My first tank in years! Lets hope I don't just grow algae and if you look at the pics I'm off on a good start with some green water.
So I did the great trek from Swindon to Wrexham to collect my tank and spent 5 hours at The Green Machine extracting every last bit of info Graeme could provide. Hats off to them, the best customer service I have received for a long time so well worth the 6hr round trip.
I picked up a lot of goodies bearing in mind I'm almost starting from scratch after ten years out of the hobby. All I had that was useful was the CO2 setup the rest I had to buy.
90x45x45 optiwhite. I'm waiting for a inlaid glass lid from ADA which will rest on 8 metal clips attached to the top of the tank. The reason I can't have the tank open is the 6 cats I entertain at home, the new tank is cat TV. I'm sure they would find out it was wet one way or the other but once the fish are in I can see them trying to perch on the side. One of my cats has a rare neurological disease[ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index ... 100802.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ] so we have a feeding tube direct into his stomach until he recovers (5 months now and waiting) and my other half does not want complications of him taking a swim. Within minutes of arriving home at 9pm he jumped into the empty tank.

Taken with my iPhone so excuse the quality
So back to the kit.
Once again thanks to Graeme at TGM for helping me focus my plant choices and for the supplying the Knowledge. Something that became apparent is that not a lot is know about using TMC LED lighting for planted tanks so I'm entering Tiger Territory is some respects.
The plan was to create a triangular design inspired by a 1m width Takashi Amano tank but in a 45cm width tank. The tank would be viewed from 2 sides, front and left. I do a bit of photography when I have time and using a leading line can be an important compositional element in a photograph. A tank is very similar to a photograph. It's framed by its very nature, and like a painting we decide how to construct the elements that fill the frame. I used 3 pieces of wood to divide the tank and create the effect of root buttresses. I change my mind between setup and planting as the wood on the right seemed to be too parallel to the other pieces.

I wanted some red plants in the background and to simulate the effect of plants growing up to the base of a tree.
I think I'll lose the Heteranthera zosterifolia once the tank has stabilised.
One of the downsides of not ordering or having the space (in a 2 bed terraced cottage) for a dedicated tank base is the fact i had to install it one a Welsh dresser. I failed to anticipate that it would bend the dresser. I measured at least a 1 cm drop in the centre of the dresser and could no longer open or close the doors properly. So this morning I had to drain 90% of the water and position a support in the centre of the dresser so it would no longer bend. Success! it worked thank god as I thought there might be 180l of water on the floor soon.
So this is the tank today, day 3.

And proof for those that think cats have the ability to avoid disaster, well malcolm has no sense of danger....

So I did the great trek from Swindon to Wrexham to collect my tank and spent 5 hours at The Green Machine extracting every last bit of info Graeme could provide. Hats off to them, the best customer service I have received for a long time so well worth the 6hr round trip.
I picked up a lot of goodies bearing in mind I'm almost starting from scratch after ten years out of the hobby. All I had that was useful was the CO2 setup the rest I had to buy.
90x45x45 optiwhite. I'm waiting for a inlaid glass lid from ADA which will rest on 8 metal clips attached to the top of the tank. The reason I can't have the tank open is the 6 cats I entertain at home, the new tank is cat TV. I'm sure they would find out it was wet one way or the other but once the fish are in I can see them trying to perch on the side. One of my cats has a rare neurological disease[ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index ... 100802.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ] so we have a feeding tube direct into his stomach until he recovers (5 months now and waiting) and my other half does not want complications of him taking a swim. Within minutes of arriving home at 9pm he jumped into the empty tank.

Taken with my iPhone so excuse the quality
So back to the kit.
- 90cm optiwhite
hydor external heater
sera inline diffuser
eheim 2076 external filter
Fire extinguisher CO2
7l ADA power sand special (perhaps a bit more than required)
21l ADA Amazonia granules
Cal Aqua lily pipe/inlet
hardscape 3 x ironwood
2x TMC Growbeam 1000 ND lighting tile and suspension kit + power controllers
Vortech MP10 powerhead
- marsilea hirsuta in foreground
cryptocoryne wendtii brown and green
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Pogostemon Stellata
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Rotala sp "green"
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Micranthemum umbrosum
Once again thanks to Graeme at TGM for helping me focus my plant choices and for the supplying the Knowledge. Something that became apparent is that not a lot is know about using TMC LED lighting for planted tanks so I'm entering Tiger Territory is some respects.
The plan was to create a triangular design inspired by a 1m width Takashi Amano tank but in a 45cm width tank. The tank would be viewed from 2 sides, front and left. I do a bit of photography when I have time and using a leading line can be an important compositional element in a photograph. A tank is very similar to a photograph. It's framed by its very nature, and like a painting we decide how to construct the elements that fill the frame. I used 3 pieces of wood to divide the tank and create the effect of root buttresses. I change my mind between setup and planting as the wood on the right seemed to be too parallel to the other pieces.

I wanted some red plants in the background and to simulate the effect of plants growing up to the base of a tree.
I think I'll lose the Heteranthera zosterifolia once the tank has stabilised.
One of the downsides of not ordering or having the space (in a 2 bed terraced cottage) for a dedicated tank base is the fact i had to install it one a Welsh dresser. I failed to anticipate that it would bend the dresser. I measured at least a 1 cm drop in the centre of the dresser and could no longer open or close the doors properly. So this morning I had to drain 90% of the water and position a support in the centre of the dresser so it would no longer bend. Success! it worked thank god as I thought there might be 180l of water on the floor soon.
So this is the tank today, day 3.

And proof for those that think cats have the ability to avoid disaster, well malcolm has no sense of danger....