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IM BACK- Nature's River by Harry Robinson

4 Feb 2012
So I figured people who are new to viewing my journal would like to skip right to the end to see the updates, so here I am creating a new journal for the scape, starting from yesterday where I planted it up 🙂


Tank: 36x21x20cm
Lighting: 2x 12w LED's
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil, Maui sand
Filter: Eheim 2213
Fertilizers: TPN+ and Easy Carbo 0.5ml a day
Decor: Manzanita Wood
Plants: HC, Cryptocoryne wendtii green, Marsilea Crenata, Pogostemon erectus, Riccia Flutians
Critters: None as of yet 🙂

I Will be doing weekly updates on the progress and growth and will also answer questions, maybe ask a few too :lol:

FTS 26-07-2012 by Harry.R, on Flickr

IMG_0251 by Harry.R, on Flickr

IMG_0250 by Harry.R, on Flickr

IMG_0253 by Harry.R, on Flickr

Thanks for looking 😉
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

looks really good mate, nice pics as well.

Thanks Ian, yeah just started using picasa, i can't get used to photoshop ahh!

Stunning scape Harry, looking forward to seeing it grow in!

Thanks Rowly, you'll have to thank Antipofish for the idea :clap: , but i made it come a realtity :lol: I too am looking forward to it growing in, the pogostemon has a lot of growing to do haha
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

loving the moody shots Harry, very nice.
Like the way the marselia creeps up amongst the wood too :thumbup:
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Thanks Ady, yeah picasa has some cool effects, strays your eyes away from my terrible photography with a point and shoot though haha 🙂 Yeah that was the intended plan with the Marsilea, also to just place it randomly throughout the scape to add an extra natural feel to the scape
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Okay so i've noticed a few deficency's on some plants, could you help us out here? 🙂

The Marsilea's leaves have browning at the edges
Marsilea browning by Harry.R, on Flickr
HC browning
HC Browning by Harry.R, on Flickr
Signs of HC melt
HC melt by Harry.R, on Flickr
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Looking good mate.

Best get some nice shrimp in there to keep on top of the housework!
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

Nice scape mate. Really well executed. Add more CO2 and/or review flow/distribution to get better flow to the substrate. This is easy to diagnose.

Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

ceg4048 said:
Nice scape mate. Really well executed. Add more CO2 and/or review flow/distribution to get better flow to the substrate. This is easy to diagnose.


Thanks Clive, I would add more CO2 if i had it :lol: Im using Easy Carbo Currently with TPN+, maybe up the dosing of easy carbo? I'll have a look at the flow.
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

Yeah mate, no doubt. More EasyCarbo = More CO2.
Reducing your light intensity while you troubleshoot is always a smart move as well.

Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

HarryRobinson said:
So, from 0.5ml a day to maybe 1? 1.5? I cant reduce my light intensity because they are two LED bulbs, removing one would leave one side of the tank dark.

Cant you put a dimmer switch on them Harry ?
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

They are wired onto a plug going into a timer, then into a power socket, i haven't a clue how to put a switch on :lol:

Since your here matey, did you post that purigen last week? 🙂
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

Just a thought, you can buy dimmer switches That look like a plug timer. They were designed for desk lamps. Could be good for your situation? Just plug it into the socket and turn the dial down. Easy. How's the shimmer with the lights?
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

HarryRobinson said:
So, from 0.5ml a day to maybe 1? 1.5?
Yes you can treble or even quadruple the amount you are dosing but beware that some plants have a lower tolerance. This plant is not one of those but I don't know what else you have in the tank.
HarryRobinson said:
I cant reduce my light intensity because they are two LED bulbs, removing one would leave one side of the tank dark.
OK, well if you can't then you can't. The important lesson here is to know that more light requires more CO2, so whereas you might have solved the problem with a lesser increase in EasyCarbo dosing, this amount of light will require a higher increase in dosing. It's probably not a big deal in this case, but in the future, for bigger or more important projects you may want to include dimmable lighting in your planning.

Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

How's the shimmer with the lights?

Looks brilliant mate, enhances the fact the scape is made to be like a stream/river where the water surface would be making a shimmer naturally 🙂

Yes you can treble or even quadruple the amount you are dosing but beware that some plants have a lower tolerance. This plant is not one of those but I don't know what else you have in the tank.

Yeah, ive got riccia so i only dosed 1.5ml today to see how it goes 🙂

Okay, so im gonna head off to the LFS to see if i can locate some cherry shrimps! Need a clean up crew! :lol: