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"Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project


25 Jan 2009
I have been long time thinking of creating something like wabi kusa and yesterday I gave it a try. I' appartantly waiting for some plants to come for a bigger wabi kusa project, but meanwhile I have done this:


I have used some common mosses found around courtyard, a fern I picked up from a fence and some unknown for me grass that was growing on and near the moss.

I do not know, how it is going to develop in time, but I couldnt wait for the plants to arrive...

Also I have been curious to try does the plants going to grow on moss, instead of a clay or any other substrates.

Once I have left some plants in my planting tray, as I didnt know whether to give them away or to plant them somewhere in the tanks and I have noticed that HC and some rotala have been thriving on top of the christmas moss . It is such a shame that I do not have a picture of it 🙁 After that I came across a issue in the ASW magazine regaring growing crypts on moss, so I decided to try this approach for my Wabi Kusa project.

Maybe I will add some white sand, if I manage to get some...

I hope you like it!
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Thanks guys, 😀

I hope it will turn up nicely, even if it does not have a large gap for development, but will see..

I just change the name.. I think I like it better this way 😀

I'm just trying to get the right substrate for the larger Wabi Kusa. Cant wait for plants and bits to arrive... :geek:
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Very nice Antoni, I think the white sand is a must! Or some fine gravel.

What is the ball made from? Do you dose the water coloumn?

Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Very nice Antoni, I think the white sand is a must! Or some fine gravel.

What is the ball made from? Do you dose the water coloumn?

Thanks, mate!

I'm trying to get some white sand, but it turns to be a hard task...

The ball actually is a small stone, rapped in moss. And I have planted the grass and ferns on top of it. Actually I wanted to try to grow some plants on top of moss, as it has a low Ph, good water retention capacity.

In the next project I will experiment with some soil/clay based substrate...

I do not dose anything at the moment, but I'm planning to start adding some pottasum and micros, deluted in water and spraying them directly on the plants.
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Antoni Dimitrov said:
Also I have been curious to try does the plants going to grow on moss
I've grown plants on a substrate of pure moss (crypt parva under high humidity)

Antoni Dimitrov said:
I hope you like it!
I do 🙂 It is very nice.
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

It looks really good. Looking forward to see it with sand.
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

I have no experience with fertilizing wabi's, I'd say a tpn+ mix should be fine in a mist bottle?

This wabi has really my walk to the shops abit more enjoyable as I look for little plants to come back and 'borrow' for a wabi 🙂

I could send you a couple handfulls of my silica sand, its a pretty plain natural looking sand, would look good with a few small rocks from outside around the base of the moss? Let me know mate

Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Antoni Dimitrov said:
Thanks Matt!

This is a good example to encourage me 😀

Im wondering what fertiliser to use. Shell I mix something myself or just to get a branded one...?

Amano uses Do!Aqua Be Bright, but we can not get this in Europe and it is costly..

Also I wonder shall I use white sand: http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/unipac- ... -5167.html
or coarse: http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/unipac- ... -5166.html


I always mix my own ferts, purely to save money.
I like the look of the white sand more. It is nice because it is not bright white.
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

JEK said:
It looks really good. Looking forward to see it with sand.
Thanks mate, Im trying to get some sand now!

nayr88 said:
I have no experience with fertilizing wabi's, I'd say a tpn+ mix should be fine in a mist bottle?

This wabi has really my walk to the shops abit more enjoyable as I look for little plants to come back and 'borrow' for a wabi 🙂


Im glad to hear that you like it. I have been walking on the street looking for ideas and I found out so many different types of mosses and small plants, just "behind the corner" It is amazing 😀

About the ferts I will maybe try DIY TPN+ Just need to get small amounts of everything..

I could send you a couple handfulls of my silica sand, its a pretty plain natural looking sand, would look good with a few small rocks from outside around the base of the moss? Let me know mate

Thanks for the offer, I will try to get some white sand first

Dan Crawford said:
This is really cool Antoni, I want one!

Thanks Dan, it is actually nice litle juwel on y window sill.

I always mix my own ferts, purely to save money.
a1Matt said:

I always mix my own ferts, purely to save money.
I like the look of the white sand more. It is nice because it is not bright white.

Yes this is a good point, expecially for such a small wabi..
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

I have managed to get some whitish sand today. This is a litle update of the Wabi Kusa 😀

Im not quite sure about adding some small gravel around the base or to leave it like that...?

Look from above:

This is not the exact setup for the pictures above, but at least is showing the size of the "Moss & fern Garden" 😀
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Very nice! The sand improved it a lot. Try with some gravel, you can always remove it again if it doesn't suit the 'scape.😀
What lightning are you using over it (sorry if you have already mentioned it)?
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Antoni Dimitrov said:
Thanks Johan,

it is positioned on the window sill, so I relay on the ambient light only! 🙂
Okay. I have a question - it's probably stupid, but I'm asking anyway. 😀 How do you deal with algea in wabi-kusa? Is is just manual removal of any algea or is it possible to keep balance in a wabi-kusa so algea does not become an issue?
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

Antoni Dimitrov said:
Well I have not encounter any algae yet, but with regular water changes I believe there will not be any significant outbreaks.
Thanks for your answer, Antoni.
Re: "Moss & fern Wabi garden" - Wabi Kusa project

JEK said:
Antoni Dimitrov said:
Well I have not encounter any algae yet, but with regular water changes I believe there will not be any significant outbreaks.
Thanks for your answer, Antoni.

You welcome my friend!

I have just started fertilizing it with 1 capful of EI mix from Plantedtanks.co.uk deluted in 500 ml of water. Intend to spray it twice a day. Will see how the plants will respond..