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  1. foxfish

    An ongoing distraction...

    Seems like you have been bitten by the bug!
  2. foxfish


    I have operated a few youtube channels over the years, I only have one now and that only has 1.5k subscribers so there is no monetary pressure to keep posting videos. My point is, it is quite hard work to keep finding new interesting content and you need to be very thick skinned to absorb some...
  3. foxfish

    Bonsai / Penjing / Hòn non bộ

    I used to just buy it but it is no longer available from any of our local outlets and we have issues receiving such things in the post as well. Any fluids or especially chemicals can only be sent by courier to Guernsey, it is a right pain, we cant even order perfume from Amazon!
  4. foxfish

    Bonsai / Penjing / Hòn non bộ

    Nice post Geoff, where do you get your lime sulphur?
  5. foxfish

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    I love this thread, it brings back memories and excitement! I wish I could find some photos of my old tanks but, I have given it a bit of thought and realise the last cold water marine tank I ran must of been about 27 years ago. My first attempt would have been as a child, I can clearly...
  6. foxfish

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    When I was really into cold water marines, I had several larva rock hardscapes stuck to a perforated plate. I would place one hardscape in a suitable half tide rock pool and keep one in the tank then swap them around every few months. The fresh hardscape would hold an amazing amount of life...
  7. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Ok what about this then…. We found an Indian stick insect stuck to the house wall in January, it looked very sad for its self so I brought it inside and we kept it in a glass container until May when I released it back in the garden. Last week I was just tending a few pot plants in the longe...
  8. foxfish

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Fantastic, well done for promoting a rock pool tank. I have run quite a few over the years, I found the half tide tanks (nothing collected from below half tide) can last for years with just weekly water change and no cooling. To get the more interesting fish, sea weed and coral to thrive you...
  9. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    There is a similar situation with sea fish, our surrounding seas around the British isles have been depleted to such an extent it is beyond shocking! Not only fish but marine worms, shore crabs and rock pool inhabitance are all noticeable by their absence! My question is … ‘who cares’...
  10. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Paraguay, you mention Asia Hornets, I was allocated a hornet trap in March. A gentleman knocked on my door and asked if I could monitor a hornet trap for 8 weeks Unfortunately I gave it up after two weeks as the trap was killing to much in the way of bycatch! The trap works like a crab pot...
  11. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    This shocking subject might well be discussed amongst certain groups of people but not often in my circle! It just seems such a dramatic and obviously critical situation but, the masses are turning a blind eye? There is a small island close to Guernsey called Sark, the island is largely...
  12. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    I think this is a big problem in many places, not just this year but over the last twenty years or so there has been a slow but notable decline in insect life! I could quote many examples but the more obvious ones would be butterflies and grass hoppers. Wasp are noticeable by their absence...
  13. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Can you see him?
  14. foxfish

    Changing times for UKAPS

    End of an era, thanks for all you have done…..
  15. foxfish

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    My best mate has moved to New Zealand but his band is continuing without him, it will never be quite as good without Steves amazing voice but still a good band….
  16. foxfish

    Galvanised trough help

    There are a few pond paints available but G4 polyurethane paint is a very good one, belt and brasses would be fiberglas mating coated with epoxy top coat.
  17. foxfish

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    Tom Barr ran a low tech high light tank, it is featured somewhere on this forum!
  18. foxfish

    Bonsai / Penjing / Hòn non bộ

    Disaster, my lovely Escallonia has died! I dont know why, it just dried up and passed away!
  19. foxfish

    What other hobby's do you have?

    Hey Si, we watched Lords of Dogtown a few nights ago, great film. I have fallen off a skate board a few times!
  20. foxfish

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Good luck with your new set up.
  21. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Nice sun set tonight.
  22. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Somewhere in France?
  23. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    @dw1305 note the huge Agave stork in the last picture, got my eye on that one for a didgeridoo!
  24. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    We were back to our summer man cave at the Terrace, so nice to be back in the sun, eating Thai food and listening to the weekly bands. The best thing is the bands have a sound check at 530pm (we love sound checks and banter) and go live at 7. So no late nights and at my age that is a huge...
  25. foxfish

    Northern Frights

    We were hit by the locally called ‘Southern lights’, not so good last night but Fridays light show was spectacular from the coastal vantage points with so little light pollution. Not my picture but a good one…..
  26. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Rare in the UK as cork bark oak seems to favor warmer climates, it lives in Candie Gardens. The gardens were at one time part a privateers private home, the owner a Mr Priaulx, was exceptionally wealthy and imported many rare trees and plants. Unfortunately many of the rare plants and specimen...
  27. foxfish

    How often water changes and % for a 125 gal?

    You could collect rain water?
  28. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Yes the daisy is locally known as St Peter Port Daisy, it was introduced in the 1830s and first recorded in the wild, in Guernsey, in 1860. By 1880s it had spread all over our Town (st peter port) it is very abundant and noticeable at this time of year. The Cork Oak is the only one I know of...
  29. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    A few interesting plants we came across today ….
  30. foxfish

    Adding CO2 to an established tank

    Yes you are probably right, playing with C02 can be risky and adding creatures to a C02 enriched tank can be a risk! However people do just that and generally speaking it goes OK although, perhaps not everybody is going to post about their mistakes! Realistically though, getting the gas spot...
  31. foxfish

    What other hobby's do you have?

    I have just finished restoring this old wheel pump….
  32. foxfish

    Bonsai / Penjing / Hòn non bộ

    My pussy willow, not an easy or low maintenance tree to keep small. I have had this one for a long time. I keep it in this lilly basket in a half filled bucket of water, I have to trim the roots every few weeks and repot every year. It has been more of a challenge than a beautiful tree but I...
  33. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Yep, a far cry from 1930 stocking of Redmire.
  34. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Nice fat catch but, but such an odd shape fish!
  35. foxfish

    CO2 Reactor Air pocket

    Sound like you need a bigger reactor.
  36. foxfish

    Critique my hardscape what to do with a massive log?

    I did a log tank about 10 years ago….. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/my-log.13682/
  37. foxfish

    Members Backgrounds

    I am still build guitars but only to order and only one or two a year, my speciality was (is) Tenor Guitars in both solid or acoustic. Recently finished this 21” scale electric….
  38. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    I had not been to Bath for 38 years but as we are staying in Bristol for a week we decided to pay Bath a visit. Just a short train ride, £10 return and only a 12 minute journey. On arrival, we soon discovered that Bath’s main thoroughfares are most certainly a contrast to Bristol city...
  39. foxfish

    Members Backgrounds

    G mac, I have made and sold around 40 guitars, I am not sure if I ever made more that a few quid out of any of them! It is certainly not an easy way to get rich!.
  40. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Hi Darrel, I did look for you but you were not around!
  41. foxfish

    Just added a co2 system.

    You say nano system but dont mention the size of your tank?
  42. foxfish

    Greetings From Across The Pond!

    Welcome on board….
  43. foxfish

    Finally joined up

    Welcome on board….
  44. foxfish

    Quality of fish food ingredients

    I would find it hard to believe that dried flake uses good quality ingredients.
  45. foxfish

    Lava rock stacking

    Looking at the picture you posted, there could be some expanding foam showing on the left hand side? Years ago when I was working with hard landscaping, you could buy black expanding foam but I have not seen any for sale of late.
  46. foxfish

    Bonsai / Penjing / Hòn non bộ

    At last and only just in time for a mega re potting this weekend, our club managed to secure 44 bags of cat litter, here is my own haul of a mere 4 bags!
  47. foxfish

    Co2 PH drop

    Sounds like a good start, well done for doing the setting up without any fish and well done for double checking you are on the right track. I would buy a PH pen as this makes things so much easier and then carry on testing and fine tuning for a few more days but, ultimately you will be...
  48. foxfish

    CO2 reactor help

    A bit more info and pictures of the reactor would help us I think.
  49. foxfish

    Effect of CO2 on New Fish

    There will always be a risk when using C02, there is an excepted or recommended upper target of 30ppm but more and more folk seem to want to push this limit! So if you are concerned about your fish, then you can stick to 20-25ppm. However mistakes can easily happen when you first start out and...
  50. foxfish

    What books are you reading?

    Was it good then, do you speak Chinese?
  51. foxfish

    What books are you reading?

    Yes I can imagine that would need re reading a few times!
  52. foxfish

    What books are you reading?

    Sorry Darrel but that sound more like study than pleasure!
  53. foxfish

    UG iwagumi

    A very in vogue plant a few years ago but we dont see it featured so much lately, good luck.
  54. foxfish

    Show your orchids!

    I dont think my 50 year old orchids are as spectacular as usual but still not a bad display, I did split one pot last summer and I will do the other big pot this summer.
  55. foxfish

    Pump with good head?

    I am sure we have done this before? Unfortunately for me, your diagram is difficult to understand! So the pump supply comes directly out of the bottom of the tank through a drilled hole? I assume you will have a very good quality ball valve to isolate this facility and enable you to safety...
  56. foxfish

    Is Tom Barr's Approach Still The Go To Approach For Low Tech?

    I am sure Tom did do a very successful non C02 tank, I seem to remember it had very bright lighting too?
  57. foxfish

    Is Tom Barr's Approach Still The Go To Approach For Low Tech?

    This is a good one to read through….. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/low-energy-soil-substrate-scape.65484/
  58. foxfish

    Show your house plants

    Difficult to keep in prime condition! However a lot of these exotic plants cost less than a bunch of flowers and will last at least twice as long!
  59. foxfish

    In Tank vs Inline

    Are you keeping any fish?
  60. foxfish

    In Tank vs Inline

    Hi and welcome to the forum, I was just wondering what you are basing your disappointment on? We get a massive and broad range or C02 consumption post on the forum and people are often surprised they use so much but as you can already see from the above post, consumption can vary a lot as can...
  61. foxfish

    Will Kulhi Loch Affect Planted Tank

    I have kept them in my planted tank with no issues apart from only ever seeing them once in a blue moon!
  62. foxfish

    Oase - Not focused on Turnover - Why?!

    Noise factor may pay a part too, small impellers require high revs and larger ones require more power, I would guess manufacturers take a lot of things into consideration when marketing their products. Most pumps that produce a high head of water like swimming pool pumps or central heating...
  63. foxfish

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    It took me until today to install my Christmas present, solar green lights inside the dragon skull. Happy new year folks …..
  64. foxfish

    Show your orchids!

    Yes, in fact they both flower three or four times a year but always punctual for Christmas! The closer one is probably 40 years old, the other one is only about 5-6 years old. The older one has huge thick stems and I trim it regularly throughout the summer, the other one had yet to be trimmed...
  65. foxfish

    Show your orchids!

    Christmas cactus were looking good on Christmas day!
  66. foxfish

    UKAPS has passed 20,000 members.

    This is a very good forum, many of the massive 50-100k membership forums from the early 2000s dont even exist anymore but we keep going…….
  67. foxfish

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Happy holidays…..
  68. foxfish

    CO2 , dawn and dusk

    Hi Pete, welcome to the forum, I can understand why you have asked your question, there could be a few in depth answers. However let’s start by asking how long is your brighting up period ? To simplify the situation you could make this period as quick as possible, say over 10 minutes then you...
  69. foxfish

    What other hobby's do you have?

    The latest version is ready and rocking for Christmas ……
  70. foxfish

    Biorb air questions

    There is a lot of good info here Emersed Growing Here is a good example World's Oldest Terrarium / Sealed Bottle Ecosystem by David Latimer
  71. foxfish

    Biorb air questions

    That would depend on if you have any living creatures in there? If not, you could turn everything off, put it under natural light and seal the top, should be good for 50 years or so …. Or at least that seems to be the record for a sealed terrarium !
  72. foxfish

    What books are you reading?

    I am an avid reader and more recently also a listener with audio books. I have found that finding really good books can be very frustrating as so many start off well and then fall to pieces after the first few chapters, or the ‘five star’ Amazon ratings are just false! Back in the day before...
  73. foxfish

    pH drop / pH profile

    This is only my personal opinion but, pushing known limits close to where fish are likely to suffer is not something that appeals to me. I cant imagine sitting at home trying to relax knowing my tank is pushing the boundary's and my fish are in Jeopardy every hour of the day, Of course I can...
  74. foxfish

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    You can find plenty of youtube videos featuring Brian Cox talking about his thoughts on alien life but, here is his very basic abbreviation!
  75. foxfish

    PYO wood, now is the time

    The majority has run through now, the 102 mph gust have dropped to 65-70 mph. We have lost many trees, over 60 have been cleared from the roads but there must be hundreds down all over the island. We have lost a couple of fence panels but I cant check the garden until later…
  76. foxfish

    PYO wood, now is the time

    We are both in the middle….
  77. foxfish

    PYO wood, now is the time

    We are in the eye of the storm, hitting us now but main destruction starts at 2am!
  78. foxfish

    Sump planning…

    There are numerous ways to form an overflow, my own preferred method is a cut out at water level in the tank glass, rather than a hole! Unfortunately this is only really feasible on a custom built tank. The cut out will depend on tank size but on my 200l it is 150 x 28 mm so that allows a...
  79. foxfish


    12 years ago I was still learning to play but managed to make this video for Halloween….
  80. foxfish

    Hi from Winchester near Southamton

    Welcome on board.
  81. foxfish

    Reef to Planted ?

    Yes you can DIY a tree stump Paludarium In the making.
  82. foxfish

    Reef to Planted ?

    You can incorporate a sump however bear in mind that all the water that flows down the overflow will effectively be ‘de gassed’ of C02. If we use an example of a bottle of super market fizzy water ( a bottle of water with added C02) and imagine pouring that down an open pipe, by the time the...
  83. foxfish

    Reef to Planted ?

    Well if you are planing on using C02 then there are a few issues with tank dimension as well as aqua scaping. The injected C02 gas need to be evenly distributed throughout the water column, this is a key factor. Obviously you are experienced and understand how these things work but getting the...
  84. foxfish

    Reef to Planted ?

    Deep square tanks are probably not the easiest to maintain and scape and definatily not the most popular. At over one meter deep I would consider a cave tank design with the bottom half being a large cave or caves and the plants living on top of the roof of the cave. A lot would depend on the...
  85. foxfish

    Reef to Planted ?

    Dino, I know I am beating my drum again but why dont more folk try native marine? I used to place my old live rock (dead live rock) in the sea in a crab pot, launched from the rocks, and change it every six months or so. I would collect all my stock from the half tide on the shore and also...
  86. foxfish

    C02 gas bottle guard

    I am not sure what they are? Some type of steel cage or a locking seal?
  87. foxfish

    Reef to Planted ?

    Well you have come to the right place, there are very few unturned stones around here and we love problem solving as well.
  88. foxfish

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    There are dozens of Dolmens in Guernsey, lots were destroyed during the granite industry and quite likely ended under the tarmac of Londons thoroughfares. One of the best known is the Deheus Dolmen and that is only 150m from my front door. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-guernsey-56663491
  89. foxfish

    I introduce myself, from Rome !

    Welcome on board.
  90. foxfish

    Fascinating Fungi

    Looks like Armillaria Gallica, edible for some but dubious for others. like most Armillaria they need cooking and never eaten raw but from my perspective I would leave well alone.
  91. foxfish

    Delivery by Drone

    Where I live on an island, there is presently testing going on with a large drone plane that can deliver pharmaceuticals across the 70 miles of sea from England. I think it has an 8’ wing span and travels at 100 mph.
  92. foxfish

    Waste of time

    We have just had a sweep of covid across our island, it seems quite a nasty virus as many people have been quite ill. However we had it in our house, with two people sick and two no catching it at all. I have had it once, my wife twice and we were all really ill, on all occasions, for over a...
  93. foxfish

    Quercus ?

    Tim, here is a good example post 293 Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors
  94. foxfish

    Quercus ?

    We have loads of them where I live, many are hundreds of years old, dating back from when they were imported to help with our boat building industry. The tree can develop very tight bends in their branches and this feature was important to the boat builders . Hundreds were cut down by the...
  95. foxfish


    The dragon is standing guard in my front garden ready to eat trick or treaters …..
  96. foxfish

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    I dont know why he no longer post but perhaps he is having a break from planted tanks, I seem to remember he has other hobbies like bass guitar and bonsai …..
  97. foxfish

    260 L planted tank, minimum maintenance

    It is great to see you being so enthusiastic, you are obviously enjoying your new adventure, just dont rely on those test kits being accurate! There are hundreds of post relating to test kits but you will be hard pressed to find many promoting their use! As there are no planted tank police, you...
  98. foxfish

    Moss cotton vs fishing line vs standard sewing thread?

    Well it holds the bait on my hook when I cast out but apart from its designed purpose, bait elastic comes in white, black or clear and is very stretchy, self locking and is easy to use while affixing plants….. not much else to tell…
  99. foxfish

    Moss cotton vs fishing line vs standard sewing thread?

    What you want is fishing bait elastic, nothing else will come close!
  100. foxfish

    Co2 reactor noise

    There is a picture in the opening post showing the amount of gas build up and it looks very standard for this size and style of reactor.