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  1. L

    what external reactor should i buy for my 260l

    i have just recently added a second filter to my 260l tank,a fluval 405,which is rated at 1300 lph,and i want to run an external reactor of it,what i want to find out is how to go about doing this,i have a rough idea,but i would like to ask some of u experiences hobbies how u would go about...
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    rhinox 2000 for 260l tank

    would you advise putting the diffuser under the intake pipe or just at one end of the tank,i was thinking of puting it under the korolia
  3. L

    rhinox 2000 for 260l tank

    i have a fluval osaka 260l tank,39 inch long,24 inch high,i have a reactor in there at the moment running at about 4 to 5 bps,but i dont like the look of it, it looks ugly,so iv just ordered a diffuser of AE,i tryed to get the rhinox 5000 but it was out of stock so i had to settle with the...
  4. L

    lph flow for discuss fish

    i have a 260l planted tank with no fish in it at the moment i will be adding discuss fish to it soon,i have a fluval 305,1000lph filt ,a koralia 2,2300 lph power head ,and recently iv had to add a reactor that iv had to power with a 1000 lph pump,that is 4300 lph,my question is..have i got to...
  5. L

    co2 dosing, drop checker

    yes i am useing 4dkh solution,but it is home made,i am waiting for my 4 dkh solution to come from aqua essentals,when i put it in the drop checker it was blue,and it changes back to blue every morning before i got to work so i think its alright
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    co2 dosing, drop checker

    no i dont realy have alot of suface agition
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    co2 dosing, drop checker

    how can i get the drop checker to change to lime green when the lights go on in the morning,the dc is only changing about 2 or 3 hour in to the lighting period,and then it is changing to lime green so im getting the right amount of co2 in the tank, just not quick enough,i have a 260l tank,and...
  8. L

    CO2 reactor - can't get CO2 level up?

    i have the same diffuser as you,brought it from germany wiht co2 set up. and its useless,the instruction on the sit were useless to set it up,i played about with it for about 3 weeks and got feed up with it,and got anothor one...waste of money....
  9. L

    how much lighting for my 260l tank

    think im gonna stick with 2x39 t5 for now ,till i understand how to dose the co2 correctly,think im starting to work it out though ,started on 1bps,upping it a little bit every day ,on about 2 or 3 bps, drop checker showing a grass green colour at the moment..... :D
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    hi pm ,im just down the road from you newaddington,iv just got hold of some fe bottles,done some ring about and found a place in south croydon,rung them up and their refill my 2kg bottles for £15 dont no about the big bottles though,heres the address....unit 38 capital bussiness centre 22...
  11. L

    how much lighting for my 260l tank

    cheers thanks for the advice supercoley i will do that ..... :D
  12. L

    how much lighting for my 260l tank

    i have had my tank running for about 6 week now,i have an arcader otl luminaire 4x39w t5,and using ferts routine from james tank sit,dry ferts,i was running all 4 bulbs at first but i was getting problems with the plants,some were growing ok some had rust spots on them,and just don't look...
  13. L

    my first tank osaka 260l tank

    cheers for the advice took on bould some of the coments,was not happy with my tank,just wasnt looking right,needed somthing else,went and brought some wood and redone it,once it starts filling in i think it will look alright,cutting the lighting down to 2x39w t5 bulbs for 9 hours, instead of 3x...
  14. L

    how to make 4dkh solution

    hi i am trying to make 4dkh solution..... iv tried once but i think its not right,iv gone out and brought all the stuff to make it , 1 liter deionised water&bicarbonate soda but my electric scales that are not really precise to measure 1 gram ,i only have measureing spoons 1/4 1/8.1/2tsp 1tsp...
  15. L

    whats wrong with my plants

    , do you mean put the koralia at the other end of the tank and face it downwoulds,because if you keep the koralia at the same end and face it down wounds surely the flows would be canceling each other out, woundent thai,and you reckon plants will sort there self out once they started rooting
  16. L

    whats wrong with my plants

    Re: whats wrong wiht my plants
  17. L

    whats wrong with my plants

    Re: whats wrong wiht my plants
  18. L

    whats wrong with my plants

    im a beginner at plants only bin doing it for 5 weeks, 70% of my plants are ok,so i must be doing something right ,but some of them are not,has anyone got any idears.......sorry dont no the names of the plants.... set up fluval osaka 240l,filt fluval305 lph1000,powerflow koralia 2600gph,co2 500g...
  19. L

    my first tank osaka 260l tank

    this is my first planted tank,i am going to do a planted discuss tank once the tank has established,it is 5 weeks old,im a total beginer at this planted tank stuff,just trying to learn,having a few teething ploblem,some of the plants are doing well,some are not,dont no why,here are some pics and...
  20. L

    fluval 305,have i got enough lph

    i have just brought a 240l fluval tank it comes with a standard fluval 305 pump the ph of it is 1000,i have just brought a koralia 2 power flow unit,that has a 600 gph flow,i have read that you have to have 10 times the liter of your tank per hour that would make 2400 lph im not even half...
  21. L

    useing ie,why am i geting ploblems....beginer.....

    im useing the ie method off james tank,why am i geting plants with rust spots on them,is it somthing to do with the ph,kh,gh,wot should these be for best result ,iv been useing tap water ,iv done tests on it ph7.4,gh,240,kh160mg,iv just bort an ro system because im going to keep discus,iv mix...
  22. L

    unhealhty discuss fish

    iv only bin keeping discuss a mouth, i bort 3 of them thay was ok for 3 weeks,but last week one has turned a reley dark colour,and the last 3 days he hasent bin eating a thing,i dont want him to die as he costs a lot of money £45 has any one got any idears please.............. HELP
  23. L

    fertilizing for a beginer

    i have just brought all the equipment to start a planted tank,i planted my tank about a week ago,i am useing flourish and flourish iron,on the packet it says use 10m of flourish and 5m of iron a week i used 5 m of each, and thought i would use 5m of flourish few days later the recommended dosage...