After much lurking and reading, i've recently set up my first aquascape / planted tank so after several nudges thought i might try to write a journal on it's progress.
I've had several tropical community tanks and eventually a nice marine reef tank which ran very successfully for several years. Now 3 children later, I fancied setting up another tank but not marine, hence how i got here.
My current set-up
180L Juwel Rio
Filtration / Circulation
Standard Juwel internal removed
Eheim ECCO Pro 300 external added
Koralia nano 1600 added (tonight hopefully, postman permitting) for circulation
Flourite Black along with some Tropica Plant Substrate below and with a fine (1-2mm) quartz gravel section
Dennerle pressurised CO2 system with ladder / flipper diffuser
Cabomba caroliniana
Bolbitis heudolotti
Ceratopteris thalicroides
Hygrophila Rosae Australis
Cryptocoryne petchii
Cryptocoryne wendtii green
Echinodorus tennellus
Microsorium pteropus & narrow
Riccia fluitans
Vesicularia dubyana
Plus one other i'm not sure of at the moment......
Redmoor root
2 x 45w Juwel T5 Highlite (1 x day, 1 x nature) with reflectors (again postman permitting)
System has been set up a few weeks now but i have already suffered my first disasters (well they felt like disasters at the time). After initially setting up the substrate and wood, dry, into what I felt was the best layout, I planted a few plants, weighted the wood down and filled the tank.
All looked OK for a while, after the initial haziness had cleared, a week or so later more plants arrived which i duly planted (creating a lot of cloudyness?) and at the same time decided that the wood may have soaked up enough water to sink on it's own.
I removed the bags of pebbles used as weights and stood back to admire my handywork, all looked nice so i took the dripping pebbles to the kitchen and as i returned was greeted by lots of floating wood, floating plants and ditchwater!
No amount of rescuing was going to resurrect this 'aquascape' so the wood went into the bath and i saved what plants i could.
Now, with hindsight, 😳
mistake #1 - believing the back of the packs of Flourite saying it didn't need rinsing as it definitely did and lots of it.
mistake #2 - underestimating how long redmoor root may take to sink
I've now cleared the tank, thoroughly rinsed the substrate and rebuilt and replanted the tank into a scape i'm much happier with.
Things are coming along nicely now, crypts have got new shoots, cabomba growing well, however the echi tennelus looks very yellowed and i've yet to see any new growth. 🙂
So that's the story thus far, i'll try and take some pictures tonight and post for (please be gentle) comments.....
Cheers for now and sorry for long post...
I've had several tropical community tanks and eventually a nice marine reef tank which ran very successfully for several years. Now 3 children later, I fancied setting up another tank but not marine, hence how i got here.
My current set-up
180L Juwel Rio
Filtration / Circulation
Standard Juwel internal removed
Eheim ECCO Pro 300 external added
Koralia nano 1600 added (tonight hopefully, postman permitting) for circulation
Flourite Black along with some Tropica Plant Substrate below and with a fine (1-2mm) quartz gravel section
Dennerle pressurised CO2 system with ladder / flipper diffuser
Cabomba caroliniana
Bolbitis heudolotti
Ceratopteris thalicroides
Hygrophila Rosae Australis
Cryptocoryne petchii
Cryptocoryne wendtii green
Echinodorus tennellus
Microsorium pteropus & narrow
Riccia fluitans
Vesicularia dubyana
Plus one other i'm not sure of at the moment......
Redmoor root
2 x 45w Juwel T5 Highlite (1 x day, 1 x nature) with reflectors (again postman permitting)
System has been set up a few weeks now but i have already suffered my first disasters (well they felt like disasters at the time). After initially setting up the substrate and wood, dry, into what I felt was the best layout, I planted a few plants, weighted the wood down and filled the tank.
All looked OK for a while, after the initial haziness had cleared, a week or so later more plants arrived which i duly planted (creating a lot of cloudyness?) and at the same time decided that the wood may have soaked up enough water to sink on it's own.
I removed the bags of pebbles used as weights and stood back to admire my handywork, all looked nice so i took the dripping pebbles to the kitchen and as i returned was greeted by lots of floating wood, floating plants and ditchwater!
No amount of rescuing was going to resurrect this 'aquascape' so the wood went into the bath and i saved what plants i could.
Now, with hindsight, 😳
mistake #1 - believing the back of the packs of Flourite saying it didn't need rinsing as it definitely did and lots of it.
mistake #2 - underestimating how long redmoor root may take to sink
I've now cleared the tank, thoroughly rinsed the substrate and rebuilt and replanted the tank into a scape i'm much happier with.
Things are coming along nicely now, crypts have got new shoots, cabomba growing well, however the echi tennelus looks very yellowed and i've yet to see any new growth. 🙂
So that's the story thus far, i'll try and take some pictures tonight and post for (please be gentle) comments.....
Cheers for now and sorry for long post...