Hi - am posting this solution in case anyone else had the same problem. On my Superfish nano tank - which I use just for Cherry shrimps - I run the Superfish HOB 50 using the skimmer configuration. Shrimp-proofing the two grills on the main intake was not a problem but a (relatively) elegant solution evaded me for the skimmer. Putting a guard on adds weight and lowers the skimmer so it needs to be light. After several poor attempts using foam, I found a netting solution as per the picture. The netting was Insect Netting Fine Woven Mesh - 1.6mm by the METRE which cost me about £6 with enough to do 50 tanks! The mesh is 1.6mm square and is secured with a plastic cable tie. Seems to work fine still after several weeks. One tip - ensure that the netting is proud of the skimmer top - if you stretch it tightly flat over the skimmer top the netting secures a water film which hinders skimmer action.
Hope this helps
Hope this helps