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Very Inconsistent Results- Advice Appreciated!


28 Jan 2024
Hi all,
My tank has now been running since Feb. Overall, I'm pleased with it, but some of the plants have left me quite frustrated! I would appreciate any advice!

1. Size of tank. Juwel Lido 120, 61x41x58 cm
2. Age of the system approximately. 3.5 months
3. Tap water parameters: Postcode GL12 8RJ Check my water quality | My water quality | My Supply | Severn Trent Water
4. Filtration and Media. Standard Juwel powerhead (500lph), standard media, apart from carbon, which I removed. I also added 2 bags of ceramic rings.
5. Lighting and duration. Standard Juwel LEDs, around 90% intensity (10% covered), further diluted by floaters. 9hrs duration.
6. Substrate. Bags of lava rock, with Tropica powder substrate (in tights), all covered with sand (Maidenhead).
7. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing. None.
8. Drop Checker. None.
9. Fertilizers used + Ratios. TNC Complete 15ml 2 x weekly. Added a pack of TNC Root Tabs around 5 weeks ago.
10. Water change regime and composition. 20-25% weekly, using Seachem prime. Water temp is 24 c.
11. Plant list + Invitro/Emersed.
Lilaeopsis Mauritiana- slow growth, a few runners
Crypt Wendtii Brown- doing well
Crypt Walkeri- doing well
Java Fern- Gradually dropping leaves and not doing well, although quite a few plantlets produced.
Vallis- initial melt, but now growing well, producing runners etc
Echinodorus Bleheri- started OK, but has struggled to grow. Regularly have to remove leaves, which have holes in, or have gone pale with brown edges.
Echinodorus (not sure which!)- Same as the Bleheri.
Limnophila Heterophylla- failed miserably, eventually broke up and disintegrated. All disappeared now.
Weeping Moss- grown very well!
Hygrophila Pinnatifida- disaster. Kept producing new leaves, which promptly melted. Only have a couple of sprigs left.
Tiger Lotus- slow, but growing well
Amazon Frogbit- excellent
Red Root Floaters - OK
Dwarf Water Lettuce- excellent
Salvinia - Excellent
Helanthium Bolivianum Quadricostatus- invitro (Tropica), initially grew well, sending out lots of runners, but has since melted badly and not much left.
Alternanthera Reineckii - invitro (Tropica), seems to have settled well, with no melt, but very slow growth
Saggitaria Sublata - seems to be doing OK. One or two runners.
Myriophyllum Mattenongrosse - Not growing at all. Seems to be struggling.
Hygrophila Polysperma - growing pretty well, some holes in leaves.
Ludwigia palustris "Red" - Started well, then started to break up. Hardly any left now.
Hygrophila Triflora difformis - doing well, new leaves etc. One or two holes.
12. Inhabitants. 10 x Cardinal Tetra, 5 x Lemon Tetra, 6 x Otocinclus, 30-40 Red Cherry Shrimp, plenty of Ramshorn snails.
13. Full tank shot and surface image.

As you can see, the plants are a real mixed bag. I know that some may simply just not grow well in my water etc, but are there any improvements/recommendations, for getting the best out of what I've got? Any adjustments needed in fert dosing/lighting? I have thought about using a skewer to puncture some holes in the tights, to allow the roots to get into the Tropica dust soil.


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On the whole I don't think your tank is doing too badly for a low-energy setup. Some of your initial problems could have more to do with inappropriate plant choices. For instance, Hygrophila Pinnatifida often proves difficult for experienced growers with CO2. Myriophyllum Mattenongrosse, really requires CO2.

Take a look at Tropica's "easy" plant list and try to stick to these plants. However, all tanks are different and there's an element of trial and error required to find those plants that will do well.

As for the plants with holes in the leaves you need to dose more fertz, probably potassium. It's likely the floaters, with access to atmospheric conc. of CO2 and relatively high light, are growing quickly and stripping the water column and not leaving much for the other plants. I'd probably buy some TNC Lite and dose that as well. And maybe think about thinning your floaters out periodically.

And buy more plants, lots more plants from the list linked above particularly crypts and vallis. It will infer a great deal of stability.
Thanks, Tim. Kind of what I was thinking. Love the look of the Pinnatifida, so really wanted to give it a go.

I do remove around 1/4 to 1/3 of the floaters on a weekly basis- I'll take more out from now on and see how it goes. Will get some TNC Lite as well.