The cabinet's here, and painted.
The tank's here and we found one strong man and three less then strong women and we carried it in from the car and didn't drop it. Miracle.
The Columbo Fluro Base is here, as is the sand.
The bog wood (pauses to hear groans, but it fits what I want to do) is here and soaking.
I've got the plastic lawn edging and various other plasticy things to act as barriers between black flora-base and white sand.
Ready to go.
This is it in situ:
Side View: - 75 x 45 - This is the view we'll see when we walk in from either of the two doors

Front view - 90 x 45 - with 75 cm depth.... 🙂 This is the main view, when we're sitting down
Plan: tank: Opti white 90 x 75 x 45 Opti White from TGM
so far no lid but may bet an acryclic one made - in 3 parts, with breaks horizontally so I can clean and work inside without lifting a sheet of 90 x 75 every time...
Cabinet - made by my partner's brother. He swears it will hold half a tonne.
Substrate: Columbo Flora-base from plus Argos white sand with bits of ADA sand for colour
Hardscape: bogwood and dragon stone from TGM
Filter: Eheim 2075 from TGM (will need more circulation - either another filter or Koralias x 2?)
Filter media: Siporex
CO2 - FE route with Sera diffuser from TGM (all the rest from ebay - I used to be a veterinary anaesthetist. If I can't do gases, I need to give up.)
heater - in line from TGM
lighting, Luminare w 4 x T5 w two switches, so can have 2 or 4 on at one time.
plants - HC lawn front left and on island to the right, others - yet to be decided, to define the river and form triangular backdrop back left and left side - Planning a Dry Start Method (thanks to NeilW and Ceg4048)
fauna - tbc
I haven't finished the first draft of the new book yet, so haven't got time to play with the various arty programs to draw layouts - but the primary plan is to have a 'river' of white sand snaking back from a sandy bay and 'cave' of bogwood (it'll make sense when you see it, promise) towards the back right when seen from in front, bending round so that it disappears behind an island of florabase topped with a bit of dragon stone - so there'll be an island on the right and a mass of florabase 'mainland' on the left. HC on the island and on the 'shores of the sandy bay at the front of the tank (seen along 90cm edge), possibly also along the river banks to hide the plastic lawn edging which will keep the river and the island/mainland separate. Then Staurogyne, P. helferi and others growing taller to the back.
I have this: an this as models. But want a *lot* of moss on the wood.
So - big question is: if I make a river of sand, rising and narrowing to the back, but keep it separate from the flora-base with the plastic lawn edging - am I setting myself up for dead spots in the sand? Do I need to put something underneath to allow water to circulate? I have two pieces of 60 x 60 egg crate and had thought of putting them underneath at opposite angles to allow water through. Also have some Siporex and could line that underneath to lift the plastic and form little tunnels through...
or is it OK as it is?
The cabinet's here, and painted.
The tank's here and we found one strong man and three less then strong women and we carried it in from the car and didn't drop it. Miracle.
The Columbo Fluro Base is here, as is the sand.
The bog wood (pauses to hear groans, but it fits what I want to do) is here and soaking.
I've got the plastic lawn edging and various other plasticy things to act as barriers between black flora-base and white sand.
Ready to go.
This is it in situ:
Side View: - 75 x 45 - This is the view we'll see when we walk in from either of the two doors

Front view - 90 x 45 - with 75 cm depth.... 🙂 This is the main view, when we're sitting down

Plan: tank: Opti white 90 x 75 x 45 Opti White from TGM
so far no lid but may bet an acryclic one made - in 3 parts, with breaks horizontally so I can clean and work inside without lifting a sheet of 90 x 75 every time...
Cabinet - made by my partner's brother. He swears it will hold half a tonne.
Substrate: Columbo Flora-base from plus Argos white sand with bits of ADA sand for colour
Hardscape: bogwood and dragon stone from TGM
Filter: Eheim 2075 from TGM (will need more circulation - either another filter or Koralias x 2?)
Filter media: Siporex
CO2 - FE route with Sera diffuser from TGM (all the rest from ebay - I used to be a veterinary anaesthetist. If I can't do gases, I need to give up.)
heater - in line from TGM
lighting, Luminare w 4 x T5 w two switches, so can have 2 or 4 on at one time.
plants - HC lawn front left and on island to the right, others - yet to be decided, to define the river and form triangular backdrop back left and left side - Planning a Dry Start Method (thanks to NeilW and Ceg4048)
fauna - tbc
I haven't finished the first draft of the new book yet, so haven't got time to play with the various arty programs to draw layouts - but the primary plan is to have a 'river' of white sand snaking back from a sandy bay and 'cave' of bogwood (it'll make sense when you see it, promise) towards the back right when seen from in front, bending round so that it disappears behind an island of florabase topped with a bit of dragon stone - so there'll be an island on the right and a mass of florabase 'mainland' on the left. HC on the island and on the 'shores of the sandy bay at the front of the tank (seen along 90cm edge), possibly also along the river banks to hide the plastic lawn edging which will keep the river and the island/mainland separate. Then Staurogyne, P. helferi and others growing taller to the back.
I have this: an this as models. But want a *lot* of moss on the wood.
So - big question is: if I make a river of sand, rising and narrowing to the back, but keep it separate from the flora-base with the plastic lawn edging - am I setting myself up for dead spots in the sand? Do I need to put something underneath to allow water to circulate? I have two pieces of 60 x 60 egg crate and had thought of putting them underneath at opposite angles to allow water through. Also have some Siporex and could line that underneath to lift the plastic and form little tunnels through...
or is it OK as it is?