Hi all, thanks to TDI for the tank n bits. been meaning to put this up for a while.

Dennerele Nano 25 x 25 x 30 cm
EI ferts + easycarbo 1.5 (ish) mls/day
water changes every other day - bit of a surface film at the mo
started on september 27th so been running 3 weeks ish. I was scaping it while listening to england play south africa, hence the title... might change it once I see how it feels once it has grow in.
ADA Seiryu Stone
Heather wood
HC - from my window sill growing emersed for about 6 months... I'm amazed it lasted and has grown on under water
rotala nanjenshan - thanks Sam
Blyxa japonica
Eleocharis acicularis - oh thanks again Sam 😉
Hygrophila corymbosa `Siamensis` - we'll see if this gets too big?
I'm thinking about some moss for the wood not sure if the wood is too thin though.
oh and using the tank the 'wrong' way round as I'm not too keen on the curved edges.

Dennerele Nano 25 x 25 x 30 cm
EI ferts + easycarbo 1.5 (ish) mls/day
water changes every other day - bit of a surface film at the mo
started on september 27th so been running 3 weeks ish. I was scaping it while listening to england play south africa, hence the title... might change it once I see how it feels once it has grow in.
ADA Seiryu Stone
Heather wood
HC - from my window sill growing emersed for about 6 months... I'm amazed it lasted and has grown on under water

rotala nanjenshan - thanks Sam
Blyxa japonica
Eleocharis acicularis - oh thanks again Sam 😉
Hygrophila corymbosa `Siamensis` - we'll see if this gets too big?
I'm thinking about some moss for the wood not sure if the wood is too thin though.
oh and using the tank the 'wrong' way round as I'm not too keen on the curved edges.