Hi all, i'm totally new to the aquarium scene and stumbled across the site after joining LFKC. Thought i'd make a journal in the hope of gaining much needed help and advice from the experts and hopefully see the tank grow into a well established habitat for my fish and plants.
I went with the Juwel rio 125 with the standard pump, heater and lighting system. The lights come on at 4pm and go off at midnight, the temperature is set to 26C and the pH is 8 but i'm looking to reduce this to 7 (unfortunately the addition of 2 pieces of bogwood haven't affected it so i need to look into other means of reducing it). The GH is 10 and the kH is 7.
Plants i have at the moment from left to right are:
Cabomba Carolina around the left side
Rotala Indica is just in front of these
Echinodorus "red flamed" in the foreground
Java fern on the bogwood in the middle
Vallisneria Asiatica around the right side
Rotala Wallichii next to the vallis
2 unknown mosses just infront of the vallis and wallichii

The plants have been in for around 4 weeks and i'm hoping to start off with 6 zebra danios maybe this weekend. Unfortunately though i've noticed some of the plants are dying. Some of the vallisneria leaves are brown and yellow and turning see through. Every morning i have to take out 1 or 2 leaves which have broken away and are lying on the top of the water. The indica is growing but the red leaves already present seem to be dying and nothing is growing in their place. The wallichii has only been in the tank a week and the pink tops look like they are dying and have all shrivelled up or dropped off.

Once i've got the plants back on track i'm hoping to move some around as the 2 mosses and wallichii are there to get established and not meant to be in their current position permanently.
Thanks for looking, any advice/tips will be much appreciated 🙂
I went with the Juwel rio 125 with the standard pump, heater and lighting system. The lights come on at 4pm and go off at midnight, the temperature is set to 26C and the pH is 8 but i'm looking to reduce this to 7 (unfortunately the addition of 2 pieces of bogwood haven't affected it so i need to look into other means of reducing it). The GH is 10 and the kH is 7.
Plants i have at the moment from left to right are:
Cabomba Carolina around the left side
Rotala Indica is just in front of these
Echinodorus "red flamed" in the foreground
Java fern on the bogwood in the middle
Vallisneria Asiatica around the right side
Rotala Wallichii next to the vallis
2 unknown mosses just infront of the vallis and wallichii

The plants have been in for around 4 weeks and i'm hoping to start off with 6 zebra danios maybe this weekend. Unfortunately though i've noticed some of the plants are dying. Some of the vallisneria leaves are brown and yellow and turning see through. Every morning i have to take out 1 or 2 leaves which have broken away and are lying on the top of the water. The indica is growing but the red leaves already present seem to be dying and nothing is growing in their place. The wallichii has only been in the tank a week and the pink tops look like they are dying and have all shrivelled up or dropped off.

Once i've got the plants back on track i'm hoping to move some around as the 2 mosses and wallichii are there to get established and not meant to be in their current position permanently.
Thanks for looking, any advice/tips will be much appreciated 🙂