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[IWAGUMI] My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125 (THE END)


21 Feb 2008
Hi guys, so finally my Never Ending Journal came to an end and I am now going to try something different, I have decided to have a go at an Iwagumi, if it fails I can always plant a load of stems haha

Tank: Rio 125L, 81wx36dx50h cm

Filtration: JBL CrystalProfi e1500 which is rated at 1500lph, Koralia 1 rated 1500lph Powerhead (also have another Koralia 1 and a Koralia Nano that I can use if needed).

Lighting: Can use from 2 to 6 x24w T5 (2x6500k, 2x8000k, 2xPlantGrow), going to use 4x24w to start with, on for 7 hours per day.

CO2: Pressurised CO2 system, using a 5kg bottle, using a solenoid valve to shut off when not needed, it comes on 3 hours before lights on and goes off 2 hours before lights out. Using an UP Atomizer for diffusion, also have an Aquamedic 1000 reactor but decided not to use it this time.

Plant Substrate: 18l of ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia (From Aquajardin)

Hardscape: 15Kg of Dragon Stone (from Aquatic Design Centre)

Plants: 4 pots of Staurogyne repens and 6 pots of Hemianthus Callitrichoides "Cuba", all Tropica from ADC.

Fertilisation: Going to try out Tobis Mikro and Makro Special Ferts. Then will decide if I am going to get some more or make my own using dry salts. Have an Aquamedic SP3000 Auto Dosing pump which not going to use at the moment, might do if I starting making my own all in one solution.

Maintenance: 50% daily water change for the first two weeks, then twice a week for another two weeks, and from then onwards once a week (that's the plan anyway).

Equipment shot:


From the above shot replaced the most right rock with something with more texture and little bigger, might have not been the best idea but I preferred it over the rock on the photo. Forgot to take a shot before I started filling it for planting.

While planting it last night:




Top Left:

Top Right:

Taken straight after filling it up and starting the filter:

This morning it had cleared nicely:


Trying to decide which plant to go for the background, not decided yet, maybe Cyperus Helferi, Vivipara or another green plant, maybe a crypt or a stem, also thought about Blyxa.

Thanks for looking

Comments and critiques always welcomed.

Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

looks wicked paulo, cant say more than that. :thumbup: :clap:

Regards, Gus.
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Very nice layout and plant choices 😀 Bet that HC took a bit of patience!! I'd try Crypts at the back personally (Maybe wendtii), and then some parva dotted between the Staurogyne and HC.

I'm not sure if you've got enough ferts in your cabinet though :/ LOL

Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

About time you released the pics Paulo. Looking awesome and I bet it looks even better in the flesh. I will avoid coming over until the tank grows in.

Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

thats brilliant Paulo :thumbup: .
how about Potamogeton octandrus for the background.
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

It looks fantastic, looking forward to see if this evolves too! :thumbup:
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Hi paulo,thats a great looking start,i really like the dragon stone and the layout you have chosen,i would go for blyxa at the back personally,will follow this one ,

Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Hi Paulo,
The tanks looking great! I'd go for Blyxa or if you wanted some colour and extra height what about Blyxa aubertii, I have this in my scape and love it! Whatever you decide the scapes going to be a stunner!
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Many thanks guys 🙂 appreciate the feedback and thanks for the background plant suggestions 😉 just have to see what I can get my hands on and then try it, the Blyxa is good but a pain to trim etc... might have a look at the Potamogeton again, shame none survived from my last tank.
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

great change there LD!! I love it when people do this as it so adverse from your last scape. Thumbs up!

Hows about just some simple crypts at the back (just a couple)
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks guys, yes it was a great change indeed, something that I was not planning at all and then after the heater problems with my tank and turning it to crap decided to start fresh. Its been an interesting challenge so far, now the even bigger challenge is to grow the HC algae free, will see what happens.

Just purchased some Blyxa and Crypt Parva tonight so will see how that goes when I get it 😉
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Great start and nice plant list. :thumbup:
Wanted to vote for blyxa but then saw your last post.
I am sure this one will look brilliant in few weeks...
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Many thanks guys 🙂 I hope it looks better in a few weeks haha
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Day 1:

Day 4:

Only one 70-75% water change so far, doing another tonight! So far so good 😉