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APT zero/1 DIY solution


New Member
Thread starter
21 Apr 2024
Have not used dry salts at all, so not sure what to buy at all. Ive been using TNC complete so far with my previous 100L inert gravel substrate, but have switched to a aquasoil now.

I would like to use APT zero/1 to make my rotalas and red root floaters red.

Im UK based so ive seen Aqua care plants sell some dry salts, but im very confused on which ones to get and how much to use. I thought might as well try and see how it would be to get dry salts + i would have very good value for money.

I do have a bottom of EasyLife Profito and half a bottom of fluval grow + (which says its expired, but have been using it on my shrimp tank) so im not sure how simillar these are to the apt zero.

Is there a list already on which salts I would need and the ratio to mix them, pref in grams to distilled water.

Any help would be appreciated. 🙂
Hi all,
Im UK based so ive seen Aqua care plants sell some dry salts, but im very confused on which ones to get and how much to use. I thought might as well try and see how it would be to get dry salts + i would have very good value for money.
Just use a horticultural fertiliser <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination">. This is the nutrient breakdown.

I would like to use APT zero/1 to make my rotalas and red root floaters red.
I'd just use an "all in one" fertiliser mix, but at a low dosage rate. If your <"plants are nitrogen limited"> they aren't going to grow anywhere near their optimal growth rate, so you can use lean dosing.

cheers Darrel
Higher lighting levels and longer lighting duration...will increase the chances of turning both plant sp's red...l don't bother with limiting Nitrate!
As this could have a negative affect on other plant species that l have in the aquarium.
Only thing you need to watch out for is Green Thread Algae as this algae just loves the same lighting levels as plants you are trying to increase the red/pink colours on!
Hi all,

Just use a horticultural fertiliser <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination">. This is the nutrient breakdown.

View attachment 219374

I'd just use an "all in one" fertiliser mix, but at a low dosage rate. If your <"plants are nitrogen limited"> they aren't going to grow anywhere near their optimal growth rate, so you can use lean dosing.

cheers Darrel
Been reading a bit about the solufeed ferts, still fully clueless on dry salts but I think I'm getting the jist of it now.

If I were to create mimic apt zero, would I just use the solufeed free tec and some potassium? Or would I be better of with just a smaller dose of both combined.

As much as I love a fast growth, I know I would prefer the smaller growth onces the tank is grown in a bit.

I've also put the water quality report of my area here in west London Uxbridge. Maybe someone could give me a brief on my nitrates or something when using solufeed as it's a lot of gibberish to me.

Thanks a lot btw, loving all the info on this forum


Higher lighting levels and longer lighting duration...will increase the chances of turning both plant sp's red...l don't bother with limiting Nitrate!
As this could have a negative affect on other plant species that l have in the aquarium.
Only thing you need to watch out for is Green Thread Algae as this algae just loves the same lighting levels as plants you are trying to increase the red/pink colours on!
Huh that's the first time I've actually read that longer period will increase the redness. Usually all the YouTubers just say nitrogen limitation and high light.

I did struggle a lot with long string algae in my last scape which is why I re did it. Hoping I avoid that a bit. Currently have lights for 7 hours, maybe will increase the period to 8-9 in the following weeks?. I did order a week aqua a430 pro for the 20 gallon so there's still a lot of experimenting with that.

Is higher light and longer photo period the answer to red plants in ei dosing tho? I've very curious now
Hi all,
If I were to create mimic apt zero, would I just use the solufeed free tec and some potassium? Or would I be better of with just a smaller dose of both combined.
I'd go with the combined "all in one" and just use lean dosing. I don't actually use a set fertiliser addition, I just use the <"visual aspect"> of the <"Duckweed Index">.

cheers Darrel
Huh that's the first time I've actually read that longer period will increase the redness. Usually all the YouTubers just say nitrogen limitation and high light.

I did struggle a lot with long string algae in my last scape which is why I re did it. Hoping I avoid that a bit. Currently have lights for 7 hours, maybe will increase the period to 8-9 in the following weeks?. I did order a week aqua a430 pro for the 20 gallon so there's still a lot of experimenting with that.

Is higher light and longer photo period the answer to red plants in ei dosing tho? I've very curious now
Was looking for the same thing as well.
"The IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator" is your best friend if you would like to mix your own salts.

For the APT zero you will need some Potassium Sulphate, Potassium Chloride and Epsom Salt

For a 100l tank, you will need the following:

500ml RO/DI water or distilled water - DO NOT USE TAP WATER
0.25 gram Ascorbic acid (E300) and 0.2 gram Potassium sorbate (E202) should be added to water prior adding compounds.
6.05g Potassium Sulphate
5.18g Potassium Chloride
7.24 Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate)

Shake well to mix all components and add 20ml every day to your tank.
This solution will not add any Nitrate or Phosphate. I f you have many fish and your tap water is rich in No3, will be ok, otherwise will risk running in trouble by limiting No3 too much.
My tank is a bit overstocked and don't have many plants.

Profito is a very good source of Micro and Fe

From what I could find as suppliers for dry salts:

Vital Minerals – Vital Minerals --- used them in the past with very good results

Hope it helps