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  1. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 10/08/09) Thought I'd add some photos of my new friends...
  2. Superman

    Nano Tropica Aquacube 20x20x20cm [Now planted!]

    Looks great Stu, hope that one day my HC fills out like yours.
  3. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 10/08/09) Thanks to James for suggesting chopping the HC right back, it seems to be filling in more than before. I'll do that every few weeks. I got another four cherry red shrimp yesterday and they've settled in well. There's a nice mix of males and...
  4. Superman

    Paul's 200L, "Punishment of Luxury"

    Whist the rocks themselfs are good, I think there's something lacking in rocks in the foreground. As if there's no transition between foreground and the big rocks.
  5. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 10/08/09) Thanks James, I managed to have time for another trim and took it to as low to the substrate as possible. It's just made things look really nice and even and hopefully it'll fill in even more. I plan to tidy up the left hand side HM tomorrow...
  6. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 10/08/09) I did try and take the grass to the substrate level but my scissors are a bit small and find it hard to reach some places. I'll take the HC down a bit more then, how far would you suggest?
  7. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    These were taken post trim. I removed about a centimeter of hc, 2-3cm of hairgrassand the HM on the right side was as high as the water. Edit: I think the photos make it look like there's loads left but there's about a cm above the substrate for the HC.
  8. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    So time for a photo update I think. Yesterday, I had my first tidy up since my holiday and I'm really pleased with the HC growth now I've trimmed it. It looks half like a carpet but it could do with filling in some areas. Unfortunately, my hairgrass has suffered during my holiday break (as you...
  9. Superman

    Triangle of Life 10Ltr

    Looks nice Andy and bigger than it is! The HC in my nano went ok with HC but I was dosing EasyCarbo. It's really kicked on with pressurised co2. It'll be interesting to see how it gets on.
  10. Superman

    Rise of the Mossoliths

    I looks very nice, although if I am going to give honest feedback the big stone in the middle distracts my eye from the other parts of the scape. Hopefully the moss will filter down to cover it.
  11. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    It'll look even better with a clean up! Thanks for the comments and it was great to meet another forum user. Thanks for the link to the cleaning brushes, I've ordered one.
  12. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Yup, quite a while ago. Onwards and upwards...
  13. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks Daniel. At the time I found out how hard it is to grade CRS. Sadly, I noonger have CRS in the tank.
  14. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Quick update... I've broken down my 180ltr this weekend and so took in the fish from that tank to the LFS. In the exchange, I got 6 Sundadanio Axelrodi sp. blue and 2 Cherry Shrimps. They're beautiful fish and have already settled into the tank. I'm still having trouble keeping the nano...
  15. Superman

    The Cryptarium

    Re: Marks Crypt Tank - Osaka 260L I did have BBA in high flow areas, I believed it to be that the ferts weren't in contact long enough with the plants and so they had a deficiency. It's a fine balance between too little and too much flow - IMO. Just keep fiddling and you'll find the right balance.
  16. Superman

    The Cryptarium

    Re: Marks Crypt Tank - Osaka 260L I found with my crypts that staghorn algae was a problem due to flow problems even with pumping loads of co2 in :thumbdown: I increased the flow around the tank and the staghorn algae then stopped being formed when I removed the infested leaves. :thumbup:
  17. Superman

    Skinz180189's 60L Budget Tropical Tank *Now Planted!* (56K)

    Hehe, glad it arrived safely. Try and thin it out as much as possible.
  18. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I got a 13mm glassware set from TGM, although that's not currently listed on their website. I connected a hose 13mm to it but had to step up to to 16/22 (i think) to fit onto the filter connectors.
  19. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Sorry drop checker = non-return valve. Some water does get past the non-return valve too, maybe as it's the glass one it's not holding the pressure?! The plastic one was working fine, until I swapped it to the dennerle glass one..
  20. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I'm having trouble with my bubble counter, it's filling up each week with water. I have to drain it each week. My drop checker is the same. Any ideas what's up?
  21. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    The remaining shrimp had survived and have coloured up again, which is good. Having everything back to normal with the lights and co2 has meant that the HC has been pearling today for the first time. Full carpet here I come.
  22. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    So, all seems to be well after the holiday. Nothing major seems to have changed, a little algae growth but that was already there. I was thinking over the holiday seriously about swapping this tank over to something more into my style now, whilst I like the scape, I don't like the frame it's...
  23. Superman

    My New 15L Opti Nano Nº1

    Re: My New 15L Opti Nano I know what it's like with the silicone and tidying it up, I think I went a bit OTT on mine and now you can hardly see it. My fingers were shot afterwards as I had used a stanely knife blade. People have used an Eden 501 on these and had good results but I'm impressed...
  24. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    So, I've you've noticed (hope you have!), I've been away for the last two weeks. As described earlier, I cut down on the ferts, light and co2. Unfortunately, there was a shrimp massacre whilst I was away. No obvious signs as why that happened, only that they were dead. I have about 5 or so...
  25. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Things have been going great since I installed the Dennerle Nano co2 kit, the HC has taken off and the stems are growing faster than before. I'm off on holiday for the next few weeks so co2, ferts and light will be reduced. I have someone coming in a few times a week to feed the fish/shrimp and...
  26. Superman

    sams 60cm (planted!)

    Re: sams 60cm iwagumi Sweet!
  27. Superman

    Memorable Night / My 20 liter ADA Nano

    What a great concept, it must of taken some organisation. The tanks pictured look great and the nano is looking great too.
  28. Superman


    It's Cryptocoryne Undulata
  29. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Today I bit the bullet and got a dennerle co2 nano set. Everything's working fine but it'll take a few days to find the best place to put the diffuser. Currently it's on the right hand side of the tank directly opposite to the filter output and the bubbles seems to get a good distribution...
  30. Superman

    "Icarus Ville" - 60cm shrimp tank scape

    Hot diggity, that's one nice tank. I love the way the dwarf sag has been used, I guess that is "Sagittaria subulata" and you've used it as a background when the tropica text states it's a foreground but can grow tall.
  31. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Yes Clive, I understand the fall from the rated output from the filter, I've never really worked it out before. Today, I added a Koralia 1 to the tank having only a Koralia nano in there already, and wow what a difference. Whilst it immediately kicked up some new muck, you could see it...
  32. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    I've just done a flow test and it works out to be about 720lph, not fantastic. It works out to be about 7x turnover per hour based on the 100l of water to fill from a wet substrate. I think I'll need another pump to help flow.
  33. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Thanks John, that looks like a good idea. I'm also thinking of some Rotala sp green and rotundifolia after reviewing saintly's Miracle Mire photos.
  34. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Bad news this morning.. Last night I did a 50% water change as usual without stepping out from what I normally did and found one of my CRS dead and the other stuck to the filter intake. The one from the intake managed to get off once I switched the filter off but did look a bit limp. I'm half...
  35. Superman

    journal taster

    Iwagumi's rock :lol: :roll:
  36. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Yes Clive, it's rated as 1,500lph and I've never been sure about it giving anything good. Tonight I've had a good clean of all hose pipes and connectors. Not sure if it's made a difference. It just doesn't seem to pull muck from the water column, the particles need to go really close to the...
  37. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Sigh, things aren't going well. I think I've picked too many slow grovers and staghorn algae is taking it's toll. Even though I try and keep on top, it keeps coming back. The problem is if I keep removing leaves that are infected, then I won't have anything left. I need to increase plant mass...
  38. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Slowly getting the hang of this photography lark... Trying to get a good DoF :wink: Think I could with some more livestock to photograph, more CRS maybe when I get back off holiday! Quick update on the tank, the stems are shooting up again after their trim. So hopefully the plan will work...
  39. Superman

    George's Nano

    Couldn't resist a quick photo session and thanks for the tips! My preview is a bit out but get the jist of it all now.
  40. Superman

    George's Nano

    Thanks George. I think my preview on my bridge camera doesn't show the same as when I take it. I'll try those techniques next photo time.
  41. Superman

    Silver Lining - Alex's 96l (Planted)

    Re: Alex's 96l low light Iwagumi Wish I had room for tanks in my bedroom! Aren't they're noisey?!
  42. Superman

    George's Nano

    George, I always think you seem to have a unique style of photographing fish or tanks and I love it. The way in which everything you don't want as the focus of the photo, it seems nice and dark. Is there anything you do and what F's and ISOs ? I get the best photos with the rest of the room...
  43. Superman

    George's Nano

    Re: George's Nano Journal - Little Jungle What ever fish it is, it's a beauty.
  44. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks, I'm adding 2ml of TPN+ per day and now 0.3ml of Easy Carbo. The TPN+ has 10g extra KNO3 per 30ml of solution. A few quick photos, I'm thinking of not adding a few photos for a while so there's an instant impact rather than a gradual change. We'll see, I like sharing what I'm upto...
  45. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Cool, I'm planning on leaving it alone now for a month or so as I'm away on holiday. Photos update later tonight, I even cleaned the glass!
  46. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I've just finished a 2.5 hour trim! I was hoping to do both tanks, but got caught up on a proper prune. I've really worked on starting the bush effect for the HM and planted it very densely after consulting Garuf. I had to replant some of the hairgrass as when I pulled up some it pulled up...
  47. Superman

    journal taster

    Yup, I made sure all the data roaming was switched off when I've been abroad! One of my friends got a bill over £1,000 (!) for using it in Thailand or somewhere.
  48. Superman

    journal taster

    John, I'm sure you'll do both so they turn out right crackers. Enjoy the holiday.
  49. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I've been away for the weekend so was pleased to come back to everything being ok. My dosing regime (apart from this weekend) is stable now as I'm remembering to do it and do it before I goto work each day. I'm getting a bit of brown algae so that needs to be cleaned up. There's loads of...
  50. Superman

    Silver Lining - Alex's 96l (Planted)

    Re: Alex's 96l low light Iwagumi Ahhh, new tank setup. That's the best bit! Enjoy.
  51. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Thanks Clive for clarifying this for the future. Your a proper sponge of knowledge.
  52. Superman

    Neo_ad's 350Ltr Journal (Prometheus)

    Wood arrangement #1 looks like a winner.
  53. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Bit of a shock tonight, I came home from work to find the drop checker bright yellow and most fish gassing. I think I got them just in time. Pointed the spray bar upwards and the koralia is bubbling away to increase oxygen levels in the tank. Phew! I had increased the co2 to try and deal with...
  54. Superman

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    Beautiful tony.
  55. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Lol, Aaron's answered that question! The A710IS is a great camera is classed as a bridge camera between compact and DSLR. Getting the attachments for lenses is cheap too.
  56. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    The idea it to have it as a long term scape that will take time to grow in. I'm starting to see the E Tenellus providing new shoots so it'll carpet nicely over time. I'm having trouble mainly with Staghorn algae on old growth and have notice that a lot of dirt is suspended in the water column...
  57. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Pre TGM update. I added extra KNO3 to my TPN+ and has delivered instant results within two days. The both the HC and stem plants are showing bright green growth and HC has had a bit of a growth spurt. I'm planning to trim the HC on my return from the TGM visit. A few photos...
  58. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    When looking in my control panel, it said that this thread was the heaviest thread I'd posted in, so had a long read through it last night. It was really enjoyable to see what I've learnt in over a year and what mistakes I was making back then. I guess we all have to learn sometime and I can...
  59. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks guys. I'm really considering the co2 route now I can get a hydor co2 regulator for £26 and get a soda stream bottle.
  60. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I'd appreciate any advice on getting HC to grow well. I've only trimmed it back once and it's started growing up again, not horizontal. Is it because I'm only doing 0.3ml of EC and 2mls of TPN+ (with extra KNO3) per day. I've got 11W over this 14ltr tank, is that enough to encourage compact...
  61. Superman

    Tonys 'Nano Rouge' 14L

    Re: Tonsers 14L Nano Rouge I've added some KNO3 to my TPN+ today at the same concentration as yours to see if that works, thanks for the info.
  62. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Things have settled down on this and I'm pleased with it's progress. I've increased the co2 injection rate as there was small bits of BBA forming but that could be left overs from the previous scape. As I wanted an easy life this scape will take a while to grow into what I've got in my head but...
  63. Superman

    Tonys 'Nano Rouge' 14L

    Re: Tonsers 14L Nano Rouge Looks great, with my HC would fill out like that. What are you currently dosing and how have you trimmed the HC?
  64. Superman

    54 Liter open tank

    That looks nice. I really like the wood placement. Once it's grown in, it'll look even better.
  65. Superman

    John starkey 450lts 112g journal new pics 10/5/2009

    I was amazed when I saw your setup John. I don't know how you have the time to look after it. I do sense slight movement into smaller setups but having a few of them. Can't wait one that's grown in John.
  66. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    I'm having trouble with the tenellus as it's getting covered in what seems to be staghorn algae. I'm keeping on top of the small amounts of crypt melt but would appreciate any advice on helping with the tenellus.
  67. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I'm sure that pure co2 is much better than EC. However, with what I'm seeing with darkening of the old leaves and green new ones leads me to believe that I'm not rising enough TPN+. That idea came around after Reading the plant deficiencies on James planted tank website. I've now doubled the...
  68. Superman

    Dan's Little Mountain replacement

    How do you make sure that algae doesn't take over this tank with the low level of plant mass?
  69. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Quick update.... I'm down to two shrimp now. The stems are growing really quickly but the HC is slowly turning a bit brown but no signs of algae. The Hc has grown upwards again after a trim and i'm finding it hard to make it carpet. My hairgrass is much easier! I'm thinking of adding...
  70. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Thanks for the advice Dave. I've already got the fish in there so I can't go sky high with the co2. Whilst I do have some melt it's nothing to really worry about as I've been through it before and accept its a stage that the plant goes through. The main is from the plants that I've moved around...
  71. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Crypts are great! Easy enough to look after and beautiful too! That's the largest tenellus I have in the back left as the "carpet" will go back there, but the smaller pieces are along the foreground. I'm already seeing some melt but nothing too much. Reminder: Check out the for sale forum to...
  72. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    A couple of saintlyesc preview shots... I love the cleaness of the tank and the graded gravel!
  73. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Thanks for the comments. Once there's a decent outcome I'll post a full setup journal as I used my tripod to keep things stready. The way in which I've planted is as follows... Four java fern rhizomes to create a focus on the mound. These are then flanked by brown a green crypts behind the...
  74. Superman

    Superman's 180ltr Rescape

    Here's a quick taster of my rescape... Tank: Juwel Vision 180 Fitration: JBL Cristal Profi e1500 External Lighting: Arcadia 2x39w OT Luminaire Substrate: Tropica Planted Substrate, Zambezi Gravel, Graded Gravel Hardscape: Mini Landscape Rocks, Borneowild Wood Flora: C. Parva, C. Balansae...
  75. Superman

    Without Foundation - James Maslin

    Just shows that you always don't have to "conform" to the standard scaping styles. I agree with everything said above that it's fab and doesn't look out of place. What ever next?
  76. Superman

    Without Foundation - James Maslin

    I bet you're 'bricking it' waiting for positive comments. Looks good
  77. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I think it's time to tidy things up in this tank and will do early this week. The HM is showing amazing growth and I need to work out how to trim it properly. The hairgrass again, is sending loads of runners out and that's coming through the HC. The HC needs to be thinned out but showing really...
  78. Superman

    Mark 1st Journal

    I agree with John, go for what you think's best. That last one is good, I always try and have an overhang of rock in my tanks.
  79. Superman

    Dammit, not another tank to do! 450 Gallon Starfire glass

    ouch, now that's wood.
  80. Superman

    Dan's "Dagobah"

    Re: 60/30 first attempt "Dagobah" Great start. The MC might not like being out of direct light and is a bit iffy to start off with. But then takes hold like in my nano. Just get the filter and heater out of the tank and you'll be onto a winner.
  81. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Feeding time...
  82. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks, aaron. The heater is something that I don't mind putting up with and for proper photos can easily remove it. I'd thought I'd show it in these so that people can see what it look like 99% of the time.
  83. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    So, if you've seen in my other thread, I thought my filter was cycled after kick starting it with mature media but the day after I'm getting strange nitrite readings. I'm trying to get out of the habbit of testing but have again slipped into bad habbits with the CRS! Anyway, plants are doing...
  84. Superman

    Steve's New Opti-White Nano (No name)

    Looks good steve. Smaller version of the 10ft display tank? Maybe 10th scale?!
  85. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks Sam, they were cheap. They had ordered a mix bag so they didn't know what they'd get in. They had loads to choose from so thought I'd try and get different ones and the high grades too. People have mixed experiences with CRS and easycarbo which we've discussed in another thread. The...
  86. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I just picked up four Crystal Red Shrimp today from my LFS. Using the grading guide at http://www.planetinverts.com/crsgradegu ... _guide.jpg, I have... 1x SS "No-Entry Hinomaru" 1x SS "Hinomaru" 1x S+ "Tiger Tooth" 1x S "3 White Band" I was really pleased with the service I got as they kept...
  87. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Not at the minute, I'm looking for hardscape. But I've been concentrating on the nano for this weekend. I've decided not to change the substrate but supplement it with Tropica Capsules and also use graded gravel.
  88. Superman

    40g - First Attempt at Aquascaping

    Fab start, keep up the good work.
  89. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Photos to follow later, with my four new friends.
  90. Superman

    TLH's Tank

    I use standard B&Q garden hose for water changes and thats fine. I think the warning is more like so people don't plumb their house with it!
  91. Superman

    Will's 13x13x16 40l nano cube(ish) tank

    Looks great, I found my anubias grew quicker than I thought. Glad you're thinking of the Galaxy Rasboras, they're great fish and soon I'll have a species only tank to try breeding them. Has that white stuff come off the wood?
  92. Superman

    60cm/54litre - 'Windelov Sunset'

    It'd look perfect between the main set of the rocks and the small set on the right. Give it room to create the perfect bunched look.
  93. Superman

    60cm/54litre - 'Windelov Sunset'

    The arrangement around the rocks and wood is nice. Are you going to put anything along the back?
  94. Superman

    Mark 1st Journal

    I'm more of a #1 person myself as soon as I can see it, I could imagine how I could plant it. Although, #4 looks nice, it'd take me a while to think about the planting but a carpet of HC would be nice through the middle on the diagonal and some nice stems on the sides.
  95. Superman

    My Nano Nano - 10L Dennerle

    Beautiful, keep up the good work.
  96. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks Alex. I'm going to replant the HM tonight to tidy it up, so might take some photos. Although, I'm hopeing if the filter kick start works properly there might be photos of some nice livestock in there tomorrow.
  97. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I'm going to kick start the filter tonight with some media from my established tank. I'm getting impatient!
  98. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Day 18: I had a quick test of the Ammonia and Nitrite this morning... Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite still off the scale Tonight I'll do a few massive water changes to reduce the nitrite as I've found previously that there's enough Nitrite to cope with the amount that is produced from the Ammonia, but...
  99. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    So, today a few plants have been removed from the tank and i've seen the beauty in the clumps of crypts that I have. I'm going to have to think long and hard about what to do next. My thoughts... I'm certainly going to change the substrate, so that'll mean to remove everything. I've used the...
  100. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Day 17: I've been away for the Easter weekend so this plant has been in darkness as I don't have a timer yet and can't dose with me being away. The HC is still in good condition and looks to have grown upwards more. The hairgrass is getting some melt due to the old shoots dying, I'm having...