I can't help but ask the question as to why you think artificially reducing the kh from 7 to 2 is suddenly going to fix any problems you have with the plants in this tank (I'm assuming you're having problems?)
@John q, I have a small problem where plants stunts then create healthy shoot from that stunted tip then stunt again etc.. and some plant show that there is a type of deficiency. I don't know if it will fix the problem
or not, but i want to make an experiment in another tank first with the lower KH. Why? My ph at night goes up to 8.3 and i think it may makes the chelated less effective. I could be wrong and have no effect at all but i want to see if the plants may grow healthier that way. Keep in mind i only feed via water column, i don't have an active substrate.
Sure, low kh is better, but reducing the kh and adding lots of sodium? I'm not convinced.
You're adding quite a bit of Sodium (Na) when doing this. By weight Sodium Bisulfate is about 19% Sodium. Off the top of my head, to decrease the KH by 5 degrees (from 7 KH to 2 KH) you would add somewhere around 200 mg/L of NaHSO4 or 40 mg/L Na. Not catastrophic, but worth keeping in mind.
I was experimenting with Sodium Bisulfate because its what i have under the hand, i will use HCL for the experiment. I was just confused why the PH stayed to 6.4 while the KH is at 1.5KH. Like
@_Maq_ saidf, it could be that my testing is wrong.
Also I believe you currently target a 1.4 ph drop, whilst life (microbes, fish etc) will continue at a ph of 5, I'm again not sure it's ideal.
I want my PH to be around 7.2 to 7.4 at night.
I may reduce a bit the drop to 1 to 1.2 with a lower kh so i should be more around 6 to 6.2
Right. I'd rather take the higher KH (i.e. higher pH) and feed my plants a little more if I had no other way to lower (control) my KH.
I have tried to increase the amount of fertilizer with no effect at all. (x1.5 EI)
This is an experiment, I'd rather keep to use my plain tap water as it seems to be pretty much perfect in GH ratio except for the KH part