This is my first large tank and first real go at planted tanks of a higher techy nature. It has been running for a couple of years now to varying degrees of sucess. Basically i've learned everything i know from trying to make this work and i have been taking photos all the way. There are things i still want to improve in the tank and i'll go in after the picture swarm. 😀
Tank: Venezia 190 - 174L
Filter: Fluval 205 (with Purigen in one compartment)
Heating: 150w internal heater
Lighting: 2x24w arcadia EHO T5 plant bulbs with arcadia reflectors. 1x8w arcadia T5 fitted to the back corner access panel.
Substrate: Eco complete to various depths
CO2: JBL pressurised CO2 kit with ph controller and in tank diffuser

5th Jul 2007

21st Sep 2007

26th Oct 2007 - Added Eco

21st Nov 2007 - Added CO2

27th Nov 2007 - Learning about landscaping

16th Jan 2008 - Learning about cynobacteria 😡

25th Mar 2008 - Learning about erithromycin 😀

28th Apr 2008

19th May 2008

12th Jul 2008

13th Aug 2008

28th Sep 2008

8th Dec 2008
I'm trying to work out ways of improving the hardware for the tank. The one thing i'm currently obsessing about is flow rate.
Unfortunatly the Fluval 205 filter supplied with the tank has an appauling flow rate but in discussion in the hardware forum ive discovered i can use the 405 in this tank.
Beyond that in line CO2 keeps screaming at me.
Next year for this tank i want to have a meadow of Blyxa Japonica with the redmoor wood coming out of it covered in nice moss. Open and simple.
Best Regards,
12th Jul 2008
This is my first large tank and first real go at planted tanks of a higher techy nature. It has been running for a couple of years now to varying degrees of sucess. Basically i've learned everything i know from trying to make this work and i have been taking photos all the way. There are things i still want to improve in the tank and i'll go in after the picture swarm. 😀
Tank: Venezia 190 - 174L
Filter: Fluval 205 (with Purigen in one compartment)
Heating: 150w internal heater
Lighting: 2x24w arcadia EHO T5 plant bulbs with arcadia reflectors. 1x8w arcadia T5 fitted to the back corner access panel.
Substrate: Eco complete to various depths
CO2: JBL pressurised CO2 kit with ph controller and in tank diffuser

5th Jul 2007

21st Sep 2007

26th Oct 2007 - Added Eco

21st Nov 2007 - Added CO2

27th Nov 2007 - Learning about landscaping

16th Jan 2008 - Learning about cynobacteria 😡

25th Mar 2008 - Learning about erithromycin 😀

28th Apr 2008

19th May 2008

12th Jul 2008

13th Aug 2008

28th Sep 2008

8th Dec 2008
I'm trying to work out ways of improving the hardware for the tank. The one thing i'm currently obsessing about is flow rate.
Unfortunatly the Fluval 205 filter supplied with the tank has an appauling flow rate but in discussion in the hardware forum ive discovered i can use the 405 in this tank.
Beyond that in line CO2 keeps screaming at me.
Next year for this tank i want to have a meadow of Blyxa Japonica with the redmoor wood coming out of it covered in nice moss. Open and simple.
Best Regards,
12th Jul 2008