Hi everybody,
it has been awhile since I have started this project, but as I have been away for more than a month and I have been quite busy lately, I didn't have time for it.
The long story short: As I really liked the hardscape I have used in Aquatics Live, I wanted to create a long..or lets say longer term scape with it, where to play a bit more with plants and arrangements.
So at the beginning of December I have decided to give it a go. As I was planning a long Christmas holiday, I decided to go the DSM way.
I have used some Tesco cat litter for substrate - really love the color blending of the stones and the cat litter. Under the cat litter I used some fertilizer to provide nutrients for the plants, during the "dry season"

The tank has been left on its own, with no heating and occasional spraying for around 2 and a half months. The plants used are Tropica's: HC, 1-2 Grow Eleocharis mini, Hottonia palustris, Riccardia Chamedryfolia. Fisidens fontanus and some Althernatera for a splash of red.
The outcome after such a prolong absence and negligence..... Well the plants were fine, but didn't really spread a lot, since the planting. I suppose this is because of the low nutrient load of the substrate, low temperature during my absence and not enough light. I left the timer set on 8 hours per day, when I left, but the main electric switch has defected, so it has been dark for some time...
On my arrival, I have increased the lighting period to 12 hours.
The Riccardia, has developed very interesting form emmersed:

It is huge, compared to its underwater form. You can see it compared the other plants here:

The Fissidens is not doing very well, but has some new green shootings, so I hope it will be ok, after the flooding.

Shortly will post a picture of the tank after the flood. It has been 3 days now, since the big flood. 🙂
it has been awhile since I have started this project, but as I have been away for more than a month and I have been quite busy lately, I didn't have time for it.
The long story short: As I really liked the hardscape I have used in Aquatics Live, I wanted to create a long..or lets say longer term scape with it, where to play a bit more with plants and arrangements.
So at the beginning of December I have decided to give it a go. As I was planning a long Christmas holiday, I decided to go the DSM way.
I have used some Tesco cat litter for substrate - really love the color blending of the stones and the cat litter. Under the cat litter I used some fertilizer to provide nutrients for the plants, during the "dry season"

The tank has been left on its own, with no heating and occasional spraying for around 2 and a half months. The plants used are Tropica's: HC, 1-2 Grow Eleocharis mini, Hottonia palustris, Riccardia Chamedryfolia. Fisidens fontanus and some Althernatera for a splash of red.
The outcome after such a prolong absence and negligence..... Well the plants were fine, but didn't really spread a lot, since the planting. I suppose this is because of the low nutrient load of the substrate, low temperature during my absence and not enough light. I left the timer set on 8 hours per day, when I left, but the main electric switch has defected, so it has been dark for some time...
On my arrival, I have increased the lighting period to 12 hours.
The Riccardia, has developed very interesting form emmersed:

It is huge, compared to its underwater form. You can see it compared the other plants here:

The Fissidens is not doing very well, but has some new green shootings, so I hope it will be ok, after the flooding.

Shortly will post a picture of the tank after the flood. It has been 3 days now, since the big flood. 🙂