Denis C.
Hi folks,
Great forum you have here and kudos to the members and moderators. I've been pottering around for a bit reading peoples articles, journals, experience etc.. and I thought I would post up my tank to get some constructive feed back and advice where possible. I've been posting this journal on and I see lots of familiar names on here so I will make the overview brief to avoid repetition.
74l Tank (75cm x 31 x 32) Black plastic trimming was removed and sprayed with white enamel and an elevated stand was created out of 2x2' timber to match the over tank light box.

The DIY overtank light kit is made from 12mm MDF, painted with white high gloss and fitted with 2 x 18w T8's and 2 x 20w T4's. The box is supported by a single 3x2' upright and can pivot up and down for access with the use of a heavy duty door hinge. All tubes have been fitted with reflectors.

Old devonian red sand stone
Horticultural grit
Tropica aquarium soil

(The animals have moved off to better grazing)
Pressurized Co2 from a 2kg FE @ 1-2 bubble per second
Daily dosing of Homemade PPS-Pro Ferts 1ml per 10 gallons
Daily dosing of Tropica Plant Nutrition 1ml per 10 gallons
50% water change ever two days for the first 14 days of the tank being planted.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Echinodorus tenellus
Hemianthus callitrichoides

Planted without water

The tanks has been running for nine days now, not much has happened but the HC has started to move which is great to see as I was beginning to think that I had a sterile tank. As expect the brasiliensis hasn't budged but some of the tenellus is starting to develop new shoots. Other than that, the tank has begun to get algae on the rocks so I am picking up some otto's tomorrow and that's the long and short of it. Its been fun putting it together so far and I'm looking forward to it development.
Tank as of Yesterday (9 days in)

Great forum you have here and kudos to the members and moderators. I've been pottering around for a bit reading peoples articles, journals, experience etc.. and I thought I would post up my tank to get some constructive feed back and advice where possible. I've been posting this journal on and I see lots of familiar names on here so I will make the overview brief to avoid repetition.
74l Tank (75cm x 31 x 32) Black plastic trimming was removed and sprayed with white enamel and an elevated stand was created out of 2x2' timber to match the over tank light box.

The DIY overtank light kit is made from 12mm MDF, painted with white high gloss and fitted with 2 x 18w T8's and 2 x 20w T4's. The box is supported by a single 3x2' upright and can pivot up and down for access with the use of a heavy duty door hinge. All tubes have been fitted with reflectors.

Old devonian red sand stone
Horticultural grit
Tropica aquarium soil

(The animals have moved off to better grazing)
Pressurized Co2 from a 2kg FE @ 1-2 bubble per second
Daily dosing of Homemade PPS-Pro Ferts 1ml per 10 gallons
Daily dosing of Tropica Plant Nutrition 1ml per 10 gallons
50% water change ever two days for the first 14 days of the tank being planted.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Echinodorus tenellus
Hemianthus callitrichoides

Planted without water

The tanks has been running for nine days now, not much has happened but the HC has started to move which is great to see as I was beginning to think that I had a sterile tank. As expect the brasiliensis hasn't budged but some of the tenellus is starting to develop new shoots. Other than that, the tank has begun to get algae on the rocks so I am picking up some otto's tomorrow and that's the long and short of it. Its been fun putting it together so far and I'm looking forward to it development.
Tank as of Yesterday (9 days in)
