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My Nano Nano - 10L Dennerle


14 Nov 2008
On a mountain in the Highlands of Scotland

Been promising to add this one for a while but have been a bit busy with life stuff. Since Dan did his Dennerle nano there have been a good number on this forum, way better then mine i have to add, but here is my effort.

It is the standard 10L Dennerle Kit, light, substrate, filter and nano co2 kit. With a 10w newattitno heater.

1st April 2008

1st April 2008

17th April 2008

17th April 2008


Now not much thought went into hardscape for this. I just wanted to get dosing sorted before i played with a real scape. After Dan pointed me to TPN+ things have been going wicked. I've also loved trying HC in a scape. I love it.

Went for a triagle arrangement which has grown out messy as you can see from the later pics. I'm learning stem pruneing as it is something ive never really activly had to do on any of my tanks (big tank was medium low light so stems grew slowly, 20L is low laying plants).

So its all go for a summer "rescape" inspired by some of the wonderful nano hardscapes the founders and senior members have posted here.

Best Regards,

That looks really nice John! Very lush healthy growth 🙂 I'm jealous 😛 What CO2 set are you using? I've been eyeing up one of the cheapy ebay mini CO2 sets but not gone for one yet...
SteveUK said:
That looks really nice John! Very lush healthy growth 🙂 I'm jealous 😛 What CO2 set are you using? I've been eyeing up one of the cheapy ebay mini CO2 sets but not gone for one yet...

which ones? link please. im exited for my nano now!
SteveUK said:
See PM mate 🙂 Don't want to hijack er, Hijac's thread :lol:

hijac away.

its the dennerle nano co2 kit. i've been using it for a while now. I'm waiting for this canister to run out to try some cheap replacement i found on a painball supplier which has the same thread.

the glass ware is from asia on ebay. same stuff as the dennerles, quarter of the price.

This is one nice looking nano, I am very tempted to get one for my office desk. Just have to wait until June when we move office to see what kind of space I will have afterwards. Congrats and keep us updated 🙂
Nick16 said:
what are the stem plants? looks so lush and green. love it.

is it possible to have a plant list ??..please.. 😀 .. i really like the background plants
it would be much appreciated..

cheers , Alex

The background stem plant a number of people have asked about is rotala wallichii emers.

My first time with it and i'm really liking it.

So much so i've just removed all the hardscape so i can spent more time messing about with pruning stems, its a learning experience for me.

Yes you read that right...................zero hardscape. 8)

I'll try and knock up a full plant map tomorrow.

Best regards,

I like the background plants there. Nice textures. What are they?

As for the cheap ebay kits I was looking at them for my 10L and was wondering what thread they were. In the end I have ordered a barbed T piece and inline needle valve and will branch off the CO2 from my main tank.

Looks nice mate. Gives me a few ideas 🙂

SuperColey1 said:
I like the background plants there. Nice textures. What are they?

As for the cheap ebay kits I was looking at them for my 10L and was wondering what thread they were. In the end I have ordered a barbed T piece and inline needle valve and will branch off the CO2 from my main tank.

Looks nice mate. Gives me a few ideas 🙂


Pretty sure it is rotala wallichii emers.

Check this out for inspiration, new Oliver Knott 10L Dennerle.


I love his work.

Best Regards,

really liking this tank mate, well done..
the buddha that oliver knott did..is my "fav".. just the simplicity of it and the photo of him holding it on his website really puts it in perspective..also are you using "Rotala sp.`green`" in this tank.?

cheers , Alex (upload photos i wont to see this non hardscape tank)..lol 😀
SteveUK said:
This talk of buddha scapes reminds me of a guy who was on TFF a few years back. One of his scapes was really cool. I couldn't find the journal, but I remembered he had a video on youtube:

fishkiller...nomore...i loved his/her nano .. i was browseing through that journal yesterday..lol.
its just a shame the photos have been removed/deleted ..but aleast the vids still around.😀


May 2009

12th May 2009 - HC gone bad...

So, it was all going great guns, really enjoying trimming the stems and watching them bush out. Going to add more to my main tank for its next scape. Oh and no hardscape.

The HC was rocking my world until last week where one corner started to have some greyish dull pale leaves appearing. First i thought these were lower level leaves exposed by some trimming. But the area of die off seems to be expanding. The entire of the left front corner has been destroyed and ive had to replant.

Any advice on what is happening? i'm new to HC and it's needs. I'm currently dosing around 0.5ml of TPN+ a day with pressurised CO2. It had been fine for a month and a bit and now this is happening.

Not so worried about the scape going down the drain as it was a "training scape" but i'm liking the HC and want to use it again, so want to nail the issue with the die off which is still spreading.

Best Regards,

You know what that's actually the nicest nano I've come across in a very long while, you should be proud. Sorry about your hc woes, that really does suck.