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Filled and planted 2 weeks.
2.5 month update.
3.5 month update.
8 month update.
Hello and welcome to my new journal.
And yes, believe it or not this is my first "Normal" shaped planted tank. I am aiming to run this for a couple of months along side the corner then break the corner down.
The tank is a Rio 180 which i inherited from my sister whom had been using it for keeping bearded dragons. After ALOT of cleaning and rubbing off old tape i got it to a state where i would actually keep fish in it.

The tank was actually the beech model but its going into my period themed flat so I spent a bit of time with Ronseal "Paint and Grain" making it a deep mahogany wood effect instead. I'm quite happy with the results and would recommend it to anyone struggling with horrible laminate facings in the wrong colours....

The Base unit is a bust up victorian sideboard which I picked up in an auction for £30. I've treated the woodworm 8) and cut holes in the back for the pipework. The real wood top and sides are quite thick and i've added extra support to the base to compensate for worm damage. I've not tested the tank or base yet with a fill but if there are any issues with the cupboard i'll add extra support.
I've bought in a couple of EX 1200 filters to nail the flow problem on the head from the start of this tank. I am aiming to run the reactor off one and the hydor heater off the other. I do have spraybars which i was planning on using for the outflows but i'm not final on this yet. You can see in the photo a large ream of tubing i found from a bike supply merchant. It's 16/22 and cost less then £1 a meter. I got tons spare just because it was so cheap.
Layout wise I'm aiming for a combination of dragon stone and redmoor. I'm going to aim to have a built up terrace area on one side where the majority of the planting will be. The redmoor will arc over and down into a sand substrate in the other side of the tank. I'll do some test layouts later next week for general feedback.
I have some tropica plant substrate and alot of inert gravel and sand for the substrate. Although depending on how much of it is planted I could use the rest of the Flora Base I have kicking about here instead. But i'm a little too uprooting and replanting happy to be really very comfortable with the soft clay granule substrates yet...
Plants wise I'll use alot of the stuff from my corner, with HC cascading down from the terrace between the stones onto the sand below. I also wanted to add some stems for the first time in a while to fill out the planted area. Possibly the Rotata green, red combo that looks so nice prunes into bushes. I think this would suit the scale.
More soon, I'm getting very excited about getting this finally up and running after so many months of planning.
Best Regards,
Filled and planted 2 weeks.
2.5 month update.
3.5 month update.
8 month update.
Hello and welcome to my new journal.
And yes, believe it or not this is my first "Normal" shaped planted tank. I am aiming to run this for a couple of months along side the corner then break the corner down.
The tank is a Rio 180 which i inherited from my sister whom had been using it for keeping bearded dragons. After ALOT of cleaning and rubbing off old tape i got it to a state where i would actually keep fish in it.

The tank was actually the beech model but its going into my period themed flat so I spent a bit of time with Ronseal "Paint and Grain" making it a deep mahogany wood effect instead. I'm quite happy with the results and would recommend it to anyone struggling with horrible laminate facings in the wrong colours....

The Base unit is a bust up victorian sideboard which I picked up in an auction for £30. I've treated the woodworm 8) and cut holes in the back for the pipework. The real wood top and sides are quite thick and i've added extra support to the base to compensate for worm damage. I've not tested the tank or base yet with a fill but if there are any issues with the cupboard i'll add extra support.
I've bought in a couple of EX 1200 filters to nail the flow problem on the head from the start of this tank. I am aiming to run the reactor off one and the hydor heater off the other. I do have spraybars which i was planning on using for the outflows but i'm not final on this yet. You can see in the photo a large ream of tubing i found from a bike supply merchant. It's 16/22 and cost less then £1 a meter. I got tons spare just because it was so cheap.
Layout wise I'm aiming for a combination of dragon stone and redmoor. I'm going to aim to have a built up terrace area on one side where the majority of the planting will be. The redmoor will arc over and down into a sand substrate in the other side of the tank. I'll do some test layouts later next week for general feedback.
I have some tropica plant substrate and alot of inert gravel and sand for the substrate. Although depending on how much of it is planted I could use the rest of the Flora Base I have kicking about here instead. But i'm a little too uprooting and replanting happy to be really very comfortable with the soft clay granule substrates yet...
Plants wise I'll use alot of the stuff from my corner, with HC cascading down from the terrace between the stones onto the sand below. I also wanted to add some stems for the first time in a while to fill out the planted area. Possibly the Rotata green, red combo that looks so nice prunes into bushes. I think this would suit the scale.
More soon, I'm getting very excited about getting this finally up and running after so many months of planning.
Best Regards,