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I actually had my first one yesterday (Pfizer) just got a text from the NHS inviting me to take it! Was not expecting it this soon! Got the second jab in early May!!
Me as well. I am always being invite for flu jabs and the like. Had a heart op years back and now I'm at the front of the list for everything like that.
Had the Pfizer. Arm a bit sore, that all.
Even though I've been shielding on and off for the best part of 11 months I to was surprised to be offered it. I tested positive over the new year and became quite ill, so assumed I'd be moved down the list.

On the plus side I had to give my wife a crash course in fish feeding, plant care and tank maintenance as I assumed the worst would happen.
She now assists every water change by lovingly emptying the buckets and even unpacks and cleans any new plants that arrive. 😀
Had mine about a month ago (Pfizer), was just like the normal Flu jab, minor discomfort in arm, second jab late next month. Got it offered early due to job.

Part of me was in the do I need a vaccination of an untested manmade trail, when the chances of it being serious infection is low as I am not in a vulnerable group and other was in we need 'herd' protection to get the country back to 'normal'

The country won as it felt the right thing to do.
Wife had hers in Jan, I had mine in Feb. Both Pfizer, no side effects. Keen for us to have our boosters. We are part of the generation that had either a vaccination or the nit nurse virtually every term. Very pleased when disposable syringes came in because the needles were sharp.

We had no worries about the safety of these shots as its vaccination and not inoculation of an attenuated nasty. Still taking vitamin D3 (you need buckets of it in the winter)

Waiting for the country to get done so as to get dancing again. I have white tie, top hat and tails and running out of life to get my monies worth out of them.
Sorry about your illness.
My parents had the Pfizer a couple of weeks ago and they had no side effects. It seems the Pfizer is the one your less likely to have any side effects with but I'll happily get stabbed with any of them when my turn comes just to get the world moving again.

I'm not a anti monarchist or a monarchist either but I did think it was great the queen spoke out yesterday.
Do they call people in the same household at the same time? Or one at a time? Just wondering as I got called and the missus didn't.
I think it depends on age. I had mine a few weeks after my wife. She did ask if I could have it when she got the call but they said no.
She is older than me, not by much mind! lol
I've had mine done 5th of Feb (the oxford one) got the next one booked in for late April. I had a bit of a sore arm but then felt pretty ropey the next couple of days, sort of flu like symptoms but it soon passed.
I've been shielding for what seems like a lifetime so I'm really looking forward to being able to go out into the big wide world again........ That first pint is going to taste amazing!!

I'm classed as vulnerable due to my immunosuppressant medication that i take for Ankoylosing Spondilitis (Arthritis of the spine) I'm quite surprised that my mrs hasn't been called in for hers too, She's perfectly fine and healthy by the way but if I'm classed as vulnerable then surely she she be dosed up to to protect me????

Anyway, one step closer to normality 🙌🙌🙌
Do they call people in the same household at the same time? Or one at a time? Just wondering as I got called and the missus didn't.

I think it depends on your gp. Most people in the upper age bracket around here, to begin with, were called singly but since then they seem to be more obliging to double appointments. My neighbours are having double appointments but they are all in the same age bracket.
Seems UK is about done with the entire population... Good luck to you all... UK is pretty under fire with that crazy aledged UK mutation hype... I hope it's over soon for you guys...

The Netherlands still running behind, with the vaccines only available for the high-risk group. And we all still are in a heavy lookdown and curfew from 9 to 5. Making everybody sad and crazy, especially with the spring in the air.

Not that I'm personally waiting for it any time soon... I never had any other vaccine in my life than Tetanus after being bitten by a cat and this is over 2 decades ago. I'm yet not bothered by Corona nor had any other flew for many years... So if it's up to me I skip on that vaccine, rather give it to someone in need. And if this means no vaccination T-shirt with the text "Chipped - Dewormed - Vaccinated!" And no more vacations outside the country, no more concerts, and no more restaurants, etc. So be it... 🙂 I can live with that, haven't had a vacation trip or a concert visit in over a decade I'm not really missing it and I have Spotify and I can cook... 😎💪
My late wife got a old picture of two toddlers when her mother died a few years back. Both of her mothers sisters died of what was quite common in those days in childhood. Measles Chicken Pox Polio Whooping cough and many others. In those times it would probably not been unusual for people families to lose siblings sons daughters. Reason we very rarely see mortality in these days is because back then the vaccines were not there. People were probably crying out for vaccines cures? So as a nurse on tv the other day was saying if only the anti vac brigade fuelled by internet misinformed information realised what damage they are doing