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The Green Machine.

Dave Spencer

3 Jul 2007
N. Wales
I have just got back from a UKAPS visit to The Green Machine near Wrexham, and am very excited about what I have seen:


It is essentially an aquarists` shop primarily targetted at us, the planted tank fraternity. Mark and Jim are the two guys running this business, having, like us, noticed a niche in the aquarist hobby. Here is what greets the customer as they enter the shop. Check out the marble plinths:


The tank below is a 2500l Iwagumi. RO water is used alongside a pH controller for the CO2. SERA forms the whole basis of their dosing regimes, using their substrate alongside other substrate additives and water column micro additives. The water column is run lean, without any dosing of NPK. Lighting is via 3 X 150W MH. Sorry about all the reflections, but there wasn`t a great deal I could do under the circumstances:



This next tank is not at its best. It underwent a bit of an overhaul when I first visited on Friday. It is nice and long to enable shoaling:


Here are a few more views of the shop:



Here is a 5ft X 5ft cube they keep stained with tannins:


Some of their Congo Tetras:


Ultimately, this is what it is all about; quality plants:



A deep water unit is due for arrival, to allow them to stock plants that are solely aquatic. Once it is all up and running, they plan on having over 1000 Tropica plants in stock at any one time.

They also expect to be stocking Altums pretty soon. 😀

I have introduced the guys to UKAPS (with a flyer pinned on the wall), and we seem to fully realise the mutual interests and benefits we can share. On that note, Ray has said that he will give 10% off to UKAPS members. 😀

I will be meeting Jim and Ray again soon, to discuss rimless, braceless top quality tanks.

Mark and Ray are open to suggestions on what we need, or are short of for the hobby. I think hardscape can be hard to come by, but they have some lovely wood, alongside some fossilised wood. I have also mentioned the need for some nice micro fish.

If we create the market, my guess is they will try to supply it. What are your first impressions chaps?


Edited because I got Jim`s name wrong. 🙄
That is all.
Looks amazing, makes me wish I was driving so I could go visit.
I'm in heaven.

Will take me 3 hours and 37 mins to get there...

Btw, how are those halides suspended over the tank, are they supported on perspex?
Wish there was somewhere like that near me! I always think nice planted displays show the fish off to their best potential. I hope those guys do well in the trade and stay in business.

Regrettably they do very few good planted displays in my local LFSs. I must be within range of several branches of a 'large national chain' and a couple of none chain ones, none of them have very nice planted displays - the ones that did have them seem to have given up the displays, or their displays have gone to rack and ruin!
Jesus mate, what a bloody good find, i think a trip down there over the next few days is needed, cant wait, ill have to go and introduce my self.
Graet find, and so local too!
Big slap on the back for you.
Do us a favour Dave and post it up in the were to buy section please!


P.S How did you find it?
This has got me thinking of me hosting a UKaps meet. places to visit.... Chester zoo ( where i work ) blue planet, just round the corner, and green machine.
Thats the saturday, then sunday all off into the mountains of north wales.

Hmmmm, *rubs chin*.

Im going to go down to green machine tomorrow, have a chat, see what there about, and if they are interested in stocking ukaps gear!
It looks like they are SERA stockist in the main, I have a feeling i know who gave them the contacts.....hmmmm * chin is very itchy *.
Right folks, the North West meeting needs to be held soon, Dave how big is your house and are you free tomorrow? LOL!
Seriously though, this needs a meeting, It's a fair stomp from most of us so lets try and sort somthing out. I live in the middle of the middle and i'm happy to car share a trip up there. My old man could prolly put a few of us up and i know that there are a few members up that way so lets see who can accomadate who and when.
We have Arana's meeting at the end of Feb so i recon sometime in March would be good, that'll give green machine a chance to prepare!
Yep agreed!
I could put up about 5 peeps, so Geroge, Dan and Jeremy + 2 others, bit of room sharing if you can cope with that!
Oh must add, thats if i havnt sold my house, Booooooo!!!!!
Wow, good spot. I can't believe I've not come across these guys before now, they're only down the road from me (about 30 mins), and I was actually in Wrexham yesterday. Do you know if they have been there long? I assume they are a relatively new venture as their website store is not fully stocked yet. Will have to pay them a visit pronto.
I'm going to say save a bit of floor space for me as long as you wouldn't mind having me, but my fiance may have something to say about me spending the night with 5 other men.... ooh-er!
Lisa_Perry75 said:
I'm going to say save a bit of floor space for me as long as you wouldn't mind having me, but my fiance may have something to say about me spending the night with 5 other men.... ooh-er!
He shouldn't be worried about us bunch of geeks LOL :lol:
Greetings from The Green Machine...

Greetings to all at UKAPS,

Its great to see such a group of enthusiasts with a clear vision of the importance and beauty of aquatic plants.

In answer to a couple of questions that have appeared on this thread we have been open for just 6 months and are thoroughly enjoying the buzz we have created in the industry, we are purists, taking aquatics in its most natural and logical direction which is of course to create and maintain beautiful planted aquaria for the enjoyment of the life within as well as the viewer.

Currently we are still establishing our web presence, the web address you list is not fully functional just yet, but you can get general information about us from http://www.the-greenmachine.com

Eventually we will provide shipping on all our products including our full catalogue of live Tropica aquarium plants, and can take orders for any of their plants that we might happen to not have in stock at that time.

Currently if you need plants sent to you we have a limited selection on an eBay store accessible here http://stores.ebay.co.uk/expert-aquatics

Expert Aquatics exists to take some of the load off The Green Machine because they are busy, they are supplied by The Green Machine who are in turn supplied by Tropica. If this site doesn't have the Tropica plant that you want then email expertaquatics@googlemail.com with a request and it can be arranged to add it to the store listings in a short time with a maximum 7 day turnaround (9 including postage).

It is worth noting that The Green Machine store is located right next to the Erddig country house and estate which is supported by The National Trust and is a great family day out. When the house is closed there are still some beautiful walks to be had on the estate. For details see http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w- ... erddig.htm

We hope to see and hear from you in the future,
Graeme Edwards said:
Im going to go down to green machine tomorrow, have a chat, see what there about, and if they are interested in stocking ukaps gear!

Graeme, I am going down on Friday at 14:00 to meet Ray from Aquariums Ltd, regarding top quality open topped tanks. If you are able, we could go down then and kill two birds with one stone. Ray is very keen to make contact with UKAPS.

Graeme Edwards said:
It looks like they are SERA stockist in the main, I have a feeling i know who gave them the contacts.....hmmmm * chin is very itchy *.

Your suspiscions are correct. You and Jim have the same guru. :lol:

Dan Crawford said:
Right folks, the North West meeting needs to be held soon, Dave how big is your house and are you free tomorrow?

I used to have a lovely big house I spent my working life getting together, but divorce last year put paid to that. :cry: All I have is one double bed, so I may not be much help accomodation wise, I am afraid.
