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  1. G

    Aquatic Habitats Book sneak preview photos

    Before and after. Photo credit @taistrietman Grateful to be involved with such an inspiring project with Tai Strietman, and so much support from friends, colleagues and businesses. Planned release date late 2023. Follow #aquatichabitatsbook on the socials.
  2. G

    Nymphaea lotus and serpae tetra

    I spent a whole morning filming at @Aquarium Gardens for @Tropica YouTube content the other day. This was one of my favourite captures. Excited to meet some of you guys there on the 26th March!
  3. G

    Ryan's ADA 120-P Nature Aquarium

    I visited Ryan (Thang To) yesterday... :)
  4. G

    My home aquariums - In-situ

    Hi all, I wasn't sure where best to post these. I spend a fair bit of effort and time on these photos though, so here we are... Aquascaper 300, 600 and 1200. Aquascaper 300 Cube by George Farmer, on Flickr Aquascaper 600 by George Farmer, on Flickr Aquascaper 300 Cube by George Farmer, on...
  5. G

    Flowers in my garden

    Hi all, It was a lovely day so I thought I'd get outside and take a few photos of some of the beautiful flowers I have in my garden. Taken with my new Canon 6D and trusted 100mm macro lens. My favourite is the yellow lily. I think the dark green background contrasts brilliantly.
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    Canon 6D

    I think I've found my next camera. I've been longing for a full-frame DSLR for years, and now this one is relatively affordable. Canon 6D Review Almost as good as a 5D3, arguably better than a 5D2, and cheaper than both. Anyone got one or know anyone with one?
  7. G

    Shrimp eats snail!

    I didn't even notice the snail until I edited this shot for publishing! cherry by George Farmer, on Flickr
  8. G

    Some of my favourite fish photos

    Taken over the last few years, mostly from my home tanks for PFK magazine features. I'd be interested to hear which is your favourite photo and why. There's a free bottle of TPN or TPN+ for the most interesting post! :thumbup: No particular order. Rummynose tetra Petitella georgiae by...
  9. G

    Canon 5D Mark III

    Anyone want to lend me £3,000?! I'm pleased they've not gone mental with MP. I bet the noise handling is incredible - as if the 5D2 needing improving! And better movie modes apparently. Even 6FPS so usable for wildlife and sport etc. http://www.dpreview.com/news/2012/03/02 ... D-Mark-III So...
  10. G

    Got snow?

    Our's is thawing out now, but I made the effort to get out with my camera yesterday and took these whilst with my eldest daughter and our dog. Lincolnshire is so flat! All taken with Canon 50D and Tamron 10-24mm. snow3 by George Farmer, on Flickr snow2 by George Farmer, on Flickr snow1...
  11. G

    iPhone 4 video - Shallow optiwhite

    I've been really inspired by some of the great videos on UKAPS, especially by Mark. Unfortunately I can't afford a new camera so I used my iPhone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iphE1fGS0WU&sns=em
  12. G

    Golden Eagle

    My best ever bird shot. golden eagle by George Farmer, on Flickr
  13. G

    Show us your best mobile phone camera pics

    I'll start - All taken with my iPhone 4 and processed using Camera+ app. Kitchen tank photo shoot by George Farmer, on Flickr flo1 by George Farmer, on Flickr PFK article by George Farmer, on Flickr
  14. G

    Sagittaria flower

    sagittaria flower by George Farmer, on Flickr
  15. G

    Canon 7D vs 5D2 video

    Hi all, I'm considering upgrading my 50D to a model that has video. I'm aware of the difference in most specs between the 7D and 5D Mk2, but not sure about video. Of course, Mark Evans has produced superb results using his 5D2, but is the 7D far behind? Does the full-frame sensor make much...
  16. G

    Aquascapes from nature

    I met up with Chris Lukhaup recently, the shrimp legend. We had a nice chat and he showed me some mindblowing photos of some recent expeditions with Stefan Hummel (Dennerle's plant hunter). They invited Jeremy Gay (PFK editor) and me onto an exped next year. I was literally speechless...
  17. G

    BBC Countryfile photo contest

    Anyone entering this year? Last year's winning entry was taken with a point and shoot, so there's no excuse! :lol: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/tv/countryfi ... 1rules.pdf
  18. G

    [DISCUSS] Aquascaping and Photography

    Photography is the primary medium that allows us to share aquascaping with the online community, and beyond. How important is photographing your aquascape to you? If it's not important, why not? If it is important, why?
  19. G

    Ultra-wide angle (UWA) and aquascaping

    After being genuinely inspired by Ben's, Mark's and Stu's superb recent displays of ultra-wide angle (UWA) images, I thought I'd try myself (skip to the end of this post if you're not really interested in the blurb!) UWA relies on short focal lengths to provide a wider perspective, so you can...
  20. G

    3 tanks, 3 shots

    I currently have three aquariums at home; 25 litre nano, 60 litre iwagumi and a 240 litre jungle. Here's a shot from each that I took this evening with my new 24-105 lens, all handheld with tank lighting only. It's nice having three tanks, as you can really diversify with the 'scaping styles...
  21. G

    24-105L and wedding samples

    I'm very excited! :D Tomorrow I get a new lens - the Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS. I borrowed one last summer to shoot a wedding, and it's the only lens I used all day! The image stabilisation is really useful. Some shots were 1/10th sec shutter speed, at various focal lengths, and still pin...
  22. G

    Best place for canvas prints

    I'm looking to get a nice canvas print (of my own photo) for the wife for Christmas. Can anyone recommend somewhere that is good quality and reasonable price? I seem to remember a member on here with their own business?
  23. G


    Another technique I've been meaning to try for a while is slow exposures at night with light trails. I took these at a recent fireworks display at RAF Wittering. Tripod, f/22, 10 sec, ISO 100.
  24. G

    Water droplets

    I've been meaning to have a go at this technique for ages. I help run my local photography club at RAF Marham and thought I'd demonstrate this technique to the other members, even though I've never done it before. No pressure then! Water is dripped from a suspended poly bag above a blue...
  25. G

    French Alps

    From a recent trip to Morzine, France.
  26. G

    @ the beach

    My mate and I decided to check out one of the 'local' beaches; Wells-next-the-sea, Norfolk. Bizarrely there's a dense forest right next to the beach! Here's a small, but diverse selection of shots.
  27. G

    Snowdonia landscapes using budget compact camera

    Some of the regular members may have noticed I've not been active on UKAPS over the last week or so. I've been mountaineering in Snowdonia, Wales, with a group of work mates training for a big expedition to the French Alps this coming September. It was actually really quite tough; the hardest...
  28. G

    I love springtime!

    A few recent shots from my garden. Spring is my favourite time of year! :D Here's hoping for a nice summer too!
  29. G

    Florence and the flowers

    For me this captures the innocence and purity of childhood and the joy of springtime. I took it in my living room, where Florence was silhouetted against the full sun beaming in through the large front window. I dodged out the window and other clutter, and boosted the exposure to get more...
  30. G

    My 'neglected' home aquariums

    This is a snap shot taken last weekend. I was stood in my living room with just the tank lights on. The marine tank is 125 litres and the planted nano is 25 litres. I live away from home during the week and maintain these tanks once a month. Weekends with my wife and children are too...
  31. G


    I found these today. From the Festival of Fishkeeping 2009. Canon 50D, handheld, tank lighting, 17-70mm Sigma lens (all at 70mm, f/4.5). ISO 640 to 1600.
  32. G

    10-20mm lens for full-tank shots?

    One for the shutter bugs out there... I've been considering the Sigma 10-20mm for a good while now. I'd mainly use it for landscapes, but wondered how effective it would be for photographing aquariums, in particular full tank shots. I think the deeper front to rear perspective could look...
  33. G

    Interesting photos

    Some of you will know about this already. http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/ Click "Re-load" to refresh the content. There's some amazing work.
  34. G

    My first cover?

    I've just had an exciting email from PFK it looks like they may be using one of my photos for the front cover of the magazine. They ran four different versions passed the MD and apparently he preferred mine. :D I've had a small photo on every cover since the August issue, but to have the...
  35. G

    A different planted tank...

    Some shots from my 4 month old planted marine tank. Photographed using tank lighting only - 2 x T8 and 2 x Aquaray 500.
  36. G

    My first wedding shoot

    Some samples from my first wedding. The bride and groom were chuffed to bits with my work, which is the most important thing!
  37. G

    My first photo contest

    I entered my first ever photography contest last weekend, as part of my local village show. Entrants were from my village and the surrounding areas. I was shocked to place 1st in six of eleven categories, with one 2nd place and two 3rd. The competition was pretty tough with some amazing work...
  38. G

    Mullion Cove - handheld landscapes

    I took all of these with no tripod or filters. All shot in jpeg with minimal post-processing. Holiday snaps, in other words!
  39. G

    B&W Cornish landscapes

    These are my first attempts at some B&W landscape conversions. It's harder than I thought. I think I need some more dramatic skies perhaps? Surf school in bad (or is it good?) weather Walkers near Mullion Cove Farm gate at sunset
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    Polurrian Cove

    This is one of the many great locations in Cornwall. Can you spot the two fishermen?
  41. G

    The Golden Hour

    I've not been able to get out enough for landscape photography lately, but took the opportunity last night to grab my gear and took a small walk to a local field. Lincolnshire is notoriously flat so you generally have to rely on decent skies if you want a good composition. The horizon is...
  42. G

    Banggai Cardinalfish

    These wonderful fish are on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species due to being over fished for the hobby. Thankfully they're relatively easy to breed in captivity. I have four tank-bred juvenile specimens in my 125 litre marine, received today via mail-order from Wildwoods. Maybe I'll get...
  43. G

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

    I'm trying marine soon too... :D
  44. G

    George's Iwagumi

    Here's a few shots from my latest 60cm Iwagumi layout. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for it to be published in PFK for a full-tank shot. Sorry.
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    Sepia portrait

    Florence Farmer, aged nearly 4. 50mm, f/1.8, 1/50, ISO 800. RAW to Lightroom 2.
  46. G

    Terry the tortoise

    This is my neighbour's pet tortoise, Terry. He's over 60 years old has been with them for over 50 years. Terry has recently awoken from hibernation, so their owner brought it over for Florence, my youngest daughter, to see. I had to get out the camera and asked if it was ok to use some flash...
  47. G

    HDR in my kitchen

    We're re-decorating the hallway and laying some new flooring, so I've moved the tank into the dining area of the kitchen. I think it looks better here and will stay. The tank and cabinet match the kitchen decor quite well. You can't see the cooker or fridge but they all match, so the missus...
  48. G

    My 60cm with Canon 50D

    24mm, f/11, 1/50th, ISO 1250. Tank lights only, except off-camera flash for white background. I used the Live View feature with x10 magnification and manual focus to achieve maximum sharpness, rather than relying on the auto focus. Shot in RAW, post-processed using Canon DPP, converted to...
  49. G

    Flower macro

    For me the most impressive bit to this is that it's handheld - no tripod. I had to wack up the ISO to 3200 to get quick shutter speed. Shot into light from window, using my 50D with Sigma 17-70mm. :P
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    Canon 40D

    Does anyone have any experience with this camera, please? I'm in the market for a new model to replace my old 10D but funds are limited to around £500, otherwise I'd likely go for a 5D. Some reviews rate the image quality even higher than the 5D which I find hard to believe. I like the fast...
  51. G

    Founders at play...

    Converted to B&W and added noise. Graeme captured the first and last shots.
  52. G


    What tripods do you photography enthusiasts use? I'm currently using one designed for camcorders. It's good quality but I want something with a ball and socket head capable of larger loads. This looks reasonable to me. I don't want to spend more than about £150...
  53. G

    On the way to work...

  54. G


    I had to share this beauty. That's a regular Bic biro it's perched on. I'm happy with my camera too. Great macro. Cheers.
  55. G

    Outside the wire...

    I had the opportunity to do some interesting 'stuff' outside from my regular duties and away from the relative safety of Kandahar Airfield. Most declined the offer due to the higher threat levels, but I wanted to experience something a bit different. I took my new camera which I was happy...
  56. G

    Kandahar, Afghanistan

    I've 'bent' the rules and taken a couple of photos with a mate's compact. I've just ordered a nice Panasonic Lumix from Amazon, so will hopefully be able to share some more photos soon... I'm glad I didn't bring my DSLR - the dust is unreal.
  57. G

    Final photo shoots - nice link

    I found the comparison between the compact and DSLR shots pretty amazing. http://www.my-mac.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4744
  58. G

    Little blue tractor

    There just aren't enough tractor photos... (Well, I am a farmer, after all!) This is a wood cutting yard next to the stables where we keep our horse.
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    Isolated building

    I drive past this every day on the way to and from work (50+ mile drive, each way!) It's in the middle of Norfolk, near Fincham. There's flat fields everywhere, boring and featureless scenery, so this really catches the eye. The dramatic sky adds to the composition. It's a good distance...
  60. G

    Peeka boo!

    60 years and two generations between them... To me this represents pure innocence combined with a lot of wisdom. For the techies - 1/160 sec. f/2.8 ISO 400 100mm De-saturated and contrast boost in PS Elements. Light from conservatory on an overcast day.
  61. G

    Flame tetra

    I've added 12 of these Flame tetra, Hyphessobrycon flammeus, into my 60cm. I wanted to add some more red but without the gawdiness of some other red tetras. The tank will be kept running for my 4 months overseas with help from my daughters and close friends. My nano is being adopted for 4...
  62. G

    My two tanks

    This is the view from my hallway into my living room. I'm going away for 4 months from July, so I'm not sure what to do with them...
  63. G

    Colour popping - CRS

    I've used Elements to take all the colour away from the image, except the red in my crystal red shrimp. It's a technique known as "colour popping", and can be quite effective at highlighting the subject. It's all good fun!
  64. G

    Macro shots - Pogostemon helferi

    'Downoi', up close...
  65. G

    Eye, eye...

    My new macro lens is pretty cool - Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro USM. I have 20 of these little bezzlers in my 10 litre nano. They measure just 15mm. Look out for a PFK feature on these and my whole nano soon...
  66. G

    Free software for photography enthusiasts

    I've recently tried shooting in RAW and am pleased with the results. It's not really necessary for web and magazine prints, but it's fun experimenting anyway. Eventually I want to get more seriously into landscape stuff where RAW is considered essential. I'll also be creating my own photo...
  67. G

    I like black neon tetras

  68. G

    Published photos in new book

    Microcosm, a US publisher, are releasing a planted aquarium book by Mary Sweeney this summer. I'm pretty excited by any new book on plants, but especially as this features twenty of my photos. I'm quite surprised to be honest as most were taken with my old compact cameras. I'm also excited...
  69. G

    Neat site

    Some of you may have seen this already. There's some cool video tutorials for PS etc. Check out the Gallery too. http://www.photoanswers.co.uk/
  70. G

    Canon 10D

    Anyone any experience of the Canon 10D? It has good reviews from what I've seen, although it's discontinued now. It's only 6.3MP but that's plenty. 6 good MP is better than 10... My uncle potentially has his spare soon you see. He has some nice lenses too apparently. If you're into cars...
  71. G

    Photos required - plants

    PM me if you can supply any good shots of the following, please. 1. Alternanthera reineckii ‘Green’ and ‘Red’ and ‘Purple’ and ‘Pink’ 2. Ammannia gracilis and senegalensis 3. Aponogeton boivinianus 4. Aponogeton crispus and ‘Kompakt’ 5. Bacopa monnieri 6. Barclaya...
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    PFK photo shoot

    I recently had Neil Hepworth visit to take some photos of my latest aquascape. He is the regular photographer for Practical Fishkeeping magazine. Neil's photos will appear alongside a feature I'm writing on my aquarium. I thought some of you guys may be interested to see some of the gear he...
  73. G

    Snapshots of Summer '07

    I know most of our summer has been wet but here’s a broad selection of photos taken over the last eight weeks or so that hopefully help to reflect the nice time I’ve had, so far. Camera – Nikon P4 compact. A slice from my back garden Flower Hollyhock, close-up Cows! River...