Dave Spencer
I have just got back from a UKAPS visit to The Green Machine near Wrexham, and am very excited about what I have seen:
It is essentially an aquarists` shop primarily targetted at us, the planted tank fraternity. Mark and Jim are the two guys running this business, having, like us, noticed a niche in the aquarist hobby. Here is what greets the customer as they enter the shop. Check out the marble plinths:

The tank below is a 2500l Iwagumi. RO water is used alongside a pH controller for the CO2. SERA forms the whole basis of their dosing regimes, using their substrate alongside other substrate additives and water column micro additives. The water column is run lean, without any dosing of NPK. Lighting is via 3 X 150W MH. Sorry about all the reflections, but there wasn`t a great deal I could do under the circumstances:

This next tank is not at its best. It underwent a bit of an overhaul when I first visited on Friday. It is nice and long to enable shoaling:

Here are a few more views of the shop:

Here is a 5ft X 5ft cube they keep stained with tannins:

Some of their Congo Tetras:

Ultimately, this is what it is all about; quality plants:

A deep water unit is due for arrival, to allow them to stock plants that are solely aquatic. Once it is all up and running, they plan on having over 1000 Tropica plants in stock at any one time.
They also expect to be stocking Altums pretty soon. 😀
I have introduced the guys to UKAPS (with a flyer pinned on the wall), and we seem to fully realise the mutual interests and benefits we can share. On that note, Ray has said that he will give 10% off to UKAPS members. 😀
I will be meeting Jim and Ray again soon, to discuss rimless, braceless top quality tanks.
Mark and Ray are open to suggestions on what we need, or are short of for the hobby. I think hardscape can be hard to come by, but they have some lovely wood, alongside some fossilised wood. I have also mentioned the need for some nice micro fish.
If we create the market, my guess is they will try to supply it. What are your first impressions chaps?
Edited because I got Jim`s name wrong. 🙄
It is essentially an aquarists` shop primarily targetted at us, the planted tank fraternity. Mark and Jim are the two guys running this business, having, like us, noticed a niche in the aquarist hobby. Here is what greets the customer as they enter the shop. Check out the marble plinths:

The tank below is a 2500l Iwagumi. RO water is used alongside a pH controller for the CO2. SERA forms the whole basis of their dosing regimes, using their substrate alongside other substrate additives and water column micro additives. The water column is run lean, without any dosing of NPK. Lighting is via 3 X 150W MH. Sorry about all the reflections, but there wasn`t a great deal I could do under the circumstances:

This next tank is not at its best. It underwent a bit of an overhaul when I first visited on Friday. It is nice and long to enable shoaling:

Here are a few more views of the shop:

Here is a 5ft X 5ft cube they keep stained with tannins:

Some of their Congo Tetras:

Ultimately, this is what it is all about; quality plants:

A deep water unit is due for arrival, to allow them to stock plants that are solely aquatic. Once it is all up and running, they plan on having over 1000 Tropica plants in stock at any one time.
They also expect to be stocking Altums pretty soon. 😀
I have introduced the guys to UKAPS (with a flyer pinned on the wall), and we seem to fully realise the mutual interests and benefits we can share. On that note, Ray has said that he will give 10% off to UKAPS members. 😀
I will be meeting Jim and Ray again soon, to discuss rimless, braceless top quality tanks.
Mark and Ray are open to suggestions on what we need, or are short of for the hobby. I think hardscape can be hard to come by, but they have some lovely wood, alongside some fossilised wood. I have also mentioned the need for some nice micro fish.
If we create the market, my guess is they will try to supply it. What are your first impressions chaps?
Edited because I got Jim`s name wrong. 🙄