Been promising to add this one for a while but have been a bit busy with life stuff. Since Dan did his Dennerle nano there have been a good number on this forum, way better then mine i have to add, but here is my effort.
It is the standard 10L Dennerle Kit, light, substrate, filter and nano co2 kit. With a 10w newattitno heater.

1st April 2008

1st April 2008

17th April 2008

17th April 2008
Now not much thought went into hardscape for this. I just wanted to get dosing sorted before i played with a real scape. After Dan pointed me to TPN+ things have been going wicked. I've also loved trying HC in a scape. I love it.
Went for a triagle arrangement which has grown out messy as you can see from the later pics. I'm learning stem pruneing as it is something ive never really activly had to do on any of my tanks (big tank was medium low light so stems grew slowly, 20L is low laying plants).
So its all go for a summer "rescape" inspired by some of the wonderful nano hardscapes the founders and senior members have posted here.
Best Regards,
Been promising to add this one for a while but have been a bit busy with life stuff. Since Dan did his Dennerle nano there have been a good number on this forum, way better then mine i have to add, but here is my effort.
It is the standard 10L Dennerle Kit, light, substrate, filter and nano co2 kit. With a 10w newattitno heater.

1st April 2008

1st April 2008

17th April 2008

17th April 2008
Now not much thought went into hardscape for this. I just wanted to get dosing sorted before i played with a real scape. After Dan pointed me to TPN+ things have been going wicked. I've also loved trying HC in a scape. I love it.
Went for a triagle arrangement which has grown out messy as you can see from the later pics. I'm learning stem pruneing as it is something ive never really activly had to do on any of my tanks (big tank was medium low light so stems grew slowly, 20L is low laying plants).
So its all go for a summer "rescape" inspired by some of the wonderful nano hardscapes the founders and senior members have posted here.
Best Regards,