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Happy to be proved wrong though
I think if you get a feeling for their personality first it might be an option. I had mine with 12 kuhli loaches and they never bothered them.
The female I kept from the group I bred is so peaceful she ignores shrimp. So they definitely have quite individual personalities.
male krib 3.jpg

Do you think it's still worth keeping them even though I have light sand?
Yes, but I'm biased 😂. The female colours are more pastel when on a light substrate but I think they're still the best dwarf cichlid in the hobby.
I think I have found my next fish when I get my new aquarium! They seem truly beautiful.

Added to the list!
@ScareCrow - I think you might have just started your next business!
These fishes should have been named the guppy cichlid. I remember a friend of mine in my childhood, he had a small 60cm ish sized tank absolutely full of these!
I've always wanted to keep 'Kribs' and after listening to a podcast episode all about them
Could I ask which podcast that was? I've not been able to find one and as a kribensis addict I'm always keen to learn more.

If you want to fall down the dwarf African cichlid rabbit hole, this video is good, as well as Alexanders' own youtube channel.
Interestingly, you can see in the background how you can create good aeration with a sponge filter and the opposing force of an air filter. Great for Bettas.

Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 13.08.02.png
These fishes should have been named the guppy cichlid. I remember a friend of mine in my childhood, he had a small 60cm ish sized tank absolutely full of these!
Could start a business! 😅 I remember thinking that the first time I kept cherry shrimp. How wrong I was...
Could I ask which podcast that was?
Yes! It's the Water Colors Aquarium Gallery Podcast. They're a shop based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I've met most of the team in person and they're cool people, doing the best they can for the hobby and the podcast is informative and entertaining. They also make corrections on the podcast or on Facebook if they get anything wrong or find out new information. New episodes released every Friday usually.

Episode 147 is all about Pelvicachromis. It's where I found out about the 'Moliwe' subspecies (which has its own breeding project) but I just think the 'Nigerian Red' has a nicer paint job.

this video is good
Thanks! I'll add that to my watch list.
Day 0, the hardscape is planted and tank is filled! I ended up having to discard a lot of bolbitis as it had been sitting in a bag for a month but there was just enough healthy bits to make it work, I reckon.

It's planted up with Bolbitis, anubias, bucephalandra and a little bit of susswassertang. I also forgot to get a generic rock to hold the wood down so for now I'm using two mugs lol.

I want to get some red tiger lotus and see if I can grow it without soil again. Last time I did this, I was using a good amount of fertiliser and CO2, so this will be an experiment. Also thinking to try this with some small cryptocorynes.

I've got my lights set to 25% which I'm hoping isn't too high. The light screen also kicks out some decent PAR so I'll have to just watch and see.


This is how I used the pot scrubbers. Could only get 4 per tray but also didn't realise there was already a tray of lava rock and bio rings in one of them. Another has sponge and another has carbon (just for the initial period). The filter is kicking out a good amount of flow, especially since I reduced the tubing to 12mm.
Midnight Scaries

Right after filling the tank with water I had a total mare!

I noticed that the filter was purging a lot of air loudly and periodically but I was hoping this was because it had just been filled and was getting rid of the air trapped inside. However, after that initial 24 hours, I wasn't happy with the volume of it so I reached out to a friend who works at a fish shop and he told me what they do. Drill more holes in the pre-filter tube (mine already has more holes), and remove a few of the pre-filter sponges or replace them with wider pore sponges. Apparently the purging is something to do with a blockage?

I removed two sponges and the purging stopped to my delight, only for it to start again during the night. I was worried about how much noise it was making so I got up at 3am and removed another sponge, and it went quiet again. Queue to 5am and I'm hearing a trickling noise. I don't think much of it because I've had Biomasters make this sound before - it almost sounds like running water inside the filter. But something said to me 'this sounds a little too off'. I got up and shone my torch on it and the filter was leaking profusely from all 4 sides, all over the floor and the around the electrics!!! FML. I don't know how but somehow it must have not been closed properly. A few towels, several buckets and a drip tray later and crisis is averted. I couldn't actually deal with the problem though because it was too early still so I just unplugged the filter and left it on the tray until a more sensible time. I also didn't sleep much after that because I was so paranoid. Even the next day whilst I was out, all I could think was 'what if my filter is leaking everywhere at home'. 😭 It triggered trauma of my first ever canister filter (Eheim 2217) 14 years ago that leaked everywhere on initial setup and made my cabinet swell. As a result I only stopped sitting my canister filters in plastic totes in the last few years lol.

But anyway, it's fine now! The purging has stopped completely and the filter is running super quiet. So much so that I wake up in the morning and look at the water rippling to see if the filter is actually on.


Within 24 hours of setup, the wood was pumping out tannins and making a cup of tea out of my tank! Another 24 hours, and the wood was already coated in that cotton-wool like stuff and diatoms were forming. I'm not sure why this setup in particular has got going so quickly but I'm happy about it!

I hadn't considered it before but I'm thinking of potentially adding botanicals to this setup. Nothing major, just some small leaves. I think it will benefit the inhabitants and I've always enjoyed that faint amber glow.