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lo-tech DIY ferts doser


10 May 2022
...but not so lo-tech as to be manual! I'm looking into a second dosing pump (for my micros), to go alongside my D-D P1 pump that I use for my macros.

Inspired by @ian_m 's comments (below) could a bare-bones solution be to DIY something with:
  • a DC peristaltic pump head + 12v DC motor (with eg 5ml / min pump rate)
  • an enclosure (hobby project box)
  • a 240v/12vDC transformer plug,
  • a bit of soldering and sleeving, and
  • a smart plug timer that works in 1 min increments?

Many thanks in advance!

The proper "big boy dosing" peristaltic pumps are these. Available in a whole range of dosing rates from less than 1ml per minute to over 10ml per minute.
I used these in this.
DIY Project - DIY dual peristaltic dosing pump with alternate switching.
Just connect these to a mains timer running for a couple of minutes a day
You could build your own, probably not that much cheaper, if you include delivery and your time, than buying a second D_D P1 which would run from the same App ?
You could build your own, probably not that much cheaper, if you include delivery and your time, than buying a second D_D P1 which would run from the same App ?
It's definitely a trade-off. I'm managing my aquarium to a relatively tight budget, and managed to get a great deal on my D-D pump off ebay. I don't mind taking up another socket / timer slot for a DIY pump. I recon I could get mini Kamoer delivered for £12, an enclosure for £5 from Screwfix, and I already have the timer, the rest of the bits and tools. If it works I could even make another one and sell my D-D Pump.