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ADA Mini M & D.I.Y cabinet build.

22 Mar 2012
Richmond, North Yorkshire, UK
Hey guys,

Just thought I would share my ADA Mini M pictures, unfortunately taken by iPhone 🙁

Here's my specifications;-

Substrate;- ADA Powersand capped with ADA Amazonia Powder.

Hardscape;- Dragonstone

staurogyne repens
Hemianthus 'Cuba'
Pogostemon Erectus
Rotala Rotundifolia

10 Celestial pearl Danios
3-4+ Low grade Crystal Red Shrimp
2 Amano Shrimp

Co2;- JBL m001 setup. Between 12-8pm

Lighting;- ADA Solar M. Between 1-9pm

Fertilizers;- ADA Green Brighty & Brighty K 1ml Per day.

Clear Back tank with nice wallpaper behind 😛

I really want an SLR, but unfortunately I am on an apprentice wage & fish keeping comes first 🙂
So please bear with me on the quality of the shots.




Im currently waiting on the Rotala to sprout from behind Rock and to right of Pogostemon Erectus, as I know they look a little bare.

I've also been experimenting with the HC carpet, Cutting it into what looks quite similar to the telitubbies house :lol:

Please let me know what you think.

Re: ADA Mini M

KrisHumphreys1991 said:
2nd shot is gorgeous! Great looking tank mate, and some lovely hardware 😀
Well done!

Hey Kris,
Thanks very much. I too like the look from above of Pogostemon erectus, Looks a lot better from above than it does from the front. Ive been trying to, and will persist to trim the front in an effort to create a bushy growth in an attempt to give similar appearance as the shot from above.

I removed all my Cal aqua eflux & influx pipes, along with my Co2. Acting like a bit of a geek.
Ive got the Fluval Cone shaped drop checker at the mo, but dont know what to upgrade to.

Maybe a Cal aqua Clip on checker? or a Nano cal aqua Drop checker. hmm :crazy:
Re: ADA Mini M

Lovely tank and great shots (even from a phone). I love how you have the water right at the very lip. Looks like a proper floating cube of nature. Really nice.

Like the scape too. Very simple yet so effective. It's definitely worth the effort of removing the hardware for the photos. I must do that soon.
Re: ADA Mini M

Hey Pariahrob,

Thanks very much, topped it up to take photos 🙂
I kept an eye on your journal, love your 60-P. I wish I could afford one ha.

Don't know if to keep this scape or adjust it / change it completely. Time will tell !

Thanks for your comment

Re: ADA Mini M

Yes it really looks great from above, very "fluffy" or something 😀 that sounds weird :lol:

I have no clue as to glassware, don't know much about it!

But I think it just looks great!
Re: ADA Mini M

Yeah kris,

I love its appearance from up top, especially when its sitting just below the surface and has a purple red colouration to it. Looks like little sunbursts 🙂

As for the glassware Cal aqua pipes are quite commonly used on Mini Ms because of their size and look great.

You gonna be doing another scape soon with the manzy off hogie?

Re: ADA Mini M

Yeah 😀 Looks really good alright ! 😀

Ah I see, I'll have to get my head (and bank account) round the whole glassware issue. :lol:

Yeah, I'm just cycling a tank at the moment back in Ireland, It's called Lavagumi. Nothing to do with Iwagumi, just called it that coz I'm using lava rock from the giants causeway in it. 😀

So going to rearrange that when I get home, get plants, set up my FE CO2.. Then hopefully it'll look good.

Will let you know when I'm updating the journal if you want!
Re: ADA Mini M

Looks great Whitey!
Do you use tap water or RO or a mix?
Re: ADA Mini M

Im on with an ADA style cabinet as we speak for this tank.
Don't know if I will be doing a journal though! 😛

Got a bit of a quiet afternoon here at work so got all components cut already, hopefully get main box structure complete before I leave.

Im thinking a Pewter or similar colour for this? Or white?
Going to be spraying either with plasticote or might get a mate at a car garage to! 😀

Havent bumped into you at paddock farm yet Ady!

ADA Mini M

Taking my time with the cabinet, getting plenty of coats of undercoat on before I put my topcoat of silk light grey. Looks like a nice colour from test.

Will upload some more photos soonish.

Heres one to show general shape;

ADA Mini M



A couple of pictures following this mornings first coat, just incase anyone is watching this thread. Pretty happy with the grey colour. Its 'Rust-oleum - painters touch' in a 'Stone grey Satin'

Planning a rescape of this tank when I get it on its stand in a couple of weeks.
Going for a manzi theme I think.

Re: ADA Mini M

Looking pretty slick!.... the benefits of being a joiner 😉 .
If you got it sprayed at a garage it would cost quite a lot, and you would only really benefit if you were going for a gloss look, the colour you have chosen is nice and subtle and wont detract from the tank and scape :thumbup:
a manzy theme sounds good to me.
ADA Mini M

Thanks ady,

Yeah sometimes its good because Everything is to hand, and knowing a few tradesmen also helps with other stuff!

Yeah I wasnt wanting anything too dramatic in regards to gloss finish. Prefer a slightly duller sheen.

I picked this grey as i believed the intensity of the greens would show up quite well against this tone without being too dark.

Re: ADA Mini M

A few more pics from today;






Bits still to sort, for example doors not quite staight and the plinth needs fixing into place.
I know its just another ADA build, but I'm happy with the results 😀