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  1. M

    Flora max V Eco complete

    Thankyou for the detailed breakdown,that really has clarified things for me.I am starting to see the way forward now.. Mark
  2. M

    Flora max V Eco complete

    Thanks George, really informative. I have read many thread on here over the last few days,still going through them to be honest. Its the sheer variety of substrates that are confusing, it seems to me,ten years many of them didnt exist? I remember having gravel and sand in my old FW tank,dosed...
  3. M

    From Reef to River bed

    Thanks Tim, glad you understand where i am coming from. Well,here i am too, marine deserter, to freshwater planning stages!!! Still got a load of corals to move,oh and theres the circa 140kgs of live rock.......lol...what a pain in the backside.
  4. M

    From Reef to River bed

    Most of my photos are on my phone mate,i have a few normal ones somewhere,i never really took that many pics.If i dig some out i will drop them on a suitable thread somewhere. To be honest mate,my heart just aint in it anymore. Mark.
  5. M

    Flora max V Eco complete

    Thanks for the advice, i will look into the ADA. What i am trying to do is get the best substrate i can,right from the start, to be honest, i need the guidance.I have to cover 1 metre by 1.5 metres, so cost is an issue but not wholly prohibitive. As for aesthetics,i dont really mind too much...
  6. M

    Flora max V Eco complete

    Has anyone used these two? Ive looked at both, not sure which is better though... I am definately going with akadama to make up the bulk of my substrate, but i was thinking of getting one of these to mix in,in what proportions well,i'm working that one... Advice anyone? Cheers, Mark
  7. M

    From Reef to River bed

    Thanks Johno. Well win or fail the reef is going,so i'll give it my best shot...
  8. M

    From Reef to River bed

    George,i am looking at the schuran jetstream 1 to inject the co2, it was able to take sufficient co2 to dissolve 2.5 kgs of crushed coral in 4 weeks. Minus the coral gravel of course,i was thinking, it can micronise the co2 into the reaction chamber,which is pumped via a peristaltic pump to the...
  9. M

    From Reef to River bed

    Mark the tank is 1.5 metres,by just short of a metre front to back glass,66 cm deep........ Now i am concerned.....just read the tank thread from Sanj, stunning tank,like all on here!!! blimey theres peer review and theres just throwing myself to slaughter....... i dont think i will ever step up...
  10. M

    "Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

    Lovely tank Sanj, the thread has been a great read, the tank is just stunning. Mark
  11. M

    From Reef to River bed

    Thanks Hoggie and George, I am hoping at least some of the equipment i have collected over the years can be put to good use. The up keep on the marine system starts to wear thin after the years. You know what i am looking forward to? water changes,lots of them. And why, because i'm not throwing...
  12. M

    From Reef to River bed

    This effectively is what i have to aquascape.......tank minus reef.!!
  13. M

    From Reef to River bed

    Heres a photo i just dragged off my not so hi tech phone, i am sure you will get the idea. Besides,i am thinking planted FW,rather than reef.....had enough of it to be honest. Heres a photo under actinic light ....... i will try to dig some out of the tank build,its more appropriate than pics of...
  14. M

    From Reef to River bed

    lol, ok,i shall feel free to make donations to said cause. Mark
  15. M

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree I love the simplicity, beautiful, very serene.
  16. M

    From Reef to River bed

    George,as suggested.......a write up...... Hi all, just wanted to say hello, and share what will almost certainly be one of the biggest tasks i have ever undertook. Just short of 10 years ago, i moved from freshwater to Marine reef keeping, ive done ok,my tank has been recognised etc etc,but...
  17. M

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    I found the site having trawled what seemed like a hundred world wide, why chose this one? experience, it is abundant. There are some of the most stunning and inspirational tanks on here that i have ever seen.
  18. M

    Aquascapes 2003 to present

    Re: Seven years of 'scaping - updated May '10 Stunning,truly outstanding work, i could only ever aspire to such a level. One word that i think covers it for me, "inspirational".