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Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape - 12 Rummy Nosed Tetras Added


13 May 2009
Manchester, UK
Hi all!!

Well it's time for me to start planning my new scape! After fighting a losing battle with my original scape (240litre Journal) I'm looking to start again!

So, tank details 100hx40wx60d with a Fluval 405 filter running through a Auqa Medic 1000 reactor (without the balls) connected to a spraybar with the addition of a Hyrdo Korillia 2 and a Maxi-Jet 1000 powerheads to increase the flow. Lights are 2x 49watt T5's.

Here are some pictures of the proposed scape.


Currently sat in a box roughly the same size as the tank and in kitty litter to replicate substrate. Substrate in the tank will be ADA Malaya with sand and graded gravel in the same colours as the stones.

Plants - TBA, but planning the usual hair grass and crypts.

Please comment as I really would like feedback on how to improve the look of the scape.

Thanks for reading!
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Can any one tell me if there is a difference between the different ADA AquaSoils? I currently have Malaya, but I recently read somewhere that is has a lower nutrional content then some of the others? Would I be ok with what I have? Should I replace it with a different type, possibly Amazonia or something else (NatureSoil)? Also would I be alright mixing the different substrates?
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

With aqua soil's:
Malaya - average nutrient base, nice colour, good for maintaining an aqua scape for a long time, soft granules
amazonia - Not the nicest colour, very high nutrient base, everything is geared solely towards plant growth
africana - it has low nutrient's, easy to handle (hard baked), nice colour

Amazonia is solely for plant growth, and you tend to cover it up with carpet plant's and moss, the other to are less geared towards growing plant's and more toward's aesthetic's (looking nice), they are still good for plant's and will last much longer than amazonia, but do not have the same initial growth boost that amazonia has. And stay away from all mark II soils as they cloud your tank, and don't make much difference to the water PH. Apparently I have never used them, I was going to then was warned about them and have just cancelled my order! 😀
If you are worried about the Malaya you could try using ADA power soil, which you are meant to put under your aqua soil and it is really full of nutrient's as well, if you do want to change it, that is probably the best thing to do instead of changing it all!
Hope this help's!
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

O, and I prefer the rock's as they are, although I do love the one you are not using!
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Thanks for the reply Oliver. I wasn't really thinking of replacing the whole lot, I just don't have the pennies! Tho I will need to get some more substrate to achieve what I've done above.

Below taken from - www.aquajournal.net
Malaya - This Aqua Soil is made from somewhat yellowish brown soil. It contains the least amount of organic elements and nitrogen among the Aqua Soil series. Its ability to lower pH is the highest and it enables you to maintain acidic water quality easily

So you think I'm best getting some more Malaya and then mix in some Power Sand too?
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Um, yes it is better to be safe than sorry, but don't mix it in, if you put in the power sand first, but put it like an island in the middle, so it is not touching the glass, and then put the soil over the top and around the sides, that way you won't be able to see the power sand, because if you can see 2 layer's of substrate through the glass it look's rubbish! Yes, Sorry I forgot to mention that, but if you can afford it and you are likely to miss dosing a couple of times then I would, but if you will always be dosing on time and only growing like hair grass etc. I would save my money and spend it on live stock or something! Sorry, I got the impression you were going to change the whole lot of substrate which I though was a little extravagant!!!
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Tom said:
If you are dosing EI then you probably won't need the powersand, unless you're curious like I was!

Humm... it's an expensive curiosity... I would like to see if it makes a difference but it's quite pricey! What are the differences between PS L M and S?

EDIT: Looks like it means Large, Medium and Small in relation to the tanks depth... My tank is 60cms so I assume I'm best going with M? which is from 40-60cms? Would one back suit the size of my tank (100x40x60 cms)?
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Yes, it is not a necessity, but 1 pack would be fine, it just would encourage the root's to grow quicker and give you some leeway on your fert dosing 😀
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Kewl, thanks for the responses guys! Muchos helpful! I'll have to see whether I can convince myself a point of purchase whether its worth it! I do have a habit of talking myself out of things! 😉
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

OK then, I will say if you are going to be reliable with the fert's it is not necessary, especially with the plant's you hope to grow but if you do get it then you have the option to grow certain plant's
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Hey Bob

I have used it on several tanks and powersand special is expensive but worth it in my opinion. I run Amazonia and powersand special and dose EI.

Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

What do you grow? Because that sound's like lot of nutrient's!!! I am considering using power sand, purely because I have not got enough Amazonia by 1 litre, what tank do you use it in?
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

All this talk of substrates has diverted away from my desire for feedback on the initial scape idea. Does anyone else have an opinion on it. I really would like some constructive crit if I can!