPN+ then when I returned home the drop checker is still showing yellow and there's been an increase in algae in the tank. I've reduced the bubble rate for CO2 injection. However, there has...
  92. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Did a water change today and a bit of a clean up. Here's a photo of the improved growth of the Pogostemon helferi , it was the dark colour all over until this morning. It is the only one showing growth at the minute. New growth on an Anubias The HC with a...
  93. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Omg! One day of adding TPN+ and the HC had gone all green! 8) Just doing a water change and will add more photos. Hopefully, my algae issues should go soon then. Trying to read up on dry ferts but difficult to get my head around it at the min :roll...
  94. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank So, I've started dosing 5mls each day of TPN+. I added the drop checker last night but wasn't in to see the reading before lights off. The lights are off now, and the drop checker is showing yellowy-green. Will do another water change later this...
  95. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank There are a few bubbles that get to the surface. Didn't realise putting it under the filter input will improve things but will give it a go.
  96. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Thanks, will have a read tomorrow at work (don't tell anyone!! hehe). Where's the best place to put the Co2 diffuser? I've got it as low down as possible under the filter output.
  97. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Thanks, I'll have a look at AE. It's a 180 ltr tank.
  98. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Looks like I need to read up on ferts and buy some pretty sharpish then... My head is kinda full at the min of stuff, if someone could suggest what to buy and I'll look into it.
  99. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Sorry, I forgot to mention that I don't add anything to the water like ferts. I have the Tropica planted substrate under the gravel. There's new growth on nearly all types of plants now, so they're taking, maybe not quick enough. I've got about 1.5 bubbles...
  100. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Re: Superman's First Planted Tank Looks like Oedogonium to me using those photos. I've increased the CO2 and need to get a Co2 checker thingy.