Following on from this last scape which to be honest got too grown in.
Final photo for IAPLC 2011 - #577 - The Unknown Valley

The Unknown Valley Stu Worrall - 90x45x45c IAPLC 2011 - #577 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr
Ive now stripped the tank down and started on a new design.
this time its Dragon Stone and Manzi 🙂
Hardscape: Dragon Stone
Co2: Pressurised via diffuser
Lighting: ADA Solar 1 - 150w NA Green
Filtration: Tetratec EX1200
Heating: Hydor 300W External heater
Substrate: ADA Nile Sand, ADA Power Sand with ADA Amazonia, Pummice bags to heighten the back cheaply!
Ferts per day: EI 90ml
Critters: Red Cherry Shrimp, Cherry Barbs, Rasbora
plants to include - Java Narrow Ferns, tennelus, hairgrass (both types, fissidens, mosses
, HC, Crypts, Anubias, Bolbitus, Hydrocoytl SP Japan, stems at the back
Here are some pics from the setup which is still ongoing, feel free to tell me if there's something you don't like. Bare in mind the back will be filled with stems to get extra height and there are a few more stones and bits of wood to go in yet.

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr
Final photo for IAPLC 2011 - #577 - The Unknown Valley

The Unknown Valley Stu Worrall - 90x45x45c IAPLC 2011 - #577 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr
Ive now stripped the tank down and started on a new design.
this time its Dragon Stone and Manzi 🙂
Hardscape: Dragon Stone
Co2: Pressurised via diffuser
Lighting: ADA Solar 1 - 150w NA Green
Filtration: Tetratec EX1200
Heating: Hydor 300W External heater
Substrate: ADA Nile Sand, ADA Power Sand with ADA Amazonia, Pummice bags to heighten the back cheaply!
Ferts per day: EI 90ml
Critters: Red Cherry Shrimp, Cherry Barbs, Rasbora
plants to include - Java Narrow Ferns, tennelus, hairgrass (both types, fissidens, mosses
, HC, Crypts, Anubias, Bolbitus, Hydrocoytl SP Japan, stems at the back
Here are some pics from the setup which is still ongoing, feel free to tell me if there's something you don't like. Bare in mind the back will be filled with stems to get extra height and there are a few more stones and bits of wood to go in yet.

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr