This is my cherry shrimp breeding tank which sits next to my home office computer while i work all day. It has been running for about 6 months now and is my first attempt at Iwagumi. Sanzon Iwagumi to be precise.
Tank: Arctank 20L
Filter: Dennerle Nano Filter
Heating: Newattino 10w
Lighting: 2x11w arcadia CF plant bulbs with arcadia reflectors. Homebase desk lamp ballasts 😀
Substrate: Fine grains of eco-complete
CO2: Dennerle Crystal line CO2 Nano-set

29th Jun 2008 - Pre Iwagumi

6th Aug 2008 - Initial Setup

1st Oct 2008 - No CO2 yet just easycarbo but a finished scape

1st Oct 2008

1st Oct 2008 - Closer in

1st Oct 2008 - Happy Shrimp

6th Dec 2008 - Post CO2 - OH MY GOD IT PEARLS!!

9th Dec 2008 - Slightly messy shot, with new kit, of the reset tank as the ricca matt got too dense.
Other then potentially in the future looking at taking alot of the kit out of the tank and replacing it with lovely glassware i'm pretty content with leaving this tank as it is for now just generating new cherry shrimp. Allowing me more time to focus on my new 10L Dennerle nano.
Best Regards,
p.s OH MY GOD! I've just had an oto jump out of the tank after i wrote this and land on the floor next to me!! insane.
This is my cherry shrimp breeding tank which sits next to my home office computer while i work all day. It has been running for about 6 months now and is my first attempt at Iwagumi. Sanzon Iwagumi to be precise.
Tank: Arctank 20L
Filter: Dennerle Nano Filter
Heating: Newattino 10w
Lighting: 2x11w arcadia CF plant bulbs with arcadia reflectors. Homebase desk lamp ballasts 😀
Substrate: Fine grains of eco-complete
CO2: Dennerle Crystal line CO2 Nano-set

29th Jun 2008 - Pre Iwagumi

6th Aug 2008 - Initial Setup

1st Oct 2008 - No CO2 yet just easycarbo but a finished scape

1st Oct 2008

1st Oct 2008 - Closer in

1st Oct 2008 - Happy Shrimp

6th Dec 2008 - Post CO2 - OH MY GOD IT PEARLS!!

9th Dec 2008 - Slightly messy shot, with new kit, of the reset tank as the ricca matt got too dense.
Other then potentially in the future looking at taking alot of the kit out of the tank and replacing it with lovely glassware i'm pretty content with leaving this tank as it is for now just generating new cherry shrimp. Allowing me more time to focus on my new 10L Dennerle nano.
Best Regards,
p.s OH MY GOD! I've just had an oto jump out of the tank after i wrote this and land on the floor next to me!! insane.