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Shrimp Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l


2 Oct 2009
East London
EDIT: Latest pics on page 5

Hi All, Ok so i think it was time to start a journal, share my attempts, and hopefully gain some guidence and critique. The tank is 2-3 weeks old now, intially when planted wood went to float so have a rock holding the wood down, will give it another week for it to hopefully stay down. Ignore the red rock in the pics as that is just a temp, lol

Inspired by London Dragons low tech and low maintenance tanks, I wanted something similar that I could leave it be.

I am currently doing weekly changes, but this might go up when I introduce Shrimp and slowly reduce.

P@H 14l
JED LED 48 3.5w (Day (40 White+8 Blue)& Night Mode (8 Blue only),Night mode isnt used as such)
600 lph Hang on Filter - Awaiting Delivery (Was too big, so gone for a 260lph Hang on)

Tesco Molar Clay
Redmoor Root
Lava Rock

Cryptocoryne wendtii ''Green''
Java Fern
X-mas Moss
Fissidens fontanus - Not in yet - but in tub on window
Planned - Anubias nana petite
Planned - Willow moss
Possibly - Monosoleum Tenerum -Pelia moss

Red Ramshorn Snails
Shrimp - Most likely Cherry, in the coming weeks, once fully planted with a few bits

450 TDS but bringing down to 350 or 300 if possible Tap water is 350.
18'c to 23'c Average - No heater, room temp
PH: 7.2
Ammonia & Nitrite now 0. But need to get filter in and going before Shrimp. Water from another tank is switched into this tank and that is cycled. Snails might have helped.

I have Easy Carbo and EL Salts for another tank, so can add if needed, but hoping all are slow growing plants that I would get away with the weekly water changes.

Mind, the light being 3.5w is actually quite bright, and I actually think its a very capable light. I wasnt expecting it to be as bright but was pleasantly surprised. Light penetrates into the subtrate which I wasnt expecting at all for what was £12.

now for some pics



Just planted and filled with water
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank


Cryptocorne did suffer some melt, but leave melting off and being replaced by new leaves, and can see roots shooting into clay. java fern has some black spots on leaves which is currently being munched on by the snails.
Moss seems to have got darker, but seems to have gained a lot of dust from the redmoor root as there seems to be a layer of dust on leaves and subtrate throughout the tank. Didnt really wash the wood it was clean to begin with, but just gave it a quick rinse. Hopefully when filter is in will add carbon. Also ordered a glass scrubber which should help remove some of the dust from glass as it seems to be stuck to glass as well. Also getting a lot of film/scum on surface, which I am skimming off as part of the water changes. Hoping filter helps here too. Cant help thinking its all from the root?


The water is actually a little stained I think but with the light on it isnt noticable. with flash it is noticable

Thanks to Johnc and Eboeagles for moss and snails respectively. Jimmy james for x-mass moss.
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank

My redmoor is sweating some white film. read it is some form of slime, and is common when sinking redmoor, but it isnt that bad. read plecs munch it, as do fish, but seeing as I dont have any fish, will it be an issue?

Is this stuff harmfull? My snails seem fine, but will shrimp? As i read on here that it would wipe out CRS? What about cherries?
Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

sr20det said:
And if anyone can tell me if my moss getting darker isnt a sign of bad times?

I think it depends on lighting, if it was in a higher lighting environment before, it will darken up with a lower light environment.

So nothing to worry about really, unless you wanted more demanding plants in there.
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

Whitey89 said:
sr20det said:
And if anyone can tell me if my moss getting darker isnt a sign of bad times?

I think it depends on lighting, if it was in a higher lighting environment before, it will darken up with a lower light environment.

So nothing to worry about really, unless you wanted more demanding plants in there.
thanks mate, does make sense. Daylight before as was on window in clear box. So bright I guess. Onto electric light which indeed won't match well led one anyways.
Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

Its okay mate,

I think its to do with the chlorophyll in the moss, darkening up to absorb more light and photosynthesise.

Im sure clive or darrel can give you very detailed information on the process and causes.

Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

wazuck said:
Is your tank not level? It was bugging me 🙂
ha, another ocd! looks like the cover glass is not seated correctly, giving that impression, looking back at the photos the tank itself seems level.
Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

I feel your pain 5284d7a6-10fa-58e5.jpg that's a gap between my skirting and floor. Every room is at an angle. I have to walk up hill to turn I tv on!
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

Yeah, lid doesn't fit due to lamp so is raised, giving the impression of angle. There is minute angle in floor, not noticeable imo.

House suffers from uneven floors. But this room is the most even of all lol
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

Wish I could have a dedicated stand, just no space, I think I have sqeezed this in, there is another 25l to the right. Separate journal for that in due course.
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

Dubious about my light. Wonder if I could measure par if only i had a meter. Does it look sufficient, its dark all lights out, only LED light is on?


And my new toy

Also, how long should i have for the lighting period for the tank? At the mo its around 10 hours which does seem excessive.
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

Hiya mate, great journal. I suffer from uneven floors too which means my Rio 180 is proped up on one side with wood and all sorts. :lol:

I also have a 70 litre tank running with 2 of the same LED's that you have. My experience from them being on other tanks previously is that they are plenty good enough to grow the plants you mention. I have chosen a few more demanding plants so will see how they support them.

I prefer moss when it's darker, but it may start to grow up towards the light so keep an eye on it and act accordingly by trimming any tall bits as it will cause the moss underneath to go brown.

Good journal mate. 🙂
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

minnnt said:
Hiya mate, great journal. I suffer from uneven floors too which means my Rio 180 is proped up on one side with wood and all sorts. :lol:

I also have a 70 litre tank running with 2 of the same LED's that you have. My experience from them being on other tanks previously is that they are plenty good enough to grow the plants you mention. I have chosen a few more demanding plants so will see how they support them.

I prefer moss when it's darker, but it may start to grow up towards the light so keep an eye on it and act accordingly by trimming any tall bits as it will cause the moss underneath to go brown.

Good journal mate. 🙂

Thanks mate, have seen more growth out the sides of the moss then to the top. But still early days. All the plants I am planning are all mosses, ferns, and the Crypts already in. All slow growing and I understand do well in low light anyway. I am however planning if possible flame moss, recently, will see if I do. It is a small tank mind, hence thought the light would suffice.
Re: Green Ghetto - Nano Shrimp & Snail Tank 14l

The light will be fine mate. I have planned a Glosso carpet in mine. :lol:

I would limit the light to 8 hours max per day also.